
All Work and No Play (Part 1)

Usually, winter was the worst time of the year for any beast, be them magical or not. Cold, hunger, and long battles to get their fangs on scraps of food had been the rule for years.

For pets, however, it was the best season. Due to the snow and the storms, the kids would spend most of their time indoors studying, leaving Abominus and Onyx nothing to do but long naps.

They would eat to their heart content and the food would be delivered to them on a silver platter. At nightfall, when the wind howled and the temperature plummeted, they would hog all the space in front of the fireplace, exposing their full bellies to the warmth of the flames.

"Move it, lardass!" Tista tried and failed to make Onyx leave her some space.

The Shyf just meowed with a pained voice, making Aran cry.

"Stop bullying her, you meanie. She got here first."

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