
Red God

As the first signs of the rising sun shined through the small openings of the tent, Jason began to wake up at this early hour. Already there was a lot of noise going around the tournament grounds as the servants and workers were busy getting the area prepared for the upcoming Melee. No doubt most of the knights and warriors involved were active, using the last few hours to steel themselves for the challenges ahead.

Despite the building tension, he felt for the coming battle, Jason's thoughts lingered on the mysterious information he had overheard between Cersei and Pycelle. Between the fact that the poison that had killed Jon Arryn had been stolen along with the queen seeming to be taken medication to prevent pregnancy from her husband. He wasn't certain if the two clues were linked together, though there must be some distant connection. What he needed was to question Pycelle further or speak to Cersei even for other clues.

"Have to watch every step from here on…" He muttered as he'd change into his armour, strap his swords on his back and slip Dragon Fang onto his belt. Heading outside, he'd see it was a quite welcoming morning with a cool overcast having crept in from the nearby sea. His sharp nose could pick up the city stench off in the distance, the surrounding field and light woodland countered it to a degree. Moving across the small sea of tents, he headed to one of the private pavilions set up for the knights and nobility to eat and relax. The smell of fresh food had his stomach grumble, realizing he had missed out on dinner yesterday after his hasty retreat from Pycelle's tent.

Walking around the large shaded area, his gaze was set on a line of tables were cooks were busy getting spiced chicken, roasted pork, fresh bread and much more laid out for the nobility. Getting a plate, he'd fit as much food as possible before finding an empty table, although the whole time everyone nearby gave glances and muttered in low excited tones. He paid no mind as he began to eat, needing all the energy he could get for the day. While his mutations pushed his body beyond normal human limits, it, in turn, required more energy to perform more incredible feats. A few of his specialized potions did vitalize himself, though such mixtures were unpleasant to drink and left him hungry still.

"Space for another white hair?" Someone chuckled out, making Jason glance up from his plate to see a familiar face from yesterday. Thoros gave a big grin, a quiet friendly one even if his teeth were a light red from over drinking wine. Like yesterday he wore his mix of red robes lightly stained with wine, chainmail and plate leggings

Jason shrugged. "I see no harm."

Giving a pleased laugh, the boisterous man sat down across from the Suegebinder, setting his own plate along with a large goblet of red wine. "Many thanks then. We drifters must stick together after all…us few vagabond knights and roaming mercenaries." Quickly he'd dig in, being a bit sloppy with his eating as he took apart his whole chicken.

"For a drifter, you've come far. All the way from Essos from the city of Myr yes?" Jason questioned.

Thoros nodded with a small chuckle. "Really every city along the coast of Essos will proclaim itself the 'centre of all trade', yet Myr's fertile lands give it an edge over all of them. Oh, how I miss the wines from home." At the mention, he'd take a deep gulp from his goblet, giving out a sigh. "Thank the Lord of Light the order does not disallow the drink among the priesthood. Life be dull without such dulling pleasure."

"Lord of Light? Take that he's some patron god of yours."

"Aye. R'Hllor, God of Flame and Shadow among many other titles. The faith to the Red God stretches over much of Essos although the same can't be said for Westeros. Heh…main reason I'm here even."

"To peach the good lord's word and bring salvation to all?" Jason remarked sarcastically.

Thoros smirked, amused by the jesting before giving a small shrug. "Eh…more or less. Came here decades back late during Aery's reign when he began his fire obsession. The priesthood saw him as someone favourable to covert and get a foothold here in the Kingdoms." However, he'd sigh, stirring his goblet about in one hand. "Turned out he was just bloody insane though. Then came the Rebellion…got caught up in a few battles and next thing I know I've become Robert's drinking buddy."

"Most drifter tales often go that way. I know the feeling well enough."

"Glad you can relate!" The man chuckled, though his cheery smile faded slightly. "I'll admit those years were tough. Between the difficultly of spreading the Lord of Light teachings and the…horrors of the Rebellion…well…even a man like me was shaken by it all." He'd pause a bit, a serious look on his face. "Tell me. Do you plan to face Gregor, the Mountain, during the Melee?"

The sudden change of topic caught Jason off guard, leaving him silent for a moment before nodding. "Yes." He simply answered.

"Why if I may so ask?"

Again the Suegebinder paused, lightly picking at his food. "Because someone has to."

The odd answer made Thoros tilt his head, expecting something more righteous as an answer. "What baffles me is why a stranger such as you cares. Gregor is little more than a force of destruction…a man none dare challenge out of fear."

"Sadly that's an emotion I've long lost." It was a falsehood, Jason did fear for others, mainly those he cared for yet when it came to his wellbeing nothing fazed him. "Back in my homeland, there was always some war or conflict going around. I've seen dozens of Gregors' during my travels…men who take whatever they want through force and fear. The Mountain is just a title, all men bleed red when cut. He may seem unstoppable…but all it takes is the right moves make that image crumble."

For a moment Thoros was silent, making the Suegebinder wonder if he had shaken the man. However, the priest gave a low chuckle before bursting out with a loud laugh. "Ah! I knew it…you have the Lord's fire in you! The flame of fierce justice!"

The man's outburst snapped Jason out of his serious mood, blinking a bit in confusion. "Not sure what you're getting at."

"Surely you see it? You have a makings of a real champion of the Red God."

By this point, the Suegebinder understood what the man was getting at. He didn't blame the priest for his actions, feeling it was no doubt his fervour that guided his words. "I appreciate the offer, I decline. Never been much of a believer in any faith considering past experiences…" He is an already a Knight Radiant and nothing is going change that.

"Ah…that is sad news…" Thoros glanced aside. "Perhaps in time you'll consider hearing a few the Red God's teachings and reconsider?"


The priest sighed, shrugging picking at the last of his food and gulping up his wine. "Either way you are a truly decent man Jason, a rarity in this world." Shifting to stand. "Course…that won't stop me from giving that skull of yours a good cracking." An eager grin crossed the priest's face. "Another freedom of my order is we're no pacifists, considering our duty to enforce justice and order."

"None took. Just don't be surprised when you meet your match on the field."

"Ha! I like that spirit! So blunt and confident!" Nodding, he'd pace away from the table. "Hold nothing back Jason. Its time men like us show these knights how the battle is!" His loud voice had those mentioned knights around the pavilion glaring and muttering in annoyance. However, Jason understood the priest's goal, trying to rile the men up with his remarks. "I'll see you on the field Suegebinder! May the Lord's light guide you!" With that he'd hurry out from the pavilion, escaping the men who seemed eager to brawl the red-robed priest right then and there.

"Quite the eccentric…" Jason muttered, shaking his head as he'd finish up his meal and leave the dining area. For now, he'd stroll along with the tents until reaching the practice grounds.

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