
Survival of the crew

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Everything was all good for Leader Ben and his crew until the dead rose causing havoc on the town

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Chapter 1Pt.1


Everything was all good at first for ben and his crew until this day where ben walked out the crew clubhouse to see Alexa, the only girl in the crew standing around relaxing watching tv on her phone. he then approached her and she smiled and said "What's up dummy" he laughed and fist bumped her. they then started walking towards the others. They approach mason and nick who are both ben's best friends who are currently arguing about different tv show, ben breaks it up."lets go we got work to do" he says as they all proceed to walk together. they come up on a paranoid nate who is hiding in a shack "they're here" he shouted over and over until ben gave him a smack across the face "your crazy as hell calm down" ben yelled as nate calms down and joined them. They walked a little further down the yard and come up to Kenley and antoine yelling about PlayStation and Xbox until they see ben and begin asking which is better but ben didn't respond but just shook his head. "Come on" he said as they followed still debating.


Ben and the crew continued walking around joking with each other until they hear a sceam so they run over to go check it out. They run over to the edge of the yard and they see a young girl being attacked by a group of men in the street so they try to run and help but just as they got close one of the men took a bite outta the girls neck and the others started walking towards the crew. They started getting close to ben until suddenly an object slams into the delirious man and there in front of the crew was a truck and inside was there own crew member Joe who had a serious look on his face "get in now" he yelled as they all started approaching the truck. "hurry there behind you run faster" he screamed again. "who" ben thought as looked behind himself and saw a bunch of figures moaning and limping fastly towards the the crew who all began running to the truck. Alexa tripped on the curb and fell to the ground. "Alexa" nick yelled as he turned around and helped Alexa up and helped her get to the truck and they all climbed aboard except nate who ran back into the clubhouse. "What the hell is he doing" nick yelled as they waited for nate to come out. they tried to remain calm and wait for him. "If we wait any longer those things will get us we got to go" joe thought to himself as he looked at the hoard slowly creep towards the group. just as joe was about to slam on the gas nate came running out and jumped in the truck. mason looked at nate with a confused look "all that for a gun dude are u freaking serious" mason asked. "it was my pa's gun" nate answered as he gripped the gun and started wiping the dust off the barrel. "And we're off" joe yelled as he slammed on gas petal and they began flying down the road. the crew watched as their clubhouse was swarmed. "Goodbye" mason said under his breath. ben looked at joe "what the hell is going on joe" ben asked as he finally stopped shaking. joe responded "the dead have come back alive"...


they continued driving on a long road until they began driving on a highway where ben and joe were the only ones awake, "this is all crazy man half the world is infected" joe explained while he took a sip of his beer he had in the cup holder next to his seat, while listening all ben could think about is what happened to his family, he began to cry. joe then looked over while driving "uh dude are you good" joe asked as he looked back at the road ahead, ben then looked up, "who else is alive" he asked as joe just smiled and looked towards the road. ben then looked out the window and started to doze off and went to sleep. "what the hell!" joe screamed waking everyone up except for kenly antoine mason and nate who are all in the bed of the truck. "what's going on" Alexa asked as she looked up. she then looked over to see joe point to a young girl in the street running from a dead man. "i cant let those things take another living thing from this world" joe said as he sprung into action grabbing the Living corpse and smashing its head into the side of a brick building while two more dead ones come towards him. "Hey you Go to the the truck and tell the others to start up the engine" joe yelled as he grabbed a pipe and started to swing bashing one's head while the other one jumps out and grabs joe knocking him to the ground. joe began struggling on ground trying to keep the walker from biting him but suddenly a sharp object went through the walker's head and when joe looked up he saw Killy,another crew member who was wearing a mask and wielding a katana, who held his hand out to pull joe up, joe accepted and let killy help him up, they then approached the truck "lets go everyone in the truck" joe yelled as he began walking toward everyone but no one moved. "what's going on why aren't you guys moving"joe asked as he began to frown. "this young girl has a friend who needs help" Alexa said as she smiled at the girl. "Don't you think one's enough if we leave now we might be able to get to our destination sooner" joe said as began leaning on his truck. "No we're going to help her" Alexa demanded as she began walking to the truck to pull out a radio. "Still nothing from the government,alright let do this" Alexa said as she put the radio back in the truck and gave joe a stare. Joe then walked over to the girl "fine I'll help,hey lil girl what's your name and how can we help u save someone who is probably dead!" joe said in a smart remark. Alexa then cuts him off. "Joe shut up we need to help her right ben"she yelled as ben nodded and agreed with Her. "god damn it fine" joe said as he walked back over to his truck and began leaning on it again. "my name is Angelina btw im not a kid and my friend's name is Charlotte and she is held up in that building over there" the girl said as she pointed to a small building with a dim light in it. ben then looked around. "ok mason and nick your with me. alexa and nate stay with angelina. antoine,Kenley,killy,and joe go scavenge this town for any supplies we could use." ben said as he signaled for everyone to move. After a couple of minutes ben,mason and nick approach the building. They then open the door slowly and began to hear crying upstairs "this is creepy" mason said as he looked behind them. "yea but no time to think about that I need you guys to cover my six" ben said as they began walking up the stairs cautiously. "Alright lets do this"ben said as he opened the door where the crying was coming from. when ben peeped into the door he saw a young girl crying in the corner of the room. "are u Charlotte? we are here to help you we know your friend angelina she is with our friends outside near that truck over there" ben said as he pointed out the broken window. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" The girl said as she threw a peice of glass at nick and mason. "Holy crap" nick yelled as he shielded his face "how about yall go check the other rooms for supplies we will meet yall down stairs" ben said calmly as he walked over and shut the door. ben then walked cautiously towards sayde trying to calm her down."im not gonna hurt you I promise" he says as he gets close enough to sit next to her. "please come with us your friend needs you" Ben said as the girl nodded and stood up. mason and nick are downstairs throwing darts at the tv in the living room when they hear footsteps come down the stairs so they ready there knives and they began staring at the steps. down came ben and sayde. "Are you good?" Nick asked as and they all walked out the building and to the truck. "There they are" Alexa yelled as Angelina looked up and began running towards her friend and hugged her. antoine,Kenley, killy, and joe approach a save-a-lot store. antoine looks through the glass to see if its clear and sees nobody is inside so killy picks the lock and they are able to slip inside without alerting the walkers who are roaming around outside. "check it out" antoine said as they started to loot inside the store "they got enough food to feed a village" killy said jokingly. "Woah" Kenley said as he found the pharmacy part. "Sweet" joe said as he started stuffing condoms in his jacket and pants pockets. "We need those antibiotics don't forget them" killy said as he began grabbing bottles of prescription drugs. antoine smirked and processed to open up the garage part of the store to see if there was anything salvageable but the alarm was triggered. "because im black" antoine said to himself. "hurry up and grab the meds and anything u can" killy yelled as he began putting more supplies into his bag. "we got a ride lets go" antoine yelled as the others ran over to the room where antoine was standing in to find a big rv sitting there. "hey joe can you fix it" asked Kenley. "yea but it wont be a breeze" answered joe. he started fixing it while killy went to clear the inside of the rv and antoine guarded the garage door for walkers and Kenley climbed in the passenger seat and waited it out. "there are weapons and two walkie talkies in here and two beds" killy said excitedly as antoine turned and watched as the hungry walkers pounded at the door, he them signalled joe to hurry up. "this should work. Kenley start the engine" he shouted and Kenley twist the key in the key slot and the engine rumbled "yea we did it!" said Kenley as joe shut the lid and signalled for antoine to open the garage door which he does and makes a break to the rv. "im driving this bucket move over" joe said to kenley as he pushes him over to the passenger seat and climbs into the driver seat waiting for the garage door to open. Once it opened wide enough he pumped the gas pedal and they plow through a herd of walkers and flew out the garage. ben and the others hear the alarm and got extremely worried utill they see an rv approach and noticed that joe was driving it. "Here comes the others" ben yelled as joe parked right next to the truck. "everyone lets go" joe yelled as he climbed out the rv and into the truck along with ben Alexa mason and nick. while the others got in the rv. He signaled for everyone to go and they all proceed to the location Joe was heading


Ben woke up and looked out the window and asked Joe "where are we going" ben asked as he couldn't stop thinking about the way the world had changed around him. "Its a surprise shut up and get some sleep" Joe responds with a big smile on his face. "Not tired" ben said annoyed as he just continued to stare out the window until joe tapped on his shoulder. "were almost there dude" joe said as he began speeding up. "Its just around this bend" joe said as he took a sharp turn. "Cant wait to see people" Alexa said as she looked at her phone hoping to see a notification pop up like the old days. "There it is" joe said as he poked ben who quickly looked looks up to sees a little community with tall walls and a few warning signs. "A new life" ben said to himself as they got to the front gate, joe then peaked out the window of the truck and puts his face up to the intercom. "its joe let me in i got people with me" joe said as he smiled. they open the gates for the crew and the truck and rv drove in. They then parked and got out and were  greeted by a figure who stood in front of them with a big smiled and said "you guys look so tired welcome home,welcome to sanctuary"...


The man was older and was dressed formally and looked friendly But a little to friendly. Nick grabbed for his knife but ben moved nick's hand back to his side. "Lets see how this plays out" he whispered as nick nodded and the group let the man approach them and each shook his head he said "hello my name is Gregory" he then told them to follow him and he led them to the residence suite and "you guys are gonna like it here" Gregory said as they all reached the suite doors "after all of you get settled in come to the mess hall for supper and meet the other resistance of sanctuary"Gregory said as he smiled and stood at the door. joe looked at everyone with a smile. "see u guys in the mess hall" he said as he followed the man through a red door. "Alright everyone freshing up and keep an eye on these people,we don't know what to expect" ben said as the crew went into each of there rooms but before they could close there doors nate began freaking out. "forget this im living in the trailer im not touching anything of thiers" nate screamed as everyone looked confused "why" ben asked but was interrupted by nate. "i won't let them brain wash me" he yelled as he turned away and left the building. "He'll come around" ben said as the group began putting there stuff in dressers. "do u think its safe here" kenley asked as he looked out the window to see the people outside working. "i don't care as long as there is food here" antoine said as they all put on clean civilization clothes and processed to the mess hall. joe and his girlfriend Amber greeted them at a table. "this is the mess hall you will find food here and antoine i think the chef wants to give u the job as a chief assistant" joe said as ben looked over to see his girlfriend Madison sitting at a bench reading a trashy romance book. she then looked up to already see ben in front of her squeezing her very tightly. "I thought you died" ben said as he squeezed harder. "Nope im still alive and your starting to hurt me" madison said as ben let her go. "Oops sorry tell me all about how you got here" ben said as he sat next to her and proceeded to listen to her talk. Nick looks over and sees his girlfriend kenzie and doesn't hesitate to give her a kiss. "Im never gonna let you out of my sight"nick said he finished kissing her. mason looked around to see a girl with dyed blue hair,it was his girlfriend emily. mason then approached the table where the two then exchanged a hug and kiss with excitement to see eeach other. as all this goes down Kenley hears two resistance talking about the cdc building blowing up in atlanta. Kenley walked over to the two boys. "what are u talking about guys is that true" both kids looked at him with the a smirk and invited him to sit down and they discussed it to him."oh my god are u for real"he asked as the boys nodded in agreement. yelling could be heard outside while lunch was still being served. "put the gun down sir" the guard yells at what seems to be nate heavily breathing as he fires a shot in the air and then at the guard but the bullet hit his armor thus preventing damage but the guard quickly aimed his gun and fired two shots at nate..


nate hit the ground and laid there. "you dumb bastard you'll attract those things god damn it".Gregory yelled as he came out his office. "walkers" gaurd Gabriel corrected him."i don't give a damn what they are called they are dangerous if they get in damn it we could be screwed ugh get back to your post Gabriel and someone get that injured kid to an infirmary" Gregory yelled as he walked back into his office. "hey ben i need to go to the church do you want to join me" antoine asked. "sure wait didn't they make killy the new priest" ben asked as he began walking with antoine. "i think so lets go see" antoine answered as they began walking towards the church. Upon arriving at the church they opened the big golden doors to find killy sitting on a pew praying so they approach. "Hey you good?" Ben asked as he put his hand on killy's shoulder. '"Yup yall need Jesus sit down" killy said as he patted the seat beside him inviting them to sit. they then sat down next to him as he looked at them with a half smile "hey back in the city when you saved joe why were in city alone and did u know about this place?" Ben asked as he looked down. "before all this went down i was riding around with Damien and his friend aron and we were all just cutting stuff with my katana and listening to music till some lady grabbed aron and chomped down on his leg and outta anger Damien killed the lady and we carried aron to a store and it was abandoned,not a single person in sight so we grabbed the store phone and tried to call 911 but the service was out then i went to get ice out the freezer for aron when i got back Damien looked out of it and he looked back at me and said that aron stopped breathing and i told him to get away and he did then we grabbed supplies but aron reanimated and came at Damien so i had to kill it but wen i did Damien yelled at me saying we could have saved him and that he was our friend and he started trying to hit me until we heard gunshots and we took cover behind the clerk desk. Damien had his pistol out and was ready but then shots began firing in the store and Damien gave me the bag of supplies and told me to go out the back,  i didn't want to leave him but i knew it was for the better so i left out the back and ran as fast as i could, i heard all the gunshot fire until i was far enough to rest but then i just kept moving,kept surviving till i got to the city and  saw joes truck and then i saw joe run to help angelina and the walker attacked him and i came to his rescue and no i didn't know about this place until we made it here" killy explained as he looked down.ben knew Damien and put his hand on killy's shoulder."im sorry bro" ben said as they joined him in prayer. Alexa and angelina are in the infirmary with an injured nate. angelina says to herself "i think i like him" angelina said with a smile Alexa hears and smiles "aw why don't you tell him when he is conscious" Alexa said as she looked at angelina. "i l..l..like u too" nate said weakly. "i went crazy because im alone and i know they are coming for us but i really hope i pull through this so i could possibly have you" he said."you need to rest" angelina says as she kisses his forehead. mason and emily stood together watching a far away walker in a field try to hunt down a balloon as it is to high. they laugh as it stumbled over and emily then looked at mason with concern "hey babe have you kill anyone yet"emily asked. "no but why would you ask me that" mason asked as he looked at emily with concern. "because the world is fucked up, anyways it seems like killing is a daily thing" emily said as her blank face turns to a smile "i love u and i still have that ring you gave me before all this dead rising back to the living shit happened and I know its not any of my concern but when are you gonna tell the others about your secret stache of food and water?" Emily asked as she looked at him in the face. "babe im working on telling them" mason said as she hands him a key to her dorm they both smile and continue to watch the walker. Kenley is out in the garden eating an apple when he's approached by two boys one of which was the boy who told him about the CDC. "hey u wanna join our cult" one of the boys asked. "cult for what?"Kenley asked. "a brotherhood" the kid answered but Kenley didnt know what to say so he just nodded and decided to join. the kid then pulled out a needle and pricked Kenley with it and outta anger he pounced on the kids delivering blow after blow until the other kid pinned him down. "your blood is the way into the cult let it flow out" the kid yelled as he poked kenley with the needle, Kenley then watched as his blood dripped into the cup and felt the boy get off of him and watched ad the boys left him there still holding the cup full of Kenley's blood smiling at each other. all Kenley could see was the world spinning around him as he laid there still feeling the blood pour out,he couldn't move but he could hear footsteps walking up to him. he looked up to see Gabriel pick him up and take him to the infirmary. A couple minutes later Kenley woke up confused and looked over at nate who is drinking some soup and noticed  that Kenley had woken up "what are u here for "nate asked asked as he took another sip of his soup "fighting what about you"kenley asked as he turned to look at nate "you heard the gunshots 2 days ago well that was me shooting and the guy who brought you here, Gabriel's the name right? well he put me in here" nate answered as Kenley looked at nate shocked. Angelina walked in just before he could say another word to visit nate. "has anyone seen Charlotte where did she go" asked Angelina. " last time we saw her was 2 days ago im getting concerned we need a search team out there" ben said as he walked in. "i want joe mason nick and alexa to go search, Gregory demanded that Charlie and Gabriel go too but he already sent them." Ben explained as he began loading his pistol. Gregory stood as he  watched six of his men go out to search for sayde. antoine can be seen looking behind the fridge in the kitchen, he finds a bloody knife with a note attached to it which read "the cult is posion" he disposes of the knife but not the note ...


While out nick finds a foot print trail in the dirt. "who's ever prints these are they were being chased". Nick said as they all began following them hoping to find something. A couple hours of walking and thesun begins going down. "Look at that house" nick said as he pointed to a little house. "We can use it to hold up for the night" he then explained as they began walking towards the house. They reached the house to find gabriel standing outside. "Its clear inside" he said as the group began walking inside "mason and joe will start first watch" nick said as he sat his gear down and began to rest . A couple minutes later and Alexa started crying in her sleep. Mason then wakes her up by shaking her "what's wrong"mason asked  as he and joe looked concerned. "I'm just tired of losing people"Alexa explained as she wiped the tears from her face. joe then walked over to where she was sitting down at and knelt down next to her "no one else is gonna die Lexi" joe said as he put his hand over her right shoulder. "don't fucking call me lexi and how do you know if anyone else will die huh?"Alexa yelled as she pushed his hand off her shoulder . "Alexa no more bodies will be buried i promise"joe said as he began walking to the wall he was standing against. An hour has passed and the group finally got relaxed. "Something doesn't feel right" nick thought to himself as he finally closed his eyes. they then hear a scream followed by a mans Voice "come out of the house assholes or we will open fire you got 10 seconds to come out here or ill personally kill the girl out here myself ". "10" "lets just kill them" said Alexa "9" "we cant we are outnumbered" said joe "8" "can we negotiate with them" said mason "i don't think so" said Gabriel "7" "they are all gonna die i swear to god" said Alexa "6" "times ticking assholes" said the man as he stands in the yard getting impatient. "5" "shit he's at 5 guys" said nick "look lets just go out there and surrender maybe they just wanna talk" said mason "4" "your right" said nick "3" "already lets go but alexa u stay up here with the rifle just in case shit goes down out there" said joe "alright i got your backs" said Alexa as she aims the rifle out the window "2" "ok we are coming out dont shoot!" Nick yelled as he swung open the door and slowly walk out towards the man who had charlie on his knees in front of him. They continued walking towards him with there hands up.but just before they step up to a line drawn in the dirt the men aimed there guns at the grounp. "stop right there thats far enough"said the guy as he sends his men to take the group's weapons. nick starts eyeballing the man "the hell are u looking at boy" said the man "someone who is wasting my time" replied nick. the man then uppercuts nick in the stomach. "didn't your parents teach u about respecting adults" the man said as he smirked "dont talk about my family u dick" said nick as he got up off the ground and right hooked the man in the face. his men then pinned nick on the ground and start beating on him."now back to what i was saying im Keith and i work for vick and I dont think he appreciates u looting his storage building and stealing his rv and getting the place swarmed with walkers ohhh and your little friend had a little shoot off with my men and killed some of them before escaping now its my turn to take one of your guys"Keith said as he aimed a gun at Charlie's head and pulled the trigger and everyone watched as his head exploded and his lifeless hit the ground. "nooooooo"said Gabriel as he started shedding tears. Keith and his men them got into their trucks and one threw a note out the window saying "now that we got what we wanted the girl that your looking for is across the lake in the shack near the dark black tree" the group then rushed across the dark dirty lake water leaving gabe who was holding Charlie's body. they get to the shack where there was a note with a key that says "enjoy the show". "Get ready for anything" nick said as they opened the door. It was dark with blood dripping off the wall and a little further back there was Charlotte hanging from a rope. "cut the damn rope" joe yelled as nick and mason cut the rope but alexa caught her and just as she landed in Alexa's hands she gasped for air "oh my god your ok thank God " Alexa said as she handed Charlotte some water "they did this to me there is another person upstairs who is a hostage i think " she said weakly as she continued to gasp for air. "joe and mason go see who it is" nick yelled as they nodded and ran towards the stairs. they then ran up the old squeaky steps until they reached the top to see an old wooden door with a puddle of blood seeping under it. "Lets go" joe yelled as he kicked in the door and they walked in to see Jordan in a pool of blood, he was shaking and was chained up with hooks going in his skin. "Lets get him down" mason yelled as they both began removing the hooks from his back. Jordan began groaning in pain but they finally managed to get the hookd out of his back. "Alright help me get him downstairs" joe demanded as they both carried him down the stairs to the others who were still questioning sayde. "Listen Keith is Angelina's dad you need to get her far from him"Charlotte said weakly as everyone got silent. "is that why he tortured you, just to get her location out of you" mason asked asCharlotte nodded. "Alright lets get out of here before more of those guys come back" joe said as he signalled everyone to get ready to leave. As they left out the shack they look over to see gabe had dug 2 holes. "why are there two holes" Alexa asked. "one for Charlie (which he had already buried)and the other for myself" Gabe said as he walked over and laid in the hole. "Someone start covering me up" gabe said as everyone shook there heads and tried to convince him not to. "Its my time I couldn't save him" gabe said as he pulled out a pistol from his bag and aimed it at his head. "Im gonna do it"gabe yelled as he wrapped his finger around the trigger. "Somebody shut him up"joe yelled as nick hit gabe over the head with a log making him fire a shot. "I would have just let him do it" joe said with a smile. "Maybe i should have because now that shot just attracted walkers" nick yelled as walkers started coming out the water. "Get to the truck i got gabe" joe yelled as he picked up gabe and carried him on his shoulders and they all ran through the woods eventually finding a truck. Joe immediately went for the driver seat putting gabe in the back. He then twist the key that had been left in the ignition by the previous owner but it wouldn't start. "shit engine's busted cover me while i fix it" he yelled as the others all covered him while he tried to fix the truck. there were about 30 walkers approaching out of the woods they managed to take out 15. "Got it" joe yelled as he was able get the car working, Charlotte and alexa ran towards the zombies and started slashing them one by one they were going down quickly,they then took out 14 more before more began coming out of the woods "more approaching get back closer to the truck" Alexa yelled as Charlotte nodded and they began to retreat back to the truck. after a couple minutes Alexa had made it to the truck where she climbed inside and noticed Charlotte wasn't nearby. She looked out the window to see Charlotte running back to pick something up. "Hurry back there getting closer" alexa yelled as she pulled out her sniper and began firing at the walkers that were coming close to Charlotte who nodded and turned around and began running back towards the truck but she stepped on a bear trap and it closed in on her leg . "Oh no" Alexa yelled as she got out the truck and ran towards her. "get back in the truck go take of angie for me, ill finish up here" Charlotte yelled as she pulled out a pistol and Alexa listened and got back in the car and watched as Charlotte had her last stand with the walkers taking out walkers one by one until she got to her last bullet which she then smiled at Alexa mouthing good bye to her and she pulled the trigger, alexa then watched as the walkers feisted on Charlotte body and she knew she couldn't do anything to help as they drove away...


The drive back was quiet and no one spoke. "at least there's more room in the truck now" joe said jokingly as Alexa punched his arm "asshole" Alexa said as they continued driving. After a couple minutes of driving they then came across a man, a women and two children "stop the car " said Alexa "Why would i do that lex it could be a trap" joe explained as he began staring at the man. "They have children" Alexa said as joe stopped the car and turned the engine off "fine i hope your right about this" joe said as mason gabe and himself got out the car to see what was going on. "honey,kids im sorry" the man yelled as he held his 10mm pistol to his head "woah woah whats going on" joe asked. "its my husband he has been bit and he is putting himself out of his misery so he doesn't hurt me or the kids" she explained as she continued weeping. "my girlfriend is a medic she can help him just everyone stay calm" mason said as he put his hands up to show that he wasn't a threat. "we have a community named sanctuary with food,water,and other children for your kids to play with" Gabriel said as the man grinned, he then took the pistol from his head and aimed it at everyone,even his wife. "give me your keys and ammunition, kids get behind me" the man demanded as his kids stood still frozen looking terrified at there father. "you can keep that pregnant bitch of a wife" he yelled as he shot her in the leg "come on kids get the hell in the car "the man yelled as the son obeyed  and sat in the passenger seat. "Clementine get the hell in the car now" he yelled as the the little girl still stood frozen. "fine your just as useless as your mother"he yelled as he climbed into the car and started the car up. "Was nice knowing you" the man screamed as he and the boy drove off leaving the group stranded on the road. "god damn it alexa i listened to u and pulled over and now we are walking home with an injured fat kid (jordan looked up "hey hurtful" he muttered) ,a pregnant woman with a bullet in her knee and a brat ugh i knew we should have just kept riding man we could have almost been home by now" joe yelled out of anger. "dont worry that bite won't take my husband far" said the lady "holy fuck the bite was real" joe asked with a surprised look. "yes he got it from a walker trying to eat our son, he saved him,he is a good man i promise you" she explained "good man?he tried to blow my god damn head off and he stole our ride home,welp better hope the other knee works because we got a long walk ahead of us" joe said as the group began to walk down the street. a couple minutes later the group continued down the street where a walker slowly crept towards them nick looked over to see it limping towards the group "i got it" he yelled as he walked over and threw his blade into the skull of the walker and joined back in with the others. "we need to rest" Alexa said "im done listening to you guys"joe mumbled as he continued walking "didn't u forget there is a pregnant woman traveling with us and jordan needs his bandage changed" Alexa informed him as she looked back at the others "fine this house will do hopefully there is a car in the garage" joe yelled as the group walk in the house to clear it and saw that it had already been salvaged, they then rushed in and put jordan and the lady on the couch and processed to explore the house. "ahhhhh". screams could be heard in the living room.everyone but joe who had found a car and had already began fixing it ran in to see what was happening. They run in to see the lady screaming in pain. "jordan we left u with her for 2 minutes what happened" questioned Alexa. "I don't know she was fine just a second ago then she just started screaming out of nowhere" jordan replied as he began to panic "ITS COMING" the lady yelled as she began breathing heavy. "what is?" asked mason. "the baby dumb ass" Gabriel said as he and nick held the lady's shoulder. "Here's some water" mason said as he helped the lady take a sip of water. Alexa then starting telling the lady to push which she began doing. A few hours of pushing And everyone stood patiently waiting for the baby to arrive "i see the head its here"Alexa screamed exicitly as the baby came plopping out into alexa's hands. "hey i got the car working i just need someone's help turning on the engi.. what the hell happened in here theres blood everywhere, god damn it"joe yelled as he walked further into the room. Alexa then showed  him the baby and joe mugged it. "Great another god damn mouth to feed hey nick give me a hand with the car" he said as he and nick walked into the garage. "what are u naming it" alexa asked "idk yet the lady replied" "maybe ill name it" the lady answered as she was interrupted by an explosion in the garage. they all rushed in the garage to find joe laying unconscious on the floor in front of the van and nick was past out in the driver seat. mason ran over to joe and checked his pulse and chest. "he's still alive and breathing what about nick?" mason asked as he looked over at gabe."hes fine also "answered Gabriel. "that explosion most likely attracted walkers we need to go put them in the back im driving" demanded mason. alexa then put nick in the back seat and mason carefully put joe in the space in the back of the van and then climbed into the driver seat and started the engine "you sure you know what your doing" Alexa asked as everyone else climbed into the van. "heck yea" answered mason as alexa and everyone else started griping the seats. "dang stick shift" mason says as he pressed the lever down to drive and slams the the gas. nick woke up and saw as the van was being swarmed by walkers. "open the sun roof" he demanded "ok? i dont know if your still recovering from brain impact or just plain up crazy but there its down what are u doing?" asked mason as he opened the sun roof and nick grabs an m16 and loaded a grenade in the grenade launcher underbarrel of it and shot it at the house causing flames which began attracting the walkers to it letting the group escape. "i don't think she will make it she lost to much blood we need to do pull over" Alexa yelled as they pull over and alexa and Clementine got out with the lady and walked her out in a field and she sat on a rock and looked down. Alexa aimed the gun at her but Clementine grabs the gun from her "its my mom i should do it" Clementine demanded as Alexa nodded and let Clementine take the gun. "take care of my Clementine please" the lady said to Alexa as she grabbed Clementine's hand "Cuida a tu hermano me encanta Clementine" she said softly as she started crying . Clementine then aimed the gun at her mother "ill take care of her for you" Alexa said as she began to tear up. Clementine then let out a whimper "i love u" Clementine said to her mother as she fired the shot to her head. she then hugged Alexa and cried, they then buried her mother's body and walk back to the van where the others were waiting...


They pull up to sanctuary "hurry up and open the gate we have injured" Alexa demanded as the gate slammed open and out came Gregory from his office and watched as they all got out the van. "where is Charlie and Charlotte" Gregory asked." there dead" answered Gabriel. "damn it but who's children are those" asked Gregory "there the sanctuary's now" said Alexa as she hugged Clementine. "call emily we need her" mason demanded "Emily!" yelled Gregory "what the hell do you want im standing right here" emily answered "we got injured" yelled mason "shit carry them to the infirmary ill go get my bag" said emily as she rushed to her dorm. "people were here earlier and they killed guard Russel".Gregory said to Gabriel."shit"Gabriel said as he tightened his fist. "Who are these people" asked Gregory. "i don't know but we will get them back for all this" Gabriel said as they walked to Gregory's office. (Keith and his men are in a warehouse talking and joking around until a figure walked in and everyone bowed down to their knees as vickory came walking out "hey boys get off the dirty ass ground and listen up" vickory said as he began walking up a a platform. they all got up from the ground and look up at the platform he was standing on "so we have a little problem with a tiny community named sanctuary who have my lil girl angelina hostage, they thought it would be cool to kill some of our men huh well i want everyone to know that we aren't playing games anymore i want there three main leaders Gregory David and ben all lined up at my feet" vickory yelled as he is interrupted by one of his men "um sir David died 2 years ago by the hands of you" one of the men yelled "ahh your right small dick Johnny come up here real quick" said vickory as Johnny started walking up the stairs to the platform where vickory is standing he then makes it up close to vickory. "Yes sir" he asked. "kiss my feet" vickory demanded as Johnny nodded and started to bend over to kiss his feet, vickory then hits Johnny over the head with a crowbar over and over. "that gay shit is not acceptable here, ugh he got his blood all over my brand new boots" vickory said as he wiped the blood off and continues his speech. "today we are the alphas and the this world belongs to us" he yelled as all the alphas started to chant and get hyped he then looked at them all and said "this is war"..

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