
Festering Scar (Part 1)

Lith closed his eyes and took a deep breath to quell his anger and not ruin the mood.

"So yes, you can visit and are free to be part of my daughter's life. Yet don't ask me to give a damn about what you think or how you feel when I make a decision."

Sinmara and Surtr lowered their eyes in embarrassment.

Lith wasn't completely right but he wasn't wrong either. In the end, they had remained on the sidelines whereas Zoreth had risked her life and free will for him. There was no logic, no matter how sound, that could make up for that.

"That said, Grandma, I would like to keep coming here in the future…" Lith said.

"Granted." The Overlord nodded.

"Which means that I'd like you to allow Zoreth and Bytra access to your palace. At least while I'm here and they want to visit Elysia." He rushed to add once he noticed Salaark's frown.

Next chapter