
Thin Ice (Part 1)

Lith saw through Solus' eyes how the Undead Courts' representative had politely rubbed in the senate's face how desperate the situation of the underground city of Zelex was and how much they needed the Courts' help for survival.

"My people have upheld our side of the bargain." Now that Lith was caught up with what had happened since Solus had reached the city, he could now follow the debate as well. "We have given you resources and scouted the cities of the Kingdom for you.

"Without our help, you would have never learned where the major reserves of food were located and how the Kingdom's troops were deployed in the various cities. If not for our intelligence,  you would have been forced to spread your forces thin and would have never gathered so many resources."

The undead pointed at a pile of dimensional amulets that grew in size as the raid teams returned. Lith noticed that Eryon was there as well, lined against a side wall with the rest of the squad leaders.

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