
Chapter 1: The World I Went

Aaaaaaaaa!! What is this? Why am I became Asuna Fristorginia? All I remember was I work over time as a surgeon and going back home to sleep. When I slowly open my eyes it was lovely morning outside, beautiful Sun shone from the window. Then I came to my sense and realize that this is not my bedroom. I got off from bed and quickly ran toward the mirror. I look into the glass clear mirror , and I scream. This hair, this eyes I confidant it was Asuna Fristorginia the villianess of the novel "Love Tragedy ". I'm the novel Asuna married the Duke Edmund Siveltril. D. Antarnia. That is when her life start to be a mess. She got framed by someone, well... not one but a lot. Because of that the world came to a conflict.

There actually an FL in the novel, her name was Fiona Rigulas, Fiona was called the " Saint of love". She has healing power and light power that shine the dark. That was only power,well this is how people always thought someone with light power where kind but not All of them. After Asuna die Edmund needed to married Fiona. Aaaaarrrrgggg!! Are they idiot Asuna just die and they got married, HUH! WELL NOT ANYMORE!

Knock! Knock! "My lady your father wish to meet you" say the servant. "Ah! I-I-i'll be there a minute!" I stutter, I quickly clean myself and go to meet "father". The moment I saw him I bow down toward him and say " Greating father, how are you?" While I look down cause he is to handsome to be an old man,ugh! He walk toward me and smile " why you look timid my dear?" I-i-it just that... That father look so handsome today." My face was red all over like a tomatoe. He giggle and say " thank you dear" . I laugh awkwardly and sit at the couch. All I remember Asuna father Gerald Fristorginia, he was the one that lead the soldier and he was respected by everyone. Not to forget he is a  Demon! That is when he was mad. Same goes to Asuna mother Roslianda Fristorginia but she's a wild tiger. Asuna had two youngest sibling one is Clayrissa she is the second born and the third born Christerson. All Fristorginia family are strong accept for Asuna. She was weak cause she had no talent at all. But doesn't matter how weak she was her family love her so much. Well my opinion that make me pissed off is she just never listen to what her heart wanted to, just a little gentle touch she shatter. GIRL YOU DOESN'T NEED EVERYONE OPINION JUST DO WHAT YOU WANT!! hu~ I feel relief.

"Asuna? Asuna?!" Father ask, "Ah! yes father?" His face was worried and he came toward me and touch my face gently " Are you really okay? You doesn't look well" . I look at him and smile " I am fine father" he was relief to hear what I say. Then when he sit down his face turn to serious mode it was creepy to be honest. " Asuna you will need to marry Duke Edmund Siveltril. D. Anternia. Are you okay with that? If you disagree you can say it now I won't be mad, cause it was you life". The moment I hear that I grin "No father I accept it" , I can't stop smiling while sipping my tea. " Father may I excuse myself to my room?" He look at me and replied " yes you may" . Once I arrive to my room I lock the door and started to ran toward my bed and jump. I was overjoyed by the news and trip over but it was not painful at all. Why I exited cause I want to get revenge one by one * evil laughing *

The Night Before Wedding:

I can't sleep at all I keep thinking what will happen. I staring at my window to see the scenery of the night. " Ah~ what a long night". Well who knows next day what will happens.