
Chapter 1 - AWAKENING

Edward POV

Victoria is finally dead, and the fight with the newborn is over too, other than a small hitch. Jacob is injured, and now Bella is panicking while I carry her to the battlefield.

Seth's memory flashes through my mind; apparently, news from the Werewolf Pack telepathic network, the Volturi are on their way here.

Apparently, Alice had a vision, and she informed the wolves that the wolves had to leave fast because the Volturi see wolves as destroyers of order; these wet dogs have little to no control over them. Driven by their hormones only to bring chaos.

The purple billowing smoke all around was a sign of the intense battle that took place moments ago. I see Bella scrunching her face up after smelling the air. I allow myself a small smile after seeing this. She shouldn't have witnessed the battle; it feels wrong to let her see the animalistic side of mine. Bella is in the middle of all this mess, and I don't like it one bit.

Finally, reaching the clearing, I see my family. I give Carlisle a nod and let Bella down. I give a wary look to the vampire being forced down by Jasper. The smell of Bella's blood riles him up. Apparently this one surrendered, and he's been hiding from the beginning. I sense his hunger, his fear, and how he is worried about the future.

Bella's eyes widen with fear and shock upon seeing the newborn; she becomes stiff after a feral growl escapes the newborn's throat. I take her hand and hold her close to my chest, reassuring her by patting her head. She does not reply, becoming dazed.

"How long"? I ask. Three minutes is the reply that comes from Alice. My emotions start raging, thinking of how Bella will have to face Volturi again. Jasper sensing it calms me down.

Bella breaks away from the hug, asking Carlisle about Jacob. He reassures her, telling her Jacob will be fine with his supernatural healing. Even now she is worried about him, and as I get annoyed thinking about this, my mind suddenly blacks out.

Jason POV

Three minutes!


I hear this, and a sense of urgency rises within me. I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know these three minutes will decide my life and death.

It feels wrong; my mind screams at me! I shouldn't be here, but being held down like an animal riles me up, and I start struggling only to get my head buried under the soft soil beneath. I was pulled back up. "Behave," a voice warns me. I look up and take in the features of my assaulter: honey blonde hair and an exquisite face.

And, all of a sudden, I am barraged by various scents, smells, and sights. I take in the various colors—some of them I had never seen before—and a new world of information, but all of them get suppressed by my thirst. A scorching desert is what I can describe it as.

A sweet scent hits me, and I automatically know this is what I need to quench it, so I move. An invisible wave seems to spread with me as its center—not too far, just a few meters—but enough to get my job done.

I wrench off the upper body of the girl called "Bella" and whizz off, leaving a trail of shallow craters and her innards behind. The group of vampires behind me are stiff as statues, not caring about them. I dig my teeth inside her throat, and I don't know how to explain it, but if there is ambrosia, then this is it.

As her body is drained, her body starts decaying at a very fast rate; it disappears along with the cloth. I gave up on figuring it out and just ran.

A manic scream echoes in the forest behind me as I pick up a series of footsteps catching up to me. I can feel something altering in my mind, but I focus on just running, knowing I will die if I stop.

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