
×Chapter 93×All For Him

*Dxd World*

*Haile House*




They all stood against Sirzechs whose face turn ugly like he bit on lime, Giafia next to him was amazed at this, they all stood by Haile's side no matter what and are even willing to fight a devil king for him.

."Ria..why..why would you do this, betraying me?!."Sirzechs was heart broken seeing his sister like this, he felt like he lost something important, he didn't even bother looking at the other girl's.

Rias sighed slightly."Just help us get him to Kyoto, let's not totally brake of ties with each other, though you bringing up betrayal is kinda funny, where was my betrayal when you sold me off to the Phoenix Clan for some of there Tears huh."She said with rage bubbling up at her hypocrite of a "beloved" brother.

."...Rias I-I was going to rescue you back, it was just a scheme to get the tears and then take you back."Sirzechs said to her hurriedly, he wasn't planning to sell her, he loved her more than anything.

Rias shook her head in disappointment."This conversation is over, will you help us are not?."She asked folding her arms, she wants to get this over with, looking at his face is bugging her.

Sirzechs looked at Haile's body an unreadable expression, no one knew what was going on in his mind.

."">Sirzechs, don't even have any thoughts towards me, don't even try to calculate the pros and cons of killing me here, because your calculations are 100% wrong<"".

Haile's face gained a slight stiff smirk at that, he couldn't see now but he can hear and knew what Sirzechs was thinking from the first time they met.

."What do you mean, do you think I can't kill you now, if I do what will these little girls do, Satan Class power is nothing special even in large quantities."Sirzechs said calmly, but he had already made his decision, he sighed in his mind.

Grafia clenched her fist slightly as her palms got sweaty, what would she do if Sirzechs really tried to kill Haile, will she help Haile or just stand and watch, she was conflicted, if Haile died then her hopes of escaping will disappear and if she step in for Haile she will also die, it would all come down to, which options does she prefer.

."">Hahahahahahaha that is the funniest joke, Sirzechs my boy, you have no idea what you would get yourself into, if you kill me here and now, then in the next 2 hours or less the entire Underworld will disappear from the face of existence, man, woman, child, elderly, dogs, cats, rats, pigs, pregnant, newborn the bloodline of the devil race extinct<"".

Everyone had cold sweats from his words even his own girls, Tiamat had the most because she knew he was not kidding, she knew the power that is behind him and ready to finish this world for him, she got up.

."Lucifer, my name is Tiamat, I would recommend you listen to him, even I alone am enough to put you out your misery, behind him is a power you can't even hope to imagine, I can also call in a few favors from some dragons as well, let's see if your Underworld can still stay standing."She said with a smirk on her face, she was ready to fight already, she wanted him to try something so she can beat his ass.

Sirzechs had sweat running down his face, he looked to Haile's body for a few seconds then he sighed."It seems you are indeed quite protected, even in your weakest state I still can't beat you, it's my lost, I will contact the West Youkai, from your condition there is nothing I or pheonex tears can do for you, you own me one for this, this is going to be expensive."He said with a sigh, he turn and left motioning to Grafia.

Grafia nodded, she looked one last time at Haile's body and gave it a slight bow before walking off following sirzechs.

The girls sighed in relief, even Tiamat, honestly she was not confident enough to fight against that man and that woman while defending Haile at the same time and possibly the girls as well, they might have all died there or she would have been the only survivor and would only have been able to take revenge.

Haile looked at all of this from his unconscious, he sighed, that was dangerous, he has his God Back so it doesn't matter if he died he can just will himself back to life, but the girls, he doesn't know where there souls will go.

He decided to take a look at Great Red's statistics now, he opened it and he froze up.....

NAME:Great Red


TITLE:Apocalypse Dragon, True Red Dragon God Emperor, True Dragon, Dragon Of Dragon, Dragon Of Dreams, The Glorious Red God Of Dreams.

RACE:True Dragon God

DIVINITY:Dragon God Of Dreams

MAGIC RESERVES:Low, Unnamed Class

CLASS:Low, Unnamed Class

COMBAT STRENGTH:Low, Unnamed Class


ABILITIES:Dream Manipulation, Shape-shifting, Telepathy.

TECHNIQUES:Perfect Backflip


.'The fuck, an Unnamed Class, does that mean he achieved a class that hasn't ever been seen before, a completely new, no damn wonder, Ophis must have know, now that is the real reason she doesn't even dare to fight him on her own.'Haile thought in a little surprise, it was really something, he rubbed his unconscious chin.

He looked at it.'Alright I name it Otherworldly Class."He said in his mind, he looked at it and it changed to Low, Otherworldly Class, so this is what he has to achieve to fulfill Ophis wish, he should really think about taking promises he can't fulfill.

He came from his thoughts and looked out at the girls looking all tense."">You guys don't have to worry like that, this is nothing, I'll survive<"".

Guhna was the one who spoke first."My Lord even if you say that we still can't help but worry, we almost lost you, I'm finding it hard not to just go berserk and find that great red lizard, even if I have to die."She said with eye turning red as she clenched her teeth, she was still furious.

The others nodded at that, they will definitely "repay" his scaly ass for this one day, they will teach him a lesson, never mess with there man, all of there eyes glowed brightly at that.


*Half Hour Later*

Sirzechs had sorted out everything and now Everyone of Haile's girls along with him were packed into a limousine on there way to Kyoto to see the Youkai of the west, everything has been paid for already.

Haile's head was on Tiamat's thigh because hers was the most squishy and comfortable to lay on, they tried to keep him as comfortable as possible.

."Are you ok, is it hot-DRIVER TURN UP THE AC!."Tiamat said in worry, she didn't even bother to think why is she so worried for anymore, she just wants him back in one piece.

The other girl's chuckle lightly, she acting like a overcaring mother or wife, but they can't even say anything they also want to do the same thing.

."">Yeah, I told you I'm find for the 10th time in these 3 minutes, I'm resting<"".

After a long ride they finally arrived in Kyoto, the girls except a few were fascinated at everything cause it felt like they went into any entirely different world, they and went straight for the Shrine, they were told there will be someone to pick them up.

And sure enough they saw two ordinary men patiently waiting in kimonos by the entrance of the Shrine steps and for some reason there was no one around, the limo stop by them.

The two men went on guard but was still polite, the devil race were not allied with the Youkai race so they still had to be on guard again them.

The girls got out first and helped Tiamat take Haile out of the car, Tiamat held him in her arms gently to not hurt him.

."You must be Princess Rias Grimory, I am attendant Mi and this is my brother Attendant Yu,the Great Devil Lucifer has already contacted us and made the necessary preparations and agreements, you way follow, we shall first take you to our leader."The one on the left spoke, he was a short ball middle age man with no beard but had a mouthstach of black hair.

He recognized Rias from her red hair, not many have it, he ushered them to follow him up the steps, they followed the two men up took they approached some gates.

."This is the main entrance but not the only entrance, there are thousands more."The same one Mi spoke as he glanced at them from the corner of his eyes, he was obviously still wary of them, obviously he was lying about the entrances.

The girls for the most part nodded but remained silent, Haile's life were in these people's hands they can't afford any mistakes now so they could only tolerate the obvious looking down on there intelligence.

Mi opened the gates and let them go through first before him and his brother went in, they led them further down inside passing by a few other Youkai that were in there forms.

They soon came across a vast expanse of large Japanese style buildings that for some reason couldn't be seen from the outside, Youkai were everywhere, in all different shapes and sizes, some in full animal form and some in half form and some full humanoid.

."Welcome to the West Youkai Kingdom, enjoy it while it lasts, the only reason you got to come here is through special permission from our Lady."Mi said calmly as he walked on forward.

After walking for 20 minutes through the city, soon came upon a big Japanese palace on a hill, it was golden and red in color, standing high in the sky it was separated from the city by a river bed and a bridge.

Standing at the front of the bridge were to bird like Youkai with Septers on guard, they look at the group but did say anything seeing MI and Yu.

Mi walk pass leading everyone up to the palace like building, it had large decorated doors.

After getting into the building the ground was placed to wait in a large lobby with Couches and everything, it looked like a normal living room just with two side door and it was extremely large.

The girls put Haile on all of there legs to lay on while they waited for the leader to show up, Aika had his head on her leg this time, she rubbed his face lightly.


.""Sorry to keep you waiting, I am Yasaka the representative of the Kyoto Youkai faction, nice to meet you all"".

The door opened and four people walked in, Yasaka as beautiful as always, she was in her half Youkai form a her nine tails were out and looking graceful following behind her was Kunou who was a bit shy of new people and two other women in kimonos.

The girls eyes brightened at this, Rias got and walk towards them since her brother put her as the representative."Hello Lady Yasaka, my name is Rias Grimory sister of Sirzechs Lucifer, we have been told that everything consisting with Haile's healing had been prepared?."She asked her as politely as possible as she got close.

Yasaka raised an eyebrow at that, Kunou also widened her eyes but shook her little head in doubt, Yasaka looked over to the other girl's in the distance and she frowned slightly, she began walking to them.

As they got closer the color drained from both Yasaka and her daughter Kunou's face as well, they recognized that body even if his face was turned away from them, Yasaka glanced at her daughter.

."Big brother.....?"Kunou said in shock as her arms trembled gently, she ran pass her mother to Haile and her eyes filled with tears.

."Big Brother!!!".

The girls asked in shock and surprise, they looked to Haile, did he had a younger sister they didn't know about and is also a Youkai, was Haile a Youkai.

Yasaka came forward."..Sir Haile, how did he get like this, Sirzechs Lucifer didn't mention any details, I'm a friend of Haile's please tell me what happened."She said worriedly, she looked at his dent and caved in body and some blood by his lips.

."">*Sigh* I can tell you myself, Glad to see you again Miss Yasaka and Little Kunou, when I said that we would meet again, I didn't expect it to be like this<"".

Yasaka and Kunou looked at his body in surprise, Yasaka spoke."Telepathy, are you in pain sir Haile, I never thought I would even see you again, now that I did I feel so bad it's a sad occasion like this."She said to him with a sigh, she had only met him once and for a short while yet for some reason he had already found a tiny part in her thoughts.

."">This is nothing, I came to you because I know you Youkai's specialize in breaking illusions and stuff, so I guess you were my best bet<"".

Kunou walked up and touched his face lightly, she hoped this is not a dream yet also hope this is a dream for his sake, she had dreamt about him just showing up to see her but it didn't go like this.

."">I'm sorry it had to be like this little Kunou, so Yasaka what can you do to help this situation?<"".

Yasaka put her hands on her waist and thought about it."Oh, what happened, who attacked you, since you mentioned illusion, I can see what I'm dealing with if I know who."She asked him curiously, since he was in line with a devil king and apparently the devil kings sister then he should have some amount of power and status, so who could possibly do this and get away with it.

."">..Well, yeah I know, it's stupid, let's get that out of the way first, I went and fought.. *Ahem* get beat up by Great Red in the dimensional gap and here I am, a broken man crawling to you for help, *sigh*, this is not a lucky day for me<"".

Yasaka opened her eyes widened."You what, that was stupid, why would you do that, what if you had died, what about the people who loved you, you can't go just putting your life at risk for nothing Uh, ah, I'm sorry about that, it is not my place to be in your business."She said chastising him but realized her mistake, she can't talk to him like that, he doesn't have to listen to her words.

."">No it's alright, you're absolutely right, but I made a promise with someone, my promises weighs universes and dimensions, priceless, if I promise something I will complete it, but i guess I went to fulfill it to early and learnt my lesson<"".

The girls were silent at that, he was way to honorable, even going so far, they feel even better knowing that anything he say he will do he definitely will but they think he may put himself in needless danger.

."Alright come let me help you, I will try to heal you first, I hope this works, I haven't used it in a long time, please ladies let him lay on the bare couch."Yasaka said as she got serious, she put her hands together and then went into a series of fast hand signs about 7, a blue pattern like Japanese Kanji floated by her finger then a blue ball of energy appeared.


Yasaka's face started to pale as blood dripped from her lips, she was in full concentration moving down the ball of Youki to Haile chest, as soon as it touched him it disappeared in his body and a blue flame like aura took shape around his body.


Everyone watched as an electric like current flashed from his body from time to time and one could see his body healing at a very slow but mildly visible pace.

They looked on with bated breaths for an entire half an hour, but finally after all that his body was fully heal, it was brand new again, no cut or even a bruise remained.

."Haa haa haa haa *cough* *cough* he should haa be fi-fine now haa *Weeze* haa."Yasaka said as she smiled, her face was completely pale and blood ran from her lips, she also was out of breath and stumbled slightly.

Kunou held her mother from falling."Are you alright mama, what's wrong."She asked in worry, her mother didn't look ok at all, blood even came from her mouth, the two women that came with her helped her stand as well.

.""That is because she used her life source to heal me, meaning she burnt her lifespan using that special technique"".

From the couch Haile pushed himself up and sat down, he looked at everyone calmly as he stretched his body, he focused specifically on Yasaka."Why would you do that for me miss Yasaka, we had only met one time."He asked her curiously, she paid a big price to heal him for no reason, her lifespan is now considerable smaller.

."It-it's just my daughter, my Kunou would be sad if you died so I had to do whatever I could to prevent that from happening."She said a little flustered but she calm herself down quickly.

Kunou shook her head."Mama been talking about you all the time, she even had a dream with you in it, then she spent that whole day thinking about the dream."She said innocently as she blinked at her mother.

."Haile!."Aika shout out after being froze that he was healed, she ran and jumped in his arms hugging him tightly, she really can't afford to lose him, she will die with him if she has to.

All the girls smiled brightly all looking like beautiful sun's, they were happy that he was finally back from that worrying state.

Yasaka and Kunou looked at this display with a frown, Kunou spoke out with dissatisfaction."Big brother who is this blind Gold Eye Old Lady with glasses."She asked rudely with attitude, she was seething in jealousy.

."Well little Kunou, this is my girlfriend Aika, you can call her big sister."Haile said with a smile as he chuckled at her expression.

Kunou's cheeks were puffed out as she pouted cutely."Not fair, I wanted to be your girlfriend, ah."She said but then realized she said that out loud, she covered her face and ran behind her mother who shook her head

The other girl's laughed at that, they can all finally relax, Yasaka looked at Aika then back to Haile."So she is your girlfriend huh, I didn't know you had a girlfriend, but wait weren't you close to the devil kings sister Rias Grimory?."She asked as she looked around at Rias who didn't seem bothered by it at all.

."Hahaha well, the thing is, I am a God, Godking of the Supreme Wing Pantheon I created not to long ago, they are all members of it."Haile said with a smile as he hugged Aika's waist and kissed her neck lightly.

Yasaka was shocked again by this."A-a-a-a God, I didn't know, I'm sorry for my rudeness before, I didn't know!."She said with a respect tone, Youkai being largely known to be creations or descendants of God's worshipped the Gods heavily especially the Shinto faction.

."There is no need to be like this Yasaka, just treat me like before, no formality need between us, I like you after all."Haile said casually as played with Aika's breast discreetly or as discreetly as possible.

Yasaka nodded as she sighed in relief."So those other girl's are members of your Pantheon, *sigh* must be nice."She said a little down, she has to stay in this boring place all the time.

."No most of them are my girlfriends as well, I'll introduce you, over her is Guhna my beautiful Guardian and first Goddess of my Pantheon, I suppose you can say girlfriend as well."Haile said smiling to Guhna who started crying at him calling her his girlfriend.

Haile continued."Over here is of course you know, Rias Grimory sister of Sirzechs, my girlfriend, then Tsubaki another beautiful member of my Pantheon and my girlfriend as well, the seductive Akeno my girlfriend, you probably heard of Sona Heir To The Shitri noble devil family and sister to the devil king serafall, little Koneko whom I consider like a sister, also a member of my peerage and she is a Nekomata Youkai, Tiamat Dragon King of chaos and Karma my familiar and soon to be member of my Pantheon, my great beauty Xenovia previous member of the church, a holy sword wielder and member of my Pantheon, last but not least my sexy Aika also my girlfriend and a member of my Pantheon."Haile said motioning to all of them individually.

."Wow, you have quite a group don't you, I'm not even going to be surprised anymore, but I didn't expect you to have so many people around you, are they ok with this?."Yasaka said a little disappointed, she looked at the girls with mixed emotions and complicated feelings.

Haile chuckled."Well it just kinda happened, but this is my family now, as long as it doesn't bother them, I gave them the chance to leave as it won't had bothered me then, there stuck with me for eternity now hehehehahahahahaha!."He said laughing evilly

His girls just shook there head, they've long come to realize they are together with a evil maniac that was just good to them and bad to everyone else, welp, they already sold there souls to him so now its to late.

Haile chuckled at there collective realization, he lift Aika off him and stand up, he stumbled slightly as he frown a little.".... Yasaka....it's not gone, the thing is still there."He said looking at his hand....

Next chapter