
Chapter Four: Rodeo Drive Base

Sunday, July 8th


Belfair, Washington

"Ransie, how close?" Bass asks.

"Cortana?" Ransie asks, dodging an abandoned pick-up.

"A little farther. Also, we need to refuel soon." The AI says.

"How soon." He asks.

"At our current pace, tomorrow." She states.

"Can we make it to a gas station in Belfair?" Bass asks.

"That would be counter productive. We already passed through Belfair." Ransie says, driving past the Airport Diner.

"Gah, I do not know the area very well." Bass cries.

"We are close Ransie. I can smell the stale popcorn already." Matt cries fromhis post at the machine gun.

"What you smell, is gunpowder." Ransie smirks.

"Eh. Sulfur, popcorn, same difference." Matt chuckles

"When you pop after eatimg gunpowder, I'll laugh. Then cry some, but still laugh." Ransie jokes.

"Heads up, horde ahead. And there's the base." Bass says, eerily calm.

"Cortana?" Ransie asks.

"On it. Doors and wheels." She states.

"Yep." Ransie confirms.

"What does 'charge the doors' mean anyway?" Bass asks. The girls nod in agreement to the question.

"A door charge means when a walker touches the door, whether hanging on or attempting to get in, the door is supercharged, shocking the walker." Ransie explains.

"And this is on all doors?" Bass asks.

"Even the hatch. If a door is open, i.e. the hatch, that door isn't charged, until it closes." Matt jumps in.

"And saying that, watch this." Ransie says, flipping a zombie the bird.

Said zombie comes limping up, and tries to grab Ransie, but soon became Frankenstein, meaning it was electrified.

"See? Roasted!" Ransie celebrates.

Bass just shakes his head, pulls out his rifle, and guns down the zombies.

Being a sniper, in a moving SUV, Bass is an excellent shot. Causing the horde to start attacking itself.

Aside from that, Matt is gunnung down walkers like they're ducks in a row. Not needing to reload really helps him in a consistant stream.

The girls were another matter. They were gunning what they could, but they are better shots when the truck is still. Even then, they still aren

Ransie... Ransie is still driving, hitting walkers, and now runners. Runners are those zombies who charge their target for maximum damage with swung limbs, and headbuts, when they lose their arms and legs. But Ransie kept outrunning them and hitting walkers in his path. The wheels and doors were his weapons.

After an hour of gunshots and rapid fire and hitting walkers, they arrived at the base. The main gate was turnes into a checkpoint, guarded by men with AK-47's. Behind tbe checkpoint was a man with a sniper rifle, a 50 BMG, according to Bass, facing the road.

When they saw the lone SUV rolling up the road, they were a little shocked. They heard that there would be another working vehicle soon, but didn't think this soon. And the horde that eas in their path? Decimated.

As soon as Ransie pulled up, the radio crackled to life, "Bass, the Major days come on in. The six of you are welcome."

"Um, Cayde, there's five of us." Bass coughs.

"That SUV is equipped with an AI,  right? She is number six... I think theres a game with a robot named after me,  isn't there?" Cayde asks.

"Yeah, called Destiny. He ends up dyin in the sequel's DLC." Ransie casually comments.