
Chapter 4: NGS Camp (2)

Meanwhile sometime ago in Captain Frank's office on the aircraft. Captain Frank is sitting on a chair calmly watching a video recording of Luke and Carl's fight in the training room. Movich was quietly standing behind him while he also watched the video clip too. The captain paused the video. He then puts the tabloid on the desk as he sighed. "He really is a freak of nature to become this strong in only seven years" captain Frank said as he rested his back on the chair. "Movich what do you think?" the captain asked.

For him to be able to put up with Carl's strength is an amazing thing itself but what i most admire are his techniques. All he used were simple fighting techniques but he used them like they were high grade techniques. Those techniques should have been trained to the highest level. He should have broken through his first limit but he is still stronger than many that have done the same. Only those freaks that are supposed to already be in the senior camp but are still staying at the junior camp can beat him. Carl is also very strong, he should be able stand up to him after he breaks through his first limit.

He hasn't broken through is first limit. The captain said as he sghed deeply.

What did you say? Movich said in a shocked voice.

Luke has not broken through the first limit. He has not even distributed his power points among his various attributes. All his seven years of training was just to reach his first limit. Luke's limit is even harder to break through than Carl's first limit.

"But that's impossible" Movich said while still feeling shocked. How can his limit be stronger than that of a person born with innate strength.

There's nothing impossible for "that person". He is his son after all. It is with his help that Carl became this strong. I already collected two new sets of serums from him. I plan to use them on Carl as soon as we get we back to the camp. God knows what kind of serums he has injected into his boy. "The boy does not even know how crazy his father is" the captain said as he sighed deeply.

"I don't really know how the "Doc" thinks",Movich said as he looked at the watch that just vibrated on his hand. Captain Frank we have reached the recruit camp.

Okay. Inform them that we've arrived and tell them to open the hatch. Those bastards are always about protocol. They would have noticed us on their radar but they will still wait for us to ask for permission before allowing entry. Just go. "I will inform the boys myself" the captain said as he moves closer to his desk and speaks into microphone that was on his table. Movich also left the office.

Back to the present time. The aircraft landed in the hangar as the hatch closes. Two people can be seen waiting at the hangar. They only waited for a short moment before the aircraft's plug door opened.

Captain Frank walked out of the aircraft with Luke and Carl following behind him. The two people saluted the captain and walked up to him. A respectful look could be seen on their faces as they saluted the captain.

"Liutenants" the captain greeted them as he shook their hands. "Where's that crazy captain of yours"? Doesn't she know i've arrived?

"The Captain is busy with some things" one of the liutenants said.

"Okay". Where the hell are my recruits? You guys said they were waiting at the hangar already. I don't see them. I only see aicrafts and you two liutenants.

That's what the captain is busy with. The same liutenant spoke again. I will explain everything to you as we walk. Is that okay with you sir?

It's fine but my pilot is still in the airplane. He still has some things to do.

Don't worry sir. Second liutenant Harvey will go keep him company and bring him into the base when he's done. If that's all, captain please follow me. He takes the lead forward and the captain followed beside him. Luke and Carl looked at themselves, both not knowing what was going on. Without hesitating a bit they also followed behind the captain and the liutenant. The other liutenant that was called second liutenent Harvey watched as they left before he turned and walked towards the aircraft.

Before you guys arrived the M.E camp had arrived earlier. When they landed, the captain immediately came to greet them herself. She also brought the recruits meant for them. Normally they would just take the recruits and go but this time they didn't just leave. They asked for the files of all the recruits with special abilities. The captain gave it to them without hesitation. The liutenant talked as they walked towards a direction.

"Why are we walking towards the combat room" the captain asked the liutenant.

"That's where the captain is" the liutenant replied as they neared the door to the combat room. " The problem started when they asked for a recruit with one of the rarest abilities".

What ability is that?

Mechanical fort and metal control.

What the hell! Not just one but two abilities that deals with metals. I can see why those M.E guys are trying to cause trouble. So how are they going to settle it.

They said they want a competition between the your two camps. The winner takes the boy. The captain has been trying to talk them against it but the decision is already made. They even called Their general and he gave them the go ahead.

They finally got to the combat room. The liutenent opened the door and they all walked in. Upon entering the saw a whole lot of people in the combat room. They were divided into three sides. The M.E camp members were all sitting at the right side of the combat room while the recruit camp officers were all sitting at the left side of the combat room. The recruits were all sitting at the end facing the combat room's entrance.

The liutenant walked towards a female soldier and saluted her before finding a sit behind her. The female soldier was the captain of the recruits camp. She was a beautiful red haired middle aged woman that was quite busty.She had an average height and was quite slim. She looked over at the captain. "Frank, come take care of this situation yourself. I already tried my best" she said with a smile on her face.

The captain looked at the woman calmly. "Thank you Kristen" he said before he turned to look to the right at the M.E camp members. Douglas, you motherfucker. It been a long time we've seen each other but you seem to have become more presumptuous.

The man the captain called "Douglas" stood up from his seat and walked towards captain Frank slowly. He was a very tall and thin man with a very handsome face. Lucas looked at the man closely. He noticed a very shrewd look flash past his face. The man was like a viper laying an ambush.

Frank, oh Frank. You still sound so rude while you talk. That's why you are still at the captain rank even after all your contributions. The man said while still smiling.

Cut the bullshit and let's settle this issue at hand. How are we going to compete for the the boy.

It's going to be a challenge. I can see you brought two special recruits. I also brought one. He's General Zu's youngest son. We of the M.E camp challenge any of your special recruits to a fight. "How's that?" he asked while smiling.

"Frank don't fall for his trap" Captain Kristen said with a worried look. The boy is really strong. He was personally trained by the general since he was six years. He has also awakened his ability and he already knows how to control it.

I know very much about him. Zu Sheng, youngest son of general Zu long. Awakened his ability at twelve years and already has great control over it at age sixteen. He hasn't joined the M.E junior camp but he is already at the fifteenth position on the M.E camp's junior camp's blood dragon ranking. He is nicknamed wargod. His ability is transformation but no one knows what he transforms into. "So don't worry i also have my plans" he said without looking at captain Kristen. I agree to your terms Douglas. What's your stake.

A full set of tailor made equipments for the two special recruits behind you. It will be according to their designs. That's our stake.

It's not enough. Compared to the boy, your stakes are not enough.

Don't bite off more than what you can chew, Frank.

Is there anything that i can't chew. Don't worry about me, my mouth is big enough. So it's either you increase your stake or i take away the boy and the other recruits. You know you can't stop me.

Okay, what do you want add to the stakes? He asked as he sounded a little bit pissed off. "He really pissed me off, if not because the general told me to do anything to recruit that boy into the M.E camp. I would have stopped negotiating with this brute" the captain thought to himself.

I want two full sets of gravity cuffs and a bone breaker. You see that my request is not that excessive at least i didn't ask for a mecha.

Bullshit. What request is not excessive but it's still within my power of approval but what do you want to use a bone breaker for? That thing is for mad men. Oh i forgot you are a mad man yourself. It's a deal, so who's the one to fight between the two, he asked while looking at both Luke and Carl.

Luke, you are fighting so get on the stage. Carl let's go, the captain said as he walked towards an empty seat that was placed beside Captain Kristen.

"Do your best brother" Carl said. He also moved away to stand behind the captain.

Luke didn't say anything. He only looked at the stage calmly and walked towards it. With a single jump he was already on the stage. He looked calmly at Captain Douglas, who was surprised at how calm Luke was.

"Zu Sheng get on the stage" captain Douglas said as he walked to his seat.

Zu Sheng stood up and walked towards the stage. He also had a calm look on his face. Just like Luke did, he also got on the stage with just a jump. He looked at Luke calmly without saying anything.

Luke looked at Zu Sheng with a bit of an admiring look. Zu Sheng was so young but he already has such a big reputation. Zu Sheng had a face that made him very handsome, a deep blue hair that added to his charm. He was taller than himself by just two inches. He had an average sized body. "He is not as handsome as i am" Luke said in his head. Zu Sheng was dressed in a cultural chinese long robe and trouses with a pair of flat shoes. Luke could feel a type of dangerous feeling from Zu Sheng. It was as if he was being stared at by a beast. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement pass through his body.

Zu Sheng also looked at Luke calmly. He had a feeling that he has met a powerful opponent though Luke didn't release any aura. He had always trusted his intuition when he fights. He slowly rolled up his sleeves, he then pressed a button on the bracelets on his hands. A metallic amour spread from the bracelets on his wrists till they covered his whole fists. The bracelets actually formed a pair of gauntelets on his hands.The gauntelets had sharp metal claws at the end of the fingers.

Luke looked at the gauntelets closely for a while before unsheating the military knife he wore on his waist. He held the millitary knife in his right hand in a reverse grip as he got into a defensive position..

Zu Sheng looked at him closely. He was a little bit surprised by the millitary knife but he said nothing. Neither did he think Luke was looking down him.

"Is he looking down on Zu Sheng?" Someone from the M.E asked.

"He's a fool if he looks down on Zu Sheng. All the people that once looked down on Zu Sheng all lost to him" another M.E camp member said.

"They are both so handsome, i don't even know who to support" said a female recruit member.

" It seems, that guy Luke has gotten overconfident. Why would he use a millitary knife against a new tech gauntelet" a male recruit member commented.

A lot of people watching had something to say. Only the captains and a few other experienced soldiers did not comment.

Luke could hear all the comments but they were not his concern and there's no reason he would explain himself to them. Zu Sheng is his main concern now.

"I hope you give me an enjoyable fight" Zu sheng said while getting into an attack stance.

"I plan to" Lucas replied calmly.

Zu Sheng immediately attacked, with a very fast speed his attack was already in front of Lucas. The attack was a claw attack that was going for Luke's throat. Luke only watched calmly as the claw went for his neck, then he suddenly moved with a speed faster than Zu Sheng's attack and blocked the claw that was going for his neck with his millitary knife.

"What a very fast speed" captain Kristen commented.

Captain Douglas clenched his fist tightly as said to himself " it seems this fight is not going to be easily won". Where the hell did Frank get such a little freak. I thought Zu sheng was a little freak but this boy's speed is even more freakish than Zu Sheng's. This is still the first exchange, Zu Sheng has not shown all his cards.

When Zu Sheng felt his attack being blocked, he quickly gathered all his weight to his hands as he rested on Luke. It was only for a short moment because Luke also gathered all his weight on his hands and pushed back at Zu Sheng. Zu Sheng quickly used the force of Luke's push to send himself backwards. Seeing Zu Sheng move backwards, Luke followed him with a knife attack to his left rib. As the knife attack went for his left rib, Zu Sheng quickly guarded his left rib by sending his right claw towards the attack. Luke suddenly smiled as the knife in his right hand was sent to his left hand. The attack before was a feint, Luke wasn't targeting his left rib, the right rib was the target.