
Epilogue - New Survival Game

Next day, Aisyah decided to move to his apartment. Last night, Jo didn't making love with Aisyah. He just enjoyed her tender skin. Her breast and her butt didn't escape his clutch. But all in all, Jo just teased her, nothing more. He still had a wall to start intimate relationship with anyone, including his slaves. He could die anytime and any moment.

He and Aisyah went to airport together. He wanted to stay low key. But Aisyah had already moved to his apartment. Sooner or later, everyone would know about our relationship. Because of that, Jo decided to not hide their relationship as lover. It was obvious, how could Jo announce that Aisyah was his slave? He was not crazy enough to do that.

Of course, envy gaze immediately focused at him. Jo felt really uncomfortable, but something inside his mind calmed him down. Jo looked around and smiled at the pitiful males.

They looked like very pissed by Jo victorious smile. They wanted to beat Jo, but Airport Authorities would surely made them kicked off from their airlines.

After bidding Aisyah goodbye, Jo walked toward his post. But the time suddenly stopped and eerie voice rang again.

"Greeting esteemed host. How your holiday is? Ready to new survival game? Let's play!"

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