
Chapter One: The Virus

Friday, June 1

1230 hours

Seabeck, Washington

"Sir, we have reports of people, well... what were once people, turning into zombies and attacking other people." A young woman says, her voice laced with uncertainty.

"Attacking how?" The older man asks.

"Biting. And it leads to the condition transferring to the bitten. What do we do?" The woman asks, more urgently now.

"We try and capture one of the zombies." He says.

One week earlier

"Ransie! On your left!" A kid yells.

"I got you Matt!" Ransie yells back. He soon pulls a canister of paint outta his pocket to refill his marker.

"Heads up!" Ransie yells, spraying paintballs over his shoulder.

"Ah, son of a gun!" Matt yells.

Ten minutes later

"You good Matt?" Ransie asks.

"Define good." Matt says rubbing his side, a welt showing through his translucent shirt.

"Walking, talking and breathing." Ransie explains.

"That's easy for you to say, you didn't get hit in the side!" Matt complains

"Quit cryin and get in!" Ransie says while starting his Hummer.

"Fine. Are you sure a Hummer is the best ride after paintballing though?" Matt asks.

Ransie does nothing but look Matt in the eyes, the same icy blue ones he sees in the mirror, and think how the extra minutes Matt was in the world didn't help his intelligence.

"Matt, you're the older twin, but you don't know nothing. I am gonna go muddin with you, Kat and Sav." Ransie says, hitting the gravel road towards their girlfriend's houses.

"How did I not notice? We are constantly going up and down this road. Screw my short attention span." Matt cries.

"Well, get in the back. You are gonna sit with your girlfriend, even if I have to shove you back there myself." Ransie says, knowing his twin is still awkward after a week with his girlfriend. "And don't let the mud on your boots get on the seats, else I am gonna beat the crap outta you." Ransie threatens, glaring.

"Aight. But you gotta get her." Matt retorts sharply.

"She's your girlfriend, and I can't get her for you. Remember last time?" Ransie says.

"Well, fine." Matt jumps out and goes to get his girlfriend while Ransie gets his.

Once they all load up, Ransie driving again, they hit the road. After about 20 minutes down the highway, a police officer pulls them over. He walks up, and with a nervous air around him, warns them of danger ahead. He continues to hand a loaded 9 millimeter hand gun to Ransie. Then he marched back to his cruiser. He then speeds off.

Matt looks in Ransie's eyes, and they both understand that something is up.

"Ladies, stay calm. Ransie and I will check this out. You know where the axes are?" Matt asks.

"Yeah. Know where our guns are at home?" Ransie asks back.

"Duh. We should be quick. Let's go. Step on it!" Matt snaps.

"Cortana, what's the fastest way home?" Ransie questions. His stereo lights up in response.

"You're driving a light 4X4 rig. Take the trails." A smooth female voice responds.

"Lead the way!" Matt snaps.

"Umm, Ransie! Look behind us!" One of the girls screams.

Ransie glances in the mirror, taking a doubletake. "Shoot!" He growls.

"Dude. Is that what I think it is?" Matt questions.

"Sadly, yes." Ransie confirms.

"Should we be worried?" Sav asks.

"Yes and no." Ransie says, eying the creature in the mirror.

"Ransie, give me the gun." Matt demands sharply.

"Fine. Here. Don't miss." Ransie shoves the handgun into Matt's waiting hands. "Thanks for listening."

Matt takes aim. And fires a headshot. The creature falls. But more start coming. "Dang it!"

"You good?" Ransie asks, looking back. "Cortana, open the back hatch. Matt, you know the drill. Dad's machine gun is back there. And keep 'em dead!"

Matt climbs into the mounted gun's control. And opens fire.

"Ransie, protect the girls. If I die, don't come back for me." Matt says over the telltale sound of his gun.

"You won't die. I'll kill you if ya did." Ransie jokes.

"Wow, that hurts. Not! Quit bein butthurt you two! Now drive!" Kat snaps.

"Fine! Matt, keep gunnin." Ransie yells while pushing the SUV into a powerslide.

"Cortana, how far from home?" Matt asks.

"You are point three mile from your destination. Turn right."

Point three mile later

"Alright Matt, guard the girls. I'm gonna grab our guns and see if mom's ok. Don't let them get harmed in any way. Remember how their dads are." Ransie commands.

"Aight. Remember the zombie preparedness pack in my room? Grab that!" Matt replies.

"On it!"

Next chapter