

Jason spent a good few hours sharing his story, telling it exactly as he did to Graffin days before. He made sure to exclude any details involving the magical nature to his arrival here, Surgebinding or Light. Robb and Jon both were fascinated by the story while Ned and his wife Catelyn focused on every detail silently. He excluded the detail of monster hunting from his story which Graffin didn't correct on, showing that the soldier didn't care about the lacking detail.

"You have quite the fascinating past Jason and a troubling matter with you missing your friend," Ned remarked as the story was at last finished. Jason changed the story of Light a little bit from reality. From a lost spren to a lost human.

"Thank you. I'll admit that these few days have been…stressing for me. If anything I shouldn't even be here at all trying to find him." Jason remarked back.

"And why is that? I'm sure any good friend would go to the ends of the world to save someone they hold dear." Ned questioned.

"It's a bit more…complicated than that." After all, how was he meant to explain that Light had the power over space and time, much less the boggling complexities of Surgebinding? He could tell Ned was an open-minded man, yet he couldn't risk sharing such details with him…not just yet at least. "I can't say anything more on the matter. It's personal."

"Keeping secrets doesn't help your cause, sir," Catelyn remarked, her voice formal yet stern towards him. "It's obvious you're not from Westeros or even Essos from my understanding…so either you're lying or hiding something."

Jason had to admit the woman was sharp, even again he was terrible at lying on the stop. It was hard keeping details about his world limited, yet hopefully vague enough. One thing was for sure, this woman didn't trust him. "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

The noblewoman kept that steady gaze towards Jason, doubtful about his claim yet Ned would quickly speak up. "The man has his reasons. It is a personal matter, one that he can freely share at a later date." Looking back at Jason, he continued speaking. "We can't ignore your actions dealing with the bandits, thus you're welcomed to stay here in Winterfell for as long as you wish. No doubt once you've rested and become familiar with the keep, you'll feel more open to telling us more about yourself."

Jason didn't expect such a patient reaction from any Lord, yet so far Eddard acted unlike any noble he had met before. He didn't impose his title like past rulers and treated him like a normal person despite his strange traits. Eddard was a level headed individual or at least honourable enough to not be demanding towards him. Or perhaps the Northerner saw him as a someone useful …although Jason already was thinking the same thing of the lord.

"I'll admit it's been a tiring week for me. I just need some time to rest, eat and get my bearings." Jason answered back thankfully. "Still I'm willing to do my part around the keep. Can work around the grounds, tend to any injuries you may have or help the men train." The mention of training had Jon and Robb mutter to each other, along with Ned giving a thoughtful look. After all, they all were curious to see the Surgebinder was capable of. "One request I have is if I can use your library. I'd like to research on certain matters and learn as much of the Seven Kingdoms as quickly as possible."

Ned thought for a moment before nodding. "Hmm…I see no issue with your request. For now, I recommend you take some time to look around Winterhold while the servants get your quarters arranged."

Jason gave a respectful nod back. "Thank you, Lord Stark. If there is nothing else, I'd like to take some time alone."

"Nothing else Jason. I will call for you if anything comes up."

With that, the Surgebinder turned to leave yet even as he moved across the hall he could hear the low mutterings between the four nobles, yet was certain they were debating about the story he had shared. Leaving the great hall, the guards shut the gate and escorted him back to the main courtyard. Graffin was nowhere to be found, no doubt taking a long break after the days of travelling.

"Seems like I am on my own," Jason muttered to himself, glad to no longer have anyone looking over his shoulder. If anything, he needed time to do some tests, somewhere private to see how his Signs were working. Also, skin on his neck still gave an electrifying lightly, hinting that a large source of power or someone with potent energy was nearby. His gaze drifted around the large courtyard, trying to notice anything or one that stood out. However, he'd hear a hushed voice, young and female in tone, coming from the archway leading to the Great Keep.

"We shouldn't bother him, Arya." The older voice muttered nervously.

"I just wanted to see if it was true. Never seen anyone carrying two swords on their back like that." A younger more exciting voice muttered back.

"He could be dangerous. I don't like those eyes and…I heard he killed a dozen people." The other voice argued back.

"A dozen bandits, Sansa. The spooky raiders you whimper about whenever Old Nan tells a story." Arya teased to Sansa.

"I do not!" Sansa snapped in an annoyed manner yet gasped when she realized Jason was standing right there, arms crossed and giving a questioning look at the two girls.

The eldest girl was a fair young woman with long light brown hair and was dressed in a lovely northern dress and cloak. It was easy to tell by her looks and finer clothes that she was one of Lord Ned's daughters since she had a fitting look at her parents, mainly from her mother's side. She glanced away shyly, seeming nervous by his gruff appearance.

The young girl had darker brown hair styled into two pigtails along the sides of her head. Her dress was plainer yet more fitting for outdoors. If anything she almost reminded young him with the way she looked at him with a curious yet confident gaze. She stares at the Warrior's beast-like eyes, a hint of surprise showing on her face for a moment.

"You do strange eyes! And you said the guards were lying!" Arya remarked at her sister, a small smirk crossing her face while Sansa muttered, no doubt having to bet on the matter.

Jason couldn't help but give a small chuckle at her reaction. "Funny. Most people normally cower when they see them."

"So is it true you're a mercenary? They say you're from some far off place across the Narrow Sea, a master swordsman even. I mean… you carry a sword. Do you wield other weapons?" The young girl quickly asked.

"You know about weaponry?" Jason asked.

She'd shrug, a small smirk on her face. "Did ask the smith's apprentice a few questions every so often. Nan always tells myths and legends special weapons that can kill…well…"

"Monsters?" Jason suddenly added in which caught Arya by surprise, who gave a small nod.

"Yah like that! I mean you don't kill monsters though?"

Jason paused as he thought on how to answer. "I do kill such creatures if you'll believe it. I can say they're real enough from what I come from. Monsters are lurking around the dark places of the world."

Arya beamed when she heard his answer while Sansa rolled her eyes, obviously not believing what he said and thinking he was humoured her younger sister. "I hope you mean it…so you better tell me a story about a hunt." The young girl demanded.

"Of course, for another time though." He answered back with a small smile. If anything Arya reminded him a lot of a younger trainee soldier by the way she acted. It at least improved his mood after the last rough few days. "I do have one question; do you have a shrine or sacred place here?"

Arya thought for a moment. "There is the small Sept of the Seven yet that is a boring place. The Godswood and the Weirtree though-" Arya started before Sansa shushed her and spoke up.

"The Godswood is restricted though to our family and those invited into it. Arya seems to forget that detail after all." Sansa quickly explained, speaking sternly to her young sister who grumbled in annoyance.

"I understand. I'll have to ask you, father, next time then."

Sansa just nodded before shifting back to the Great Keep door. "Anyway, we have bothered you long enough Sir Jason. My sister and I have to go back to our practices before the mother notices." Arya gave a small sigh of boredom on the matter yet knew her sister was right.

"Goodbye, Jason! Umm…maybe you will show us how you fight during one of the training days!" Arya quickly remarked before Sansa tugged her back into the Keep.

Jason gave a small wave as the two girls left before looking back around the courtyard.

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