
Deicide (2)

"Using a special camouflage on my ship, I followed Charir-Dar northward. We arrived at the continent you human's called Europe. We moved towards the largest land mass where a crater was filled with water and had a storm in the center of it."

Leo looked at the ship the three of them were near. The technology of these alien races always impressed him. Everyone was more advanced than the earthing's tech.

"The storm was a vortex of wind and lightning. It also had a mana formation surrounding it. I will explain more about the storm in a bit. All four race's leaders met in the sky. Charir-Dar of the draconians, Eleora, and Eli of the winged humans, Unit One of the beastmen, and Fea of mermanians."

Jira who was quiet this entire time spoke up. "Master, how did the most powerful being not find you spying on them."

"They didn't deal with me until they were done. The meeting of the powers went like so..."


The draconian was covered in red scales wearing a shiny blue metallic armor. His purple eyes held only arrogance.

The beastman to his right was covered in armor with blue fur on it. His silver fur made him look like Unit 737. He was canine-variant with many scars all over his body. His dark eyes told the others he wasn't here to talk.

The couple in white robes was Eli and Eleora. They were blond hair and blue eyed winged humans. Eleora's wings had light blue feathers, and Eli's were bright yellow color.

The most mysterious was the women wearing a hood and an aquamarine battle dress. It almost looked like a cloud of mist floated around her.

Charir-Dar decided to break the silence. "I am Charir-Dar, I am Adam 721's 1st son."

"Shut up draconian. We are all descendants of an Adam," Eli said as a matter of fact.

"Why are you three in the territory, we human have claimed here?" asked Eleora.

This angered the other three. How dare a mid Construct Evolution talk to them like that. If her cultivation partner weren't next to her, she wouldn't be a threat at all.

"I, Unit One, want whatever was left by the god who gave mana back to this solar system. Hand it over, and I shall leave."

Fea and Charir-Dar looked toward this brazen beastman. Eli smiled at the man's directness. Eleora smiled and said, "well it's in the middle of that storm. Go take it yourself."

Unit One wasted no time and flew towards the storm. He wasn't here to talk to these people.

Fea and Charir-Dar didn't follow. They were here also to see what was left here but didn't like the way this human told them to go and get it.

A golden circle lit up around the edge of the crater and Unit One slammed into some kind of force field. Backpedaling a bit, Unit One and everyone above saw golden words lit up upon the barrier.

Only human's of the earth may receive Zeus' legacy.

Charir-Dar clicked his tongue. He knew that this mana barrier was erected by that god, Hermes, he slew. That was why he was weakened when they fought. He placed this here when he knew various civilizations were coming here.

The other three chuckled at the beastman's stupidity. Eli and Eleora knew it was going to happen. Did these three think they didn't try to retrieve this power for themselves?

Unit One was angered for being played like a fool. He howled and unleashed his claw. "Human's, how dare you?" Unit One flew at them.

Grasping each other's hand, Eli and Eleora erected a barrier of light around them. Unit One's claw couldn't even penetrate. He backed off to figure out what to do next.

Surprisingly Fea spoke up. "Let's not fight this out here. We have already claimed our territories on this planet. I say let our people fight for us. No need for us to dirty our hands." The meaning behind her words meant, let the strength of your civilization speak for you.

Unit One calmed down and nodded. The rest nodded in agreement. Charir-Dar was disappointed he didn't get what was left behind, but he decided to bring up another prominent issue.

"The day the beastmen arrived to this planet, three meteors crash landed also. One in the southernmost land mass, one in the jungles of a continent in my territory, and the final one landed in the land northeast of here in your territory humans."

Eli and Eleora looked at each other. "Yes, a thing landed soon after we settled. We reacted right away and went there. Surround in ice and earth was the egg of the Deicide beast, a space beast that destroys civilizations. Luckily we killed it right away before he could hatch."

Charir-Dar clenched his fist. He knew he should have flown to that location, but he was too busy keeping tabs on all the races arriving.

Since Charir-Dar brought it up meant he didn't know. Fea spoke up, "this means we have two space beast on this Planet, and they are growing as we speak. It only takes twenty years for those beasts to be at Construct Evolution level."

Unit One started to shake. The last Unit One died fighting a new-born space beast. The Deicide died killing him. Cold sweat began to cover Unit One's back.

"I will go look for the beast in the jungle of my territory. Who will go south to kill the one that landed there?"

They all looked at each other and Fea said she would. Her territory was close to the southern continent.

"With that settled, I think our conversation is complete. My only question is what are we going to do about that spy listening in on us. I can feel its mana, but I get a feeling of life from it."

"He followed me here. I will kill him on the way back."

Not wanting to bother with a lone Avatar Establishment, the other left the job to Charir-Dar.


"When I heard them speak about me, I knew it was time for me to leave. I flew off in my ship, but the draconian flew after me in pursuit."

Leo and Jira were still trying to process all that was told. A god power left for humans of Earth, a space beast that kills civilizations, and now Zero was being chased by the Draconian King.

"Eventually, I was caught. I exited to the ship to try to dissuade the draconian from killing me. When I did walk up to him, he asked me a question."


"I know you were hiding in the continent with the jungle. Do you know anything about this egg that crashed there?"

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