
Chapter 2 : Leaving Home

Inside a combat training room, a young teen is seen shooting at moving holograms while he also moves around his targets in a very swift way before taking aim at them. His movements were swift and sharp, no targets could escape his hawk like eyes. As the minutes passed by, he shot down his targets as more targets arose. He kept shooting till there were no more targets to shoot at. Finding no more targets to shoot at, the teenager finally let down his guard.

Shot accuracy at hundred percent, movement speed at ninety five percent, reaction speed at ninety eight percent,time used to complete test against two hundred enemies at two hours and forty nine minutes, a perfect mark, sounded a robotic voice. Huuu, the teenager breathes out loudly as he looked at his test scores displayed on the large monitor in the training room. I beat my last scores, that's a good one, he smiled as he spoke. The teenager had hair as dark as night, sharp blue eyes that goes well with his handsome face that still has a bit of immaturity but also a strong determination that cannot be hidden. The teenager is no one else but Lucas Thompson.

It's been seven years after the events in the laboratory, the boy of seven years ago is now a teenager. After surviving the ordeal back then, he became a boy with a stronger will and determination. After waking up from the deep sleep he was in, his father hired someone to start training him on combat techniques and general millitary procedures. Over the years all he did was train, inject himself with the serums his father developed personally for him.

I've passed all the training dad has given me. I've noticed that my strength hasn't improved for a whil now, it seems i've met my first limit. I will need a better training facility and a more dangerous situation if i want to have a break through, he said to himself. He moves to the gun rack at the end of the room, dismantles the gun with him into different parts. He puts each parts of the gun back to it's position on the gun rack.

I need to tell dad that the only place i can get stronger is "that place". He goes to the changing room, takes off his combat suit and steps into the shower. He switches on the shower, the cold water sends a shiver through out his body. He lets out a murky breath and all he felt later on was just the usual comfort he gets that made him love cold showers. He washes off all the sweats from his body, he usually stayed longer in the shower but the urgency of needing to talk his father made him reduce his time in the shower. He walks out of the shower into the changing room. He stood in front of a full length mirror, admiring his body. This was an habit he took after he was healed of his illness, he still wondered how advanced science and technology became to be able to heal him of his genetic weakness.He a crippled boy could later turn out to have such an amazing body. Lucas has a slim athletic body that is ripped with muscles where its supposed to, a body height of five feet and six inches, hair as dark as night itself, sharp eyes with sky blue pupils and a face that is considered handsome. After admiring himself completely, he puts on his clothes and moves out of the changing room, walks towards an elevator. He pushes a button that opens the elevator. Third floor, he said , as he walked into the elevator.

Ok sir, a female voice that was cold and monotonous sounded as the elevator hummed as it starts moving. After getting to the third floor the elevator stops and opens, Lucas walks out, thank you Susan, he said as he walked towards the dining room where he knew his dad would be at this time. You're welcome, Susan the A.I's voice sounded in his ears as he walked into the dining room.

Hey dad, Lucas said as he sat down beside his father on the dinning table.

His father puts down the tabloid he was holding, as he looked at his son with a loving gaze as he spoke. Good morning Lucas, how was your training today.

Training was great, I beat my last scores, my reaction speed already increased to ninety eight percent from ninety percent of the last test. My body already reached it's first limit for a time now and i can't seem to break through it.

When did you get to know you've reached your first limit?

It was around a week after i did the last test, i noticed that no matter how hard i trained i never had the feeling of getting stronger. I became sure after today's test. All i need is an opportunity to have a break through. The training equipments here have no effects on me again, I feel all i need is a sensation of danger. I don't feel any sort of danger from the training i do here again, You especially should know of the feeling i'm talking about.

I do understand everything you just said and i also know the feeling of being saturated. I also know where you are heading to with this topic. You think you're ready to go to NGS training camp, right?

Yes dad, i do think i am ready for the NGS training camp or do you think otherwise?

Oh no no, I know you're ready and you've been ready for a while now. The NGS will provide you with the feeling of danger you're searching for and also a lot of challenges and competitions.

Challenges and competitions are good they help to stay focused, I'm not scared of them. The more challenges and competitions the better.

Good, you're really my son. Confident in your strength but not arrogant, remember to never ever be arrogant becauarrogance destroys a soldier not confidence.

I will always put that in my mind.

Good, I already sent a message to Frank to come pick you up, he will be here shortly. So go get ready.

Uncle Frank? The same uncle Frank?

Yes, the same Frank that taught you everything you know in combat techniques. You should probably go get ready, you know he doesn't like his time being wasted.

Yeah, I should probably go get ready now, he said as he stood up and ran upstairs in a very swift motion.

I will help you pack up your breakfast, the father shouts to his son who was already in his room as he stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Some minutes later Lucas came down the stairs dressed in a blue jean jacket on a white turtle neck top, a black jeans and white sneakers on his feet. He also had a short millitary knife in a sheath hooked to the left side of his waist while also backing an average size millitary bag. When he got downstairs he saw his dad talking with a middle aged man in a complete standard millitary clothing with a tag that reads captain Frank Rudy on his chest.

Captain Frank was an averaged height man that always looked serious. All the time Lucas spent with him while training, he never saw him smile not even once. Lucas once asked his dad the reason uncle Frank always looked like everyone owed him money.

Good morning uncle Frank, It's been a long time.

Morning, Luke. Captain Frank said in his thick bass like voice that Lucas remembered to be exactly like it was five years ago when he was trained by this very strict captain. Lucas still feels a tinge of fear everytime he remembers the hell-ish training he was put through by this devilish captain.

I can see you're all set, let's set off then. Doc, you owe me two sets of evolution serums, where are they? Also, I only want the improved ones you personally made. The same one's you've been getting your son drunk on all this years. Don't even try dilluting it a little bit cos if i get to know i will come back and tear down this fucking island of yours.

I've heard you. You crazy greedy bastard. Take , its raw. Lucas watched as his father hands over a briefcase that has previously been beside him to captain Frank with an unnatural face.

Stop looking at me like i just took your fucking wife, you fucking stingy old man, he said as he collected the briefcase with a stern face. He looks at Lucas and told him to say his goodbyes to his dad. He turned and walked towards the exit door to give both father and son a private moment with each other.

Frank, careful when using the serums, you crazy bastard can still handle the pain but i don't know of your son, you should probably dillute them before giving them to him. Lucas saw his father's concerned face as he spoke to the captain.

Let me worry about my son myself. I didn't give birth to a freak like your son but my son is no soft bone either. Boy you only have five minutes to be with your father. See you later Doc, he said without looking back.

Yes uncle Frank, Lucas said as he looked at the captain's back view that was getting closer to the exit.

Oh, before i forget. Luke, it's captain Frank to you from now onwards not uncle Frank.

Yes captain Frank! He shouted as he watched the captain walk out of the exit door. He then looked at his father and spoke. So this is it dad, i will always remember everything you've said to me.

I know you would Lucas. From today onward your name will now be Luke Carter. We both have never met before, so if we get to see each other again at the NGS camp which i don't think will happen soon, just act like it was your first time seeing me. Do you understand me. Its all for your training.

Before i forget, how many power points do you have now.

I have twenty five power points in total. I always wanted to ask you why you told me not to distribute the power points to my various attributes but it always skips my mind.

It's good that you haven't distributed them. I only asked you not to distribute them because of a research i was working on. I wasn't sure at first, but after i finished the research i found out that my idea was correct. If the power points are not distributed until the body is saturated, that is when you hit your first limit. If you can break through your limit without distributing your power points, your attributes will increase by themselves. I don't know by how many, but i'm sure it should be increased by no less than five and also the power points you haven't distributed will be doubled or even trippled if you are lucky. what's sad is that it only happens after breaking the first limit. So make sure you don't distribute your power points until you've broken through your first limit. Do you understand me?

I understand. He looked closely at his dad like he wanted to imprint his face in his mind before he said his goodbye and walked towards the exit with a determination to make his father proud.

Do me a favour Lucas, if u get to see ur sister at the NGC camp, send her my greetings and tell her "daddy misses her" and tell her not to blame herself again. It really wasn't her fault. She should be at the senior camp now.

I will relay your message, Lucas said as he walked out of the house he had stayed in all these years without looking back.

His father walked towards the window and watched as Lucas got into the aircraft that came to pick him without looking back. He watched as the aircraft took off from the island and flew into the distance as he spoke. I know you will surely make me proud, goodluck to you son.

Those bastards already improved on their aircrafts, I can't believe they actually manufactured a mini airbus. Those fucking wastrels trying to act smart, I think it's time for me to end my retirement. A ten year retirement is quite okay too, i'm sure sure those bastards have missed me already. Ha ha ha ha ha, he starts laughing loudly.

sorry for not posting the 2nd chapter yesterday, work got me all tired and the service is pretty bad where i stay.

for not posting early i had to make the 2nd chapter very long, its almost 2 chapters combined.

please do not forget to vote for my book.


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