
Tony Stark

After a few moments of resting and catching my breath, I rose to my feet and looked at the surroundings and the damage I had caused. The streets were covered with clumps of cooled magma, leaving strange formations in the area surrounding me.

There were no zombies in sight either, not even a corpse had survived my superheated explosion. I must say, even though I was quite terrified of the fact that I had been dropped into the zombie apocalypse in a world that may or may not have superpowered zombies, I was quite excited at the fact I had caused some damage to this extent.

Walking away from the area and back to the building, I eventually powered down back into human form after the Omnitrix timed out. I half expected that I would time out after I created that explosion, but I won't complain that I didn't. I doubt I would have survived in the near 3000-degree heat after the explosion.

After around 20 minutes of walking and sometimes running, I arrived back at the apartment building where I had left behind my bag of food and water. I checked inside to make sure that nothing had happened to the things and happily found that nothing was wrong.

During the walk I kept an eye out for anything that might give me an idea of where I might be able to go from here. I did see a pawn shop along the way, so I planned to check that out after I had gathered my supplies.

If I was lucky, I would find a radio I could use, maybe see if there were any signals going out to the world for survivors or something. I couldn't lose anything even if I didn't find anything.

Giving one final check over everything in the lobby of the building, I made sure that I hadn't missed something that may have been important. Not finding anything I decided that it was time to head to the pawn shop.

During the time that I was doing a final check, the Omnitrix had recharged. There was something that I had wanted to test before heading out, and if it worked it would make travelling this world a breeze.

I strapped the gym bag to my back, slipping my arms through the handles to act as straps, then I activated the Omnitrix once again, changing to a different alien besides Heatblast. I stopped the dial on a roughly humanoid shape without legs and skin with cracks running through the skin.

Selecting the alien for transformation, I could feel my skin tightening and the bones in my cheek poking through. My fingers elongated and gained sharp claws and my legs fused and shrunk down to a wisp, yet I stayed floating in the air.

My flesh, if it could even be called that, gained a gray color and cracks appeared along my skin. Finally, my eyes vanished, being replaced by an eye visible in the cracks that was capable of movement between the cracks.

"Ghostfreak!" My second alien in this world and it was one that had the potential to be an evil alien that wanted nothing more than to probably kill me. After all, being trapped in the Omnitrix for so long may not be a great thing to experience.

Putting the idea of a psychopathic alien that may come to kill me in the future, I looked around the area, trying to find any sign of the backpack and the supplies that I had gathered. When I didn't find any sign of them, I touched the Omnitrix symbol on my chest and humanized once more.

Doing so caused the backpack to materialize once more on my back. I couldn't help but be grateful at the handy function that the Omnitrix had just showcased. If I was able to float through buildings using Ghostfreak, then I would practically nullify all chance of being attacked and turned into a zombie.

"Pawn shop, here I come." I transformed once more and floated out the wall in the direction I remembered the pawn shop being. I would occasionally have to float above the city to make sure I was still on course for the shop, so I would turn myself invisible so as to not attract attention.

Within 10 minutes I had finally arrived at the pawn shop and slipped through the walls. There was hardly any light in the room so I couldn't tell if there were any zombies that I needed to worry about. After waiting in silence for a full minute and not hearing the slightest shuffling, I decided that it was safe to humanize here.

After a few more seconds of waiting, as I was unsure if zombies would've been able to find me if I was in my Ghostfreak form, I finally relaxed after confirming that there were indeed no zombies in the shop.

I walked around the shop but couldn't really see anything because of the darkness. I pondered over becoming Heatblast to light up the area but decided against it in the end. I didn't know what was in here, there could be possible combustible material that I didn't know of.

I did manage to make out a door on the other side of the main area, deciding that would be the best bet to find something along the lines of a light source I decided to go and search in that area.

Arriving in a hallway with more doors leading to different rooms, I methodically looked through the rooms with extreme precision... and by that, I mean I would go door to door, look inside and if I thought I saw something that might be a flashlight or lamp I would check it out.

After looking through the third room I came across a desk that looked like it belonged to the owner. The desk had a few drawers, hopefully he owned a flashlight that I could use.

In the bottom drawer of the desk, I was lucky enough to find exactly what I was looking for, a battery powered flashlight, batteries included. I instantly turned the light on and looked through the other drawers to make sure I didn't miss anything important.

Finding nothing, I left the room and returned to the main floor where I was able to see that there was indeed an old radio set. It even had a microphone attached to it, so it should be able to send a signal out to anyone.

I looked at the radio set and moved it to a clearer surface. I didn't have a clue as to what anything on the machine meant, but I knew who would. I flipped through the dial on the Omnitrix and looked for the little guy.

A few moments later and the dial was pressed. My flesh turned into a bluish gray and my hair receded into my scalp. I shrunk in height, becoming less than half a foot tall and my pupils became rectangular.

"Grey Matter!" I jumped up to the table and looked at the radio in front of me. Using my newfound knowledge, I proceeded to take the radio apart and make some adjustments. Now I would be able to access more frequencies than I would've been able to before and I could also send signals farther than ever.

I turned the radio on and grabbed the microphone, hoping that someone, anyone would receive my signals and hopefully tell me what to do.

"Hello, hello, this is a survivor, currently in a pawn shop in New York. If anyone is receiving this signal please respond, I repeat, if anyone is receiving this please respond." I waited a few moments for a reply but none ever came.

I switched to a new frequency and proceeded to repeat the process of transmitting my message. "Hello, hello, this is a survivor..."

An hour passed and I still hadn't heard anything from the radio, not even static because of my alien improvements. But then I finally heard it, a voice from the radio.

"This is Tony Stark to the survivor in the pawn shop, do you hear me?" I rushed over as fast as I could, not wanting to miss this moment. It hadn't even been a full day and I was already missing human interaction.

"Yes, yes this is the survivor, I can hear you." I was almost crying at this moment; I was finally going to meet someone who didn't want to kill me... hopefully.

"Good, you're still alive. I'm on my way to New York now to investigate an explosion, I can pick you up on my way back." Tony spoke to me once more, saying he would come get me. Though he said something about an explosion, I hadn't seen any explosions in the area.

Then it hit me, I was the one that had caused the explosion using Heatblast to kill all those zombies. My plan worked, someone came to investigate the explosion!

"Sir, I know what caused the explosion, if you reach me, I can show you what happened." I didn't want to lose this opportunity. I didn't know if he would go there and leave without me after a few hours, so I needed to hook him now.

"..." There was a silence from the other side, one that I didn't find comforting. After what felt like an eternity he finally spoke once again. "Alright, stay put I'll be there shortly."

Yes! I'm saved! Someone is coming to save me!

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