
Death_ the destination of the survivor

I am wandering in the chaotic market full of goods to be traded for increasing the chances of survival by the survivors. Earth has turned into hell by the war for the power by the mighty leaders of mighty countries....of mighty armies. Killing their own countrymen in their attempts to kill enemies. I was wondering when death would consume me whom I have cheated and had fed others to it instead of me.

I survived in this hell for almost six months by taking the time and life which others possessed. I pity myself for struggling this hard to live in the planet which is being torn apart by its very own sons and daughters.

I heard some noise. Hmm.... I recognize that sound. It is the sound of alarm, the siren which is played at the time of the attacks. The island is being evacuated . Everyone are trying to save their lives without recognizing the truth that death is far better than this hell. It is a chaos .

Ahhh..... The sound. ... it is the missile. The death is proclaiming his entry with the sound to strike us with his sword of fear. He is approaching us with the forceful air as his hands breaking everything in his path in the form of fire feeding on all those who encounter to satisfy his never ending hunger . I can see him moving forward by burning everyone in his way. It is my turn . His sword of fear cannot harm me. The wind , his hands threw me breaking my bones and started feeding on me burning my skin , muscles turning me into ash.

Some say at the time of death ,all our life flashes upon our eyes, for me it was the past six months.........