
The Chase

catch him!!"

" don't let him escape, master will reward you abundantly".

in a very dark and creepy forest a boy can be seen running very frantically, and there are some few people chasing after him in the dark Forest

"I hope I can escape from this people I don't know why they are chasing me this hard, is it because I won a gold ring I have been running for hours". thought Wu Chen.

This is one of the most dangerous

places there is, and it is known as the no return forests

all of the sudden Wu Chen was running and he now saw a tunnel by his rights there's a road by the left and also he can move forward but this tunnel looks inconspicuous and is quite hidden.

Wu Chen decided to make a bet and decide to hide in this tunnel, maybe because of the obscure nature of the place they can easily miss him.

So he took the road to his left and slid down the tunnel

after that he hold his breath and kept very very quiet

the people chasing after him after some time went and past directly ahead

Wu Chen remained quiet trying his best to be silent and not to be found, He stayed that way for sometime and after that the weather changed.

lightning and it started raining, it began to rain very heavily the area he was hiding began to get cold Wu Chen have to cuddle himself so that he doesn't get cold

but doing that unaware he started dozing and he fell asleep.

After sometime he woke up and he found himself in a very mysterious place

the place looked like a gigantic palm print

and also like an island in the middle of the sea.

Wu Chen was a little confused he tried to recall what happened before he came here, he remembered he was been chased and after that he hid in a tunnel, but he doesn't know how he get to this place.

Confused Wu Chen then shouted "where am I"

after some time he heard a

A voice coming from all direction,

"you are in Trinity Palace

in the Andromeda Galaxy"

it was a voice that was very thick it seems to have come from ancient times and he can hear the voice all over his body not only from his ears.

Wu Chen was still confused because he has no idea what Trinity palace is or where Andromeda Galaxy is.

Still confused he ask what is Trinity Palace, The voice Responded.

"It is a place where countless creatures in existence desire.

A supreme place that can take you the top to be a master of the universe and creator of many worlds and it has only a very little consequence of failure which

is death.

Wu Chen was speechless

but there is also disbelief in his eyes

apart from the the consequence of death which is even considered as a minor

Punishment here

it is unbelievable for him to have an opportunity that will make him the creator of Many Worlds and master of the universe

this is

really unbelievable to Wu Chen

cause in this world he is just an orphan and he even hardly Get Enough meal to eat three times a day

he is always treated lowly without much of a respect

but just like a dream

he is granted opportunity to

not only on top of the world but creator of many world and master of the universe?

this is really unbelievable to Wu Chen.