
Chapter 39: New Mist Announcement

This system announcement immediately captured the attention of all survivors.

The new information in the announcement was read word for word by everyone, careful not to miss anything.

Because this represents future changes.

The main content of this announcement is very clear and consists of three points.


Firstly, the boundaries between the Thin Mist area and the Thick Mist area are eliminated, and survivors will no longer be restricted by regions.

But likewise, beasts are no longer restricted.

In these seven days, except for a few unlucky survivors, the rest have hardly encountered beasts, and even if they did, they were mostly ordinary beasts.

Of course, individuals like Luke who actively hunt beasts are certainly exceptions.

Such changes mean that the system's protection is removed, intervention in survivors' affairs is reduced, and while there is more freedom, there is also more danger.


Secondly, it concerns information prompts.

From now on, when encountering resources in the wild, there will be no information prompts, nor can the name, function, or grade of the resources be known.

This further implies that the beginner's protection period is over, and the system's intervention in survivors' affairs is gradually decreasing.


The last point is about the relaxation of restrictions on resource boxes, supplies, and beast grades.

During these seven days, only wooden and bronze resource boxes appeared, and the quality of items was limited to ordinary and good levels.

Only a very small chance existed to obtain excellent quality items from secret realms or bronze resource boxes.

Similarly, the highest strength of beasts encountered was at the good level.

Beasts like the Ironback Mountain Pig, even if the strongest, were considered under this limit.

But this situation will change in the future, with an overall increase in quality levels.

Excellent and even rare items will appear.

These are considered "system updates," and what follows are "phase rewards"!


At twelve o'clock tonight, an overall assessment of all survivors will be conducted, evaluating their development during this period.

Similar to the assessment in secret realms, it covers all survivors, and the rewards are expected to be substantial.

James is very curious, wondering where his development speed ranks among all humanity.

At this time, the chat channel also starts to get lively.


"What does this announcement mean? Does it mean we no longer have to be restricted by the mist?"

"Are you taking pleasure in disaster? This mist is clearly for our protection, to prevent beasts from approaching!"

"Is this person an idiot?"

"Sigh, with the system reducing its help, our survival will become more difficult."

"Exactly, look for a wealthy brother to help!"

"Seeking big brother!"

"Seeking big brother"

"Strongly suggest the system implement a video system! Otherwise, we can't seek help!"

"Stranger, your previous profession wasn't simple! Add me as a friend, let's talk!"

"Actually, there's a scroll that can take you to someone else's shelter! Achieving door-to-door service!"

"There are such indecent items?!"

"Go away, such precious items, and you use them for this? It's a waste!"

"Brothers, stop chatting, don't you feel the strong wind outside? I feel like the house is moving..."

"Indeed, I see many big trees outside being blown away, but my house isn't moving."

"Oh right, what level is your shelter?"

"Level two! I thought it was pretty good, so I didn't think about upgrading. High-quality steel should be used where it matters!"

"Then take your high-quality steel and ascend to heaven!"


"Brothers, are you confident about tonight's overall assessment?"

"Of course, I pick up a resource box almost every day, I should be at least above average!"

"A resource box every day? You probably don't know, hunting magical beasts can directly give you resource boxes, and even meat!"

"What status are you to dare hunt magical beasts alone!"

"So hunting beasts can directly give you resource boxes?"

"Knowing is one thing, but daring to go is another. The beasts here are much larger than on Earth!"


Many people are chatting idly, but the content isn't very nutritious.

At the same time, several golden pinned messages appear, sent using the world horn.

Most are for selling or purchasing resources.

But a few are very special, catching James' attention.

The senders' names are those of former societal national leaders, familiar to most people in their countries.

And the messages sent are different from the others.

One is about how to resist cold waves, prevent frostbite, colds, illness, and improve warmth.

It contains many practical methods, along with blessings and encouragement for all survivors.

Similar posts are numerous, and many senders are foreigners.

This moves James, realizing that even if the original civilization is shattered and destroyed, people are still striving to retain and help those suffering.


With these thoughts, he carefully reads all the useful information, gaining a lot of valuable knowledge.

Only then does he remember that he also has a world horn.

Originally, he planned to use it to promote charcoal.

But in the last few days, he didn't go logging, so there's a shortage of wood, not enough to make much charcoal.

Thinking this, James opens the trade market.

The current trade market is in an extremely extreme state.

The prices of food and warming items have risen to unbelievable levels.

Wood has slightly depreciated, and stone has significantly depreciated, especially stone, which has reached the point of being given away for free.

Even good-quality wood and stone aren't doing well in the market.

After all, for all survivors, the easiest to obtain and most stored item is wood.

Even with daily consumption, the quantity is still very large.

Especially for those with good-quality axes, who can cut 300-400 wood per day, there's no shortage of wood for heating.

On the other hand, food and warming items are hard to come by and scarce.

James gets an idea and searches for wood. A lot of wood trading information appears.

The cheapest, 100 units of ordinary wood, only needs 100 grams of food.

James doesn't hesitate and buys it immediately.

He has a lot of food, including over 20 pounds of flour, more than 30 meat steaks, and other foods like wild chicken, small mountain pigs, crucian carp, honey, Qingyue algae, and crystal rice.

Especially good-quality food, which contains energy several times that of ordinary food, often a small amount can satisfy a day's needs.

So, James doesn't value ordinary-tasting ordinary food much.

And the 50-plus pounds of bean pods are the disliked items. Not only are they nutritionally lacking, but they're also dry and hard to swallow.

So, James decides to use the bean pods to exchange for a large amount of materials in the trade market.

[300 ordinary wood, exchange for 500 grams of food]


[50 ordinary wood, exchange for 100 grams of food]


[200 good-quality wood, exchange for 1000 grams of food]


[300 good-quality water-patterned stones, exchange for 750 grams of food]


[1 Toilet, exchange for two pounds of food]


[1 Beast Taming Scroll, exchange for 10 pounds of food]

Hmm, a bit expensive, but worth it!

After bargaining, it's settled for 8 pounds of grain.




James exchanges all 50-plus pounds of bean pods for various materials, filling his living room to the brim.

In the end, he gets:

5380 units of ordinary wood.

2140 units of good-quality wood.

1360 units of good-quality ore.

And [1 Toilet]

[1 Beast Taming Scroll (Good Quality)]

[1 Upgrade Scroll (Good Quality)]

[Aphrodisiac Powder (Good Quality)]

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