
Chapter 10 Dean Lin's Arrangement

Su Yang didn't linger in the hospital, he left after giving his contact information to Hou Shilin.

Not long after leaving the hospital, Su Yang suddenly stopped, turned to the person following him, and asked in a stern voice, "What do you want?"

The person was Dean Lin from the hospital and also Director Hou's attending physician. Caught by Su Yang, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed and said with a forced smile, "Uh, Mr. Su, hello, my name is Lin Dingkun, and I'm the Dean of the city hospital!"

"I know! Just get to the point!" Su Yang replied calmly. Dean Lin had been in the crowd when he had gone up to save someone earlier. He had been very skeptical of Su Yang's medical skills, and after Director Hou woke up, he was the most shocked.

"Well, Mr. Su, what exactly did you use to treat Director Hou just now?" Lin Dingkun asked cautiously, "I have been practicing medicine for decades, and I've never heard of such a technique or seen such results before. Mr. Su, you've really opened my eyes, and made me realize that beyond the heavens are even higher heavens, beyond the people are more remarkable people. If there was any offense before, I apologize here; I'm truly sorry."

"It's fine!" Su Yang replied calmly. Although Lin Dingkun had doubted him just now, he was also quick to acknowledge his mistake, which was commendable.

Dean Lin breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Mr. Su, I...I'm really sorry about earlier. Honestly, your method of treatment was just so shocking. That is...I...I just wanted to ask for your guidance, if you have some time."

Su Yang paused for a moment before saying, "I have some family matters to attend to. We can talk about it another day when I'm free!"

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Su. Thank you so much!" Lin Dingkun was overjoyed and extremely grateful.

Su Yang didn't say much more and turned around to leave directly.

When he got home, there were still a lot of people gathered outside the courtyard, and Zhao Xuefen was still among the crowd, crying out her complaints. Seeing Su Yang returning, Zhao Xuefen immediately came over in a disheveled state and angrily said, "Su Yang, how did things go? I'm telling you, if Young Master Dai doesn't forgive you, I won't let this go!"

Su Yang gave Zhao Xuefen a cold look and replied sternly, "The matter isn't settled, but you don't need to worry about your jobs."

"What does that mean?" Zhao Xuefen was stunned, then began to scold, "Not settled? So Young Master Dai didn't forgive you? What do you mean we don't need to worry about our jobs? Su Yang, are you speaking without thinking? What are you suggesting, that I should join your dad at the construction squad or go out and shine shoes for others?"

"Su Yang, step back and the sky's the limit. Director Dai is wealthy and influential; we can't compete with him. Just go and apologize, say a few nice words, let it be if the matter can be overlooked, no need to be so stubborn!"

"Yeah, Su Yang, we poor folks can't afford to be hassled like this!"

"Su Yang, if you've got the guts, keep standing your ground. I want to see how Director Dai is going to destroy your whole family later on!"

"You even dared to hit Xiao Fei. Su Yang, in the three years since you left home, you've really grown some skills. But what's the point of being capable of fighting? Without money, what are you worth?"

The neighbors had all sorts of suggestions, and Su Yang frowned, about to retort, then suddenly, two cars drove up from outside the crowd. One of the vehicles was an ambulance.

As soon as the vehicles stopped, several people got out of the cars. Seeing the person in the lead, someone in the crowd immediately shouted out, "Hey, isn't that Doctor Xie?"

"Ah, Old Xie, you're back!"

"Oh, Old Xie, we rarely see you here. What brought you back this time?"

Zhao Xuefen also walked over with an awkward smile; this Old Xie was a known figure in their area. He was an attending physician at the city hospital and had good relationships with many leaders in the city, making him a prominent figure in their village. He seldom came back, but whenever he did, the villagers would compete to greet him, hoping to curry favor with Old Xie.

Old Xie smiled, ignoring the people around, and went straight to Zhao Xuefen, took her hand, and said loudly, "Sister-in-law, hello there."

Zhao Xuefen was a bit stunned. Old Xie usually wouldn't even say a word to her, so what was going on now that he was being so polite to her? She knew full well that Old Xie wasn't even this enthusiastic with his own relatives in the village!

"Xie... Doctor Xie..." Zhao Xuefen's voice trembled as she spoke.

"Oh, we're all family here, no need for such formalities, just call me Old Xie!" Old Xie laughed heartily, "By the way, I heard that Old Su got hurt?"

"This..." Zhao Xuefen's face showed her embarrassment, as the matter was rather shameful to speak of.

Doctor Xie immediately said, "I've come this time specifically on Dean Lin's arrangement, to invite Mr. Su to the city hospital, to receive the best treatment!"

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned. What was going on? Not only was Doctor Xie so polite to Zhao Xuefen, but he also specially came to take Su Ping to the city hospital. Was it necessary for an attending physician to escort just one Su Ping? Moreover, it was a task entrusted by Dean Lin, who, by the sound of it, was no ordinary figure.

"Dean... Dean Lin..." Zhao Xuefen was also bewildered.

"Yes, Dean Lin Dingkun, the head of our city hospital!" Doctor Xie hurriedly explained.

"Ah?" Everyone exclaimed again. The head of the city hospital was an absolute big shot. How had he personally sent someone to the Su Family?

"Doctor Xie, you... you couldn't have made a mistake, right?" Zhao Xuefen asked with a trembling voice, finding the situation hard to accept.

"There's no mistake, it was Dean Lin who personally instructed this." Doctor Xie smiled and said, "Dean Lin initially wanted to come in person, but something delayed him. He knew I was from our village, so he especially asked me to come arrange this. Sister-in-law, let's not talk any further, we should get Mr. Su to the hospital first. Treatment at home certainly isn't as good as the conditions in a hospital, right?"

"This..." Zhao Xuefen mumbled, barely able to speak, "But... how much will hospitalization cost..."

"Sister-in-law, don't you worry about that, Dean Lin has already waived all the fees!" Doctor Xie paused, then said, "By the way, sister-in-law, are you no longer working at Jianshe Machinery Factory? Well, Dean Lin mentioned that the hospital's kitchen is short of a purchaser. If you don't mind the work, how about overseeing the kitchen's procurement?"

"Ah?" Not only was Zhao Xuefen shocked, but so were all the people around her.

A kitchen purchaser often meant a lucrative position. And for the city hospital's kitchen procurement, the benefits were even more substantial. Such jobs were usually secured through very close connections, but now Dean Lin himself had offered it to Zhao Xuefen. Had Dean Lin lost his mind?

Doctor Xie smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, you don't have to rush your answer, think it over. Ah, in fact, this job as a kitchen purchaser isn't that tiring. You just go out in the morning to buy the vegetables, and then you're done for the day."

"Is... is this really true?" Zhao Xuefen pinched her own arm as she asked, wondering if she was dreaming.

"Of course, it's true. Why would I travel so far to deceive you?" Doctor Xie chuckled, motioning with his hand, "Alright, let's get the patient to the hospital first!"

The few doctors behind hurried into the yard, and Su Yang did not stop them. Just as Doctor Xie had said, his father, Su Ping, would be better off in the hospital. Moreover, Su Yang was very aware that all this was Dean Lin's deliberate arrangement to win him over. Plainly put, the current Su Yang was no ordinary person. Not only was his medical skill superb, but he also had Hou Shilin's support. Dean Lin couldn't afford to be anything but ingratiating to him.

Zhao Xuefen was completely bewildered and took a while to grasp the situation. She walked up to Doctor Xie and couldn't help asking, "Doctor Xie, we... we're not familiar with Dean Lin, what's all this about?"

"I'm not sure either, but Dean Lin said that he seems quite familiar with your family's Su Yang." Doctor Xie paused, then said, "Right, Dean Lin mentioned that in a couple of days, when he's free, he'd like to invite Su Yang for a meal. I wonder if Brother Su Yang has the time. Of course, we can arrange according to Brother Su Yang's schedule. Dean Lin is available anytime!"

The people around all exclaimed in surprise. They finally understood what had brought about these events—it was all because of Su Yang. Dean Lin was doing all these things for Su Yang's sake.

Furthermore, for someone like Dean Lin, even city leaders would show deference when invited to dine. Now, he wants to invite Su Yang to eat and was willing to arrange it according to Su Yang's schedule, which clearly showed his respect for Su Yang!

Zhao Xuefen looked at Su Yang in a daze, finally realizing what he meant earlier when he said not to worry about the job situation.

Indeed, without the job at Jianshe Machinery Factory but with a much better one in its place, what was there to worry about? This kitchen procurement job was much easier than her factory work and paid several times more. It was a job she wouldn't have dared even dream of!

After Doctor Xie and the others had arranged for Su Ping to be taken to the ambulance, Zhao Xuefen approached Su Yang with a flushed face. Hesitating, she spoke in a low voice, "Su Yang, about what happened earlier... I'm sorry. Auntie Zhao sometimes speaks without thinking. Please... don't take it to heart..."

Su Yang gave her a glance. He had no fondness for Zhao Xuefen, but since she was his father's wife, he couldn't really do anything to her.

"Take good care of my dad!" Su Yang said firmly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Old Su!" Zhao Xuefen nodded repeatedly, treating Su Yang's words as an Imperial Edict.

Su Yang didn't follow the ambulance to the hospital because he had another important matter that evening—he had to have dinner at Lin Qingru's house. He knew he couldn't escape this obligation, so he might as well resolve whatever needed to be addressed tonight.