
Hunt part-1

The next few days Jason focused on his usual routine throughout the Red Keep. He did spend more time training Arya along with Syrio, honing her duelling skills at double the pace. If anything the girl seemed more focused after the tournament, wanting to accomplish the same feats the Surgebinder had done. Again she shared the same spirit he had, which in turn improved his mood with the difficult times coming ahead.

Soon the day of the hunt arrived and Jason made sure to prepare himself. He knew they'd be heading off to the Kingswood, a vast forest to the south which was used as the royal hunting grounds. It was within a day's ride, yet from what the page had told him Robert wished to stay within the woods for at least a night and day.

Donning his Surgebinder armour and swords along with his hand crossbow and quiver. He'd pack away a selection of bombs and potions, basic ones for any emergencies. It was good to be more equip beyond just his swords though he hoped he wouldn't have to use his more exotic tools. Fully packed for the trip, he'd make his way for the courtyard where the gathering party would be. Making his way for the main hall, Jason slowed as he'd see King Robert, Renly and the whole King's Guard leaving out the throne room, Barristan chatting beside his Lord while Jaime followed close behind.

Robert and Renly were both dressed for travel, having traded their more regal clothes for fine sturdy leathers. It was perhaps the first time Jason had seen the two dressed so normally considering their high positions in the court.

The Jaime seemed to have recovered from his injuries as he stood tall in his golden armour. The right side of his face was healing well, still covered by a bandage with edges of the injury showing smooth scarring. It no doubt takes a month to see how it look although Jason could tell it leaves a clear mark in the end.

Approaching the group, everyone's attention shifted to the Surgebinder, Robert giving a big grin seeing how well armed the man was. "Hah! So is this how you usually look when you go on a hunt?"

"Usually my prey are fiercer then stags and boars." Jason simply answered back.

"Going to have to tell me more of these 'monsters' you hunt in your country, they must be quite the challenge to require such weapons." Looking to Renly and Barristan, he'd nod for the doors. "Anyway, daylight is burning. Sun may be low now, yet I want to be in the Kingswood and camp set before midday!"

The group moved out to leave, rest of the King's Guard going their separate ways since their Commander was going to be watching Robert on this occasion. However, Jason quickly noticed Jaime remained behind, making the Surgebinder stop following after Robert's group.

Looking at the young knight, Jason remembered that this was the man who had crippled Bran, who put all these events into motion. Despite it all, he felt a strange confliction, there was lingering respect that he couldn't deny after their battle days ago. It was frustrating really, but he kept composed as he showed no real emotion on his face as he approached Jaime.

"Doing alright?"

Jaime smirked at the remark, nodding his head as one hand touched his bandaged cheek. "Humbled really. I can say this was the first duel where I truly met my match despite all my plans and efforts."

"You were well prepared, something most don't do when facing a difficult opponent," Jason answered back. "You pushed me further than most, an accomplishment that you should be proud of."

"Sounds like worthy praise when you put it that way. Guess I can say I was the man who nearly bested the Whitethorn."

Jason couldn't help but chuckle at the man's jesting tone. "At least you'll never forget with that scar. Trust me, I never do with the ones I've earned."

Jaime nodded, an amused smile on his face, though for a moment the Surgebinder could see an odd hint in the man's eyes. It seemed to be…guilt, just the small way his gaze shifted away from the Surgebinder. "One day I hope we will battle again. You've given me a lot to think about…" He'd offer one up a hand to shake, making Jason gaze downward.

For a moment the Surgebinder hesitated from his conflicting emotions. Jaime could tell something was wrong as he noted Jason stance becoming tense, a questioning look showing on the knight's face. However, a booming voice from the grand doorway called out, snapping both men to attention.

"Enough chatting Jason! Hurry up or I'll have you dragged to the woods!" Robert yelled out.

With the tension broken, Jason relaxed as he turned away from Jaime to face the doorway to the courtyard. "I best go, rather not frustrate the King so early in the day."

There was still a troubled look on the knight's face as he nods in agreement. "True…keep a close eye on him, Surgebinder." Jaime gave a short respectful nod before stepping away, only to suddenly stop to speak a bit more. "When you return there is something I want to tell you. Something I feel you should know…"

Already the Surgebinder had an idea what Jaime meant but didn't say anything back as he let the Lannister march off down one hallway. Taking a low breath to calm himself, Jason headed out to the courtyard were everyone else was waiting. There was a small group of servants, Lancel being among them, were set on wagon packed with camping and hunting supplies, along with a couple of guards for added protection. Nearby, Roach was being handled by a squire who handed the reins to the Surgebinder so he could mount up. Robert glanced over the gathering party before gesturing towards the gates.

"Forward! To the King's Gate to the south. Guards make sure the morning crowd doesn't slow us down. Want to give the people a good show without them hindering us."

The ride through the city went by smoothly as the royal hunting party with only a small crowd paying much attention to them. Robert kept the group going, waving to a few people who called out to him while the guards kept anyone from getting in the way. At times though someone spoke out for Renly and Jason, more often his nickname the White Wolf. Renly would give a charming smile to those who called for his attention, although the Surgebinder wasn't as active as he'd give a small nod or glance to the onlookers.

Soon they reached the King's Gate which was the simplest looking of the city entrances when compared to the others, making him guess it was one of the original gateways into the city. The party continued southward, crossing a wide stone bridge of the King's Road that stretched over the wide Blackwater Rush. Robert would be chatting with his younger brother for a while, giving a deep chuckle as Renly gave an annoyed look before slowing his horse to stop riding alongside the King.

"Sibling differences I take?" Jason questioned as he neared Renly.

"More of his boasting nature. It's tiring to keep hearing him praise about his accomplishments during the Rebellion and all his hunts. If anything it's a bit sad…"

"Him clinging to the glory days. I've seen it before. Still, he seems to have kept peace well enough despite the debt that has built up behind the scenes."

Renly nodded. "He and I may have different views on many matters when it comes to running the country. I give advice and in turn, hope he uses it. I only wish Joffrey won't be next in line though…if anything the traditional line of succession is outdated."

"That is a bold thought to share," Jason remarked, curious at what the young noble was saying.

"You're not an ordinary individual Jason, you are far more open-minded than most. Surely you agree that a leader should be chosen by merit and favoured by the smallfolk? Too often have we handed the role of ruler to a madman or warmonger, only because they were born to the founding family. Aerys is such an example, a decent king in the early years before madness ruined him."

"All fair points and one I agree. However, I doubt such a change will happen anytime soon time."

"Perhaps, yet your approval gives me confidence at the least." Renly chuckled. "Many respect you for martial prowess, yet Lord Stark and I see the greater value in your common sense and wisdom."

"Flattering compliments sire."

"You're welcome."

Next chapter