
Supreme Mage System

Link Atlas died and was reincarnated into the world of Gaia. A world that was once similar to earth but after a catastrophe mutated. It is now a world Overrun by rampant beasts that leave destruction In their wake and humans who can bend the elements of nature to their every desire. How will Link Atlas, who is not without his cheats, survive in this world? . . . . . Hey readers, in new to writing so could y'all please leave comments and reviews so I can improve. . . . . . . cover is not mine, if your the owner and want me to remove it just say so, and i will do that.

Immortal_Mage · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Edward Mystral

Two S-rank elemental affinities. After obtaining the wind and fire elemental affinities, Link could see and feel the colorful mana particles floating all around him. Normally one would have to meditate in order to feel them, but he could do it without.

Different colors of Mana particles represent different elements:

Red for fire.

Light blue for water.

Brown for earth

Green for wood.

Cyan for wind.

Grey for Metal.

Dark blue for ice.

Yellow for lightning.

Generally speaking, after the awakening of a mage, if their elemental affinity reaches B-rank or above they are termed as a genius.

Currently there are only three living people who have S-rank affinities in Tempest.

And these three people are also the most powerful people in the human federation:

The God of Fire Morpheus Blaze

The God of Ice Ethan Frost

The God of Thunder Derrick Storm

They are all powerhouses who have awakened an S-rank elemental affinity, which is why they have come this far. And Link now with the power of the system, has obtained two S-rank elemental affinities, which is much stronger than the talent of the three. After all, the three Gods only have a single S-rank affinity, but he has two.

"With the three Gods as role models, how can I be lesser!" Link muttered to himself, although he did not plan on exposing his talent.

In the past years since the , apart from the three Gods, it is not that there have not been others with S-rank elemental affinities. But these geniuses, although they were protected as soon as they were discovered, they were all assassinated by cults, and even some shady high-class families were involved. In these assassinations, many geniuses died before developing the abilities.

Although the three Gods have the intention to take action in person, to take these human geniuses to their side to protect them. The leader of the Beasts would not let them succeed. Every time a genius of this level appears in the human race, he will attack the three Gods not allowing them to fulfill their plans. The powerhouses among the humans are already strong enough, and they cannot be allowed to become more powerful.

Based on this, in Tempests nearly 100-year history, there have been eight people with S-rank elemental affinities, but more than half of them have died due to assassination or beasts.

Therefore, Link did not plan on revealing his abilities. He had just publicly awakened a D-rank fire affinity. This weaker talent can give him the perfect cover.

"Hey, Bro, what's the matter, you have awakened your D-rank elemental affinity, haven't you recovered from the shock yet?" The teenager on the side of Link elbowed him, awakening him from his daze.

"Hey, Ed, you're right, but it's your turn soon, I hope you successfully awaken a strong affinity.

"Of course, the two of us are going to the academy together!" The young man laughed, he was one of Link's few friends, and he naturally hoped that he would awaken a powerful affinity and not just be a hard-working weak person in the future.

"No. 47, Edward Mystral, it's your turn, come up" Link heard Mr Silverwood call the boy's name and cheered him on. At this time, Edward also stopped smiling and put on his poker face. Although he is always smiling, he is meticulous when it comes to serious business.

With a soft sound, a strong Cyan light suddenly erupted from the Awakening Crystal, and there were even sharp wind blades appearing around Edward. "Everyone move back" Shouted the overseer of the ceremony.

"WATER DOME" Silverwood pulled away the nearest person, and then stretched out his hand and waved, a dome of water appeared and surrounded around Edward. The wind blades hit the Water Dome but were blocked, which stoped it from causing harm to the other students.

At this time, Silverwood was not surprised but delighted, his eyes staring at Edward, who was surrounded by the wind in the water dome, and shouted excitedly, "It's actually an A-rank wind elemental affinity. Even if this kid has a zero in his school grades, he will definitely be recruited by the one of the three major academies"

An A-rank wind elemental affinity, everyone who heard was shocked by Silverwood's words, as this was a high ranked talent. As long as he trains he will become a powerful being in future. "Quick, Mr. Henderson immediately contact the school board and tell them the news. Also tell them to send someone to take care of Edward Mystrals safety" After Mr Silverwood calmed down, he immediately said to the class teacher Mr Henderson.

When he heard the words, he immediately understood, nodded and turned away. An A-rank affinity which is only second to a S-rank affinity. Once the news spreads, Edward will inevitably draw the attention of all kinds all people. In addition, those cultusts will also try their best to assassinate him.

"Hey, it hurts, it hurts,Ed What? did you go crazy after you awakening" After Edwards ceremony was over, he returned to his seat in disbelief after hearing the result, and pinched Link.

"Bro, I just want to see if Im dreaming. Since it hurts so much, it must to be true. I actually have a A-rank affinity"

Edward smiled wildly when he saw Link grinning at him. "I... If you suspect that you are dreaming, pinch yourself, why did you pinch me" Link threw a punch at Edward who quickly ducked his head and said with a smile: "Hey, isn't this too exciting Link, calm down, I'll treat you to a meal at the nearby restaurant after school", not wanting to fight with him.

One should know that Link has been training his body ever since he learned of the horrors of this world. Especially when his parents lost their lives on a mission, he worked even harder.

Now for Link, it is not hard for him to deal with a few unawakened people. Edward knowing this as his best friend. As well as he sometimes sees Link fighting gangsters.