
Prologue: Project survival

Dr Charles! Dr Charles! the energy serum NG65 is a success, a complete success, Zu Lin said joyfully while gasping for air.

Is this true and not just another april fools joke like the last time, Dr charles replied calmly, i won't believe you until i see the data for myself. There's no need for you to go to the lab, i already collected the data on my tabloid, take it and see for yourself, she hands the tabloid to him. What the fuck! he shouts, we really did it or am i dreaming, he slaps himself to check, ouch!. ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! he laughed loudly, now those dumb engineers who only know about metals and the computer freaks won't be able to laugh at our medical research department again. Ah! this is great, this is great. Zu Lin, i'm really happy, very happy he cries joyfully. Zu Lin snorted and says, i brought you a very good news all the way from the lab to your office sweating like a christmas chicken expecting a thanks from you but instead you called me an april fool's joke, you now have the mouth to call my name. Oh i've been wronged, she says while she fakes crying. Okay i'm sorry, you know i only have you, my beautiful assistant so thank you "soooooo much". okay i've heard you, she replied while smiling. Zu Lin do you know why i am so happy? Those bastards of the engineering and computer research deparment have laughing at us since they finished their research months ago, i couldn't raise my head but now i can proudly raise my head high even higher than theirs because without our evolution serums, project survival can never be a go. Zu Lin tell all our lab rats that they all get an increase in their salaries.Okay sir, she replied. Okay, you can go i need to call the top guys. Okay, she smiles as she walks out of the room. Dr Charles moves to his seat, sits down and pick up the telephone and dials a number, the phone was picked up at the other end of the line and a very thick and grumpy voice sounded, Hello Dr Charles what do you have for me today, the grumpy voice sounded. Major General, good news sir, all evolution serums are done sir. They are even better than we thought sir especially the energy serum, it is three times better than the first ones. The brain serum is also ready and its perfect sir. Good news indeed, after ten years of research and tests, you bastards have finally done it, the major general said. What's next major general, is it a go? Dr Charles asked. Yes it is a go, project survival is a go, the major general answered.

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