
×Chapter 51×DoMiNaNt


Artificial space

*Occult replica*

Koneko who was sitting on the couch staring off into space nose suddenly twitched and her ears moved."Rias they are making a move."She said as her ring glowed slightly, she is using a little of the rings power to fuel her senses, she could cover the entire school easily.

."Yes finally, how many of them did he send."Rias asked with a smile, she felt so excited to show off her new power, especially in front of her brother and possibly other great noble houses on par.

Koneko concentrated again as she closed her eyes."He sent out 11 members, leaving only 3 with him."She said calmly as it wasn't a big deal at all, almost too little, all of them were only low class devils.

."What, is he trying to kill us, without this new power we would be done for."Rias said with surprised, she breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't have imagined how her life would turn out without Haile in it.

Akeno had sadistic smile on her face as it turned red, she put her hand on her cheek seductively not minding that Rias and Koneko were looking at her strangely.

."So now, for the plan....who wants to go first to demonstrate our power by crushing them."Rias eyes glowed red as she said with a sweet smile on her face.

Akeno quickly stood up."Me me me, I want to go, I can't wait anymore, you two can have the other's, there is still Riser and his queen to be fought."She said as she turn to leave, she is so excited now she is shivering.

."O-ok, have fun Akeno."Rias said witha chuckled as she shook her head, hopefully Haile can keep her in line in the future.


*Kuoh Academy replica*

*Secondary room replica*

In a sub space high in the sky overlooking the fun from above, there was a house replica and within was three beings watching the Rating Game on a holographic screen, there was Grafia who was standing behind the two.

The other two infront of her, both men sitting on Throne like chairs sipping wine from a beautifully decorated glass, they were Haile Supreme and the Great Devil King Lucifer, Sirzechs.

."Mmm intriguing, I suppose those are your doing, Mr.Haile, interesting indeed, you are very gifted."Said Sirzechs, he glanced across at the man beside him, a bit of surprise was in his eyes.

Haile just smiled slightly at the compliment."Well just a little thing, I have to treat my ladies good don't you think, I suppose you do the same Great Satan."He said as he motioned back to Grafia standing behind them staring with a serious face at the screen.

."....yes....of course I do, haha."Sirzechs said as he chuckled awkwardly before quickly regaining his bearing as he looked back at the screen with intrigue.

Haile nodded with respect."You have a very beautiful wife, you must enjoy life alot huh hahaha, your sister will be just as happy with me, no disrespect."He said as he quickly corrected himself, the guy is a bro-con after, he might just suddenly snap out of nowhere.

Grafia standing behind them eyebrow twitch.'Do both of you have to talk about me like I'm not here, you men.'She thought in her mind as she stood there behind them.

They continue to watch the Rating game in silence.


*school grounds*

Akeno is currently sitting by a tree on the school grounds a little ways from the occult club, she is waiting for Riser's peerage to come to her.

She is sitting on her knees respectful and had transformed her clothes into her shrine maiden outfit, she looked so peaceful and innocent that one would not dare to even touch her in fear of corrupting her purity.

In the distance 11 girls appeared as they walked towards the occult club confidently but instantly went on guard as they saw Akeno by a tree sitting as if waiting for them.

They looked around as if ready for an ambush they took out there weapons and everything but nothing happened so there were confused.

."~Ara Ara ara, my little darling, no need to worry for an ambush, it's just me here, let me take care of you Aaa~."Akeno said as she chuckled, she opened her eyes as they flashed with a violet light, she had a blush on her face.

A girl in a pretty colored kimono step forward from the group seeming like the one in charge."Lady Akeno, Queen of Rias grimory, my name is Mihae bishop of Riser-Sama, I have long heard of your great power but unfortunately you can't win here, so please surrender, I'd rather not hurt you as we will be comrades soon enough."She said politely, even though she was ordered to take care of them, she would rather win without fighting as it was already over in her mind.

."~Oh how kind of you, alright since you said so, then I will say the same for you as well, surrender now and I will spare you the pain~."Akeno said with a smile as she got up from the ground and dust off her own kimono, she cracked her knuckles and stretched her back.

Mihae sighed as shook her head."Wrong choice, but the decision was yours, Ni and Li twins the right, Siris you guard me while I offer support from behind, Karlamine you attack from above, IIe and Nel twins you take care of the left side, Mira you stand behind me and guard my back, Marion you run around and go behind her incase she tries to escape, Burent you do the same, Shuriya keep an eyes out for the other two incase of an ambush."She saw quickly dishing out a sequence of orders in seconds as she fell into position as well.


All of Risers peerage complied instantly flashing to there assigned post in perfect unity.




."Lord Riser sure trained you all well, Mihae right, you are a great commander, not even arrogant at all, even though I am one person you still decided to use the full power at your disposal, I'm impressed especially for your masters team."Akeno said as she Clapped for them with a smile on her face, she was honest surprise, Risers team is like the opposite of himself.

."Go now!!!."

All of them instantly move, the twins on the left arrived first on her side punching at her, she looked to her left and right calmly, As they got close she held out her hand to them and grab them in mid air smashing them into each other.


."Ahhh!". ."Kuaa!."

Akeno smile and lifted them up throwing them at the other set of twins on her right knocking the wind out of all of then as they lay unconscious and she stepped back avoiding the one from above.


The girl from above smashed her sword into the ground creating a deep gash in it as she quickly jumped back.

Akeno now stands in the middle of them all now as calm as walking through a garden, she looked at all her enemies now feeling nervous as they didn't expect he to be so powerful.

.""IIe pawn of Riser eliminated"".

.""Nel pawn of Riser Eliminated"".

.""Ni Pawn of Riser Eliminated"".

.""Li pawn of Riser Eliminated"".

The two sets of twins lying on the ground turned into light and disappeared from the Kuoh space replica.

."~AmAaaMm yes that hits the spot~."

Akeno moan as she licked her fingers feeling immense pleasure, she smirk soon after also feeling proud at her accomplishments, the reason being she had yet to use the rings power, she just doesn't fear exhaustion so she doesn't have to worry about conserving her power supply and just went for it.

.'He will definitely fuck me into oblivion later on.'


*Principles office*

."....The fuck just happened, that can't be, how is this possible!!!."Riser screamed in shock at what he just heard, four members of his peerage were just eliminated, that was not the shock, it's the fact that it was 11 that he sent out, so how did they lose people.

Ravel was shocked also but she wasn't that surprised by it.'I knew it, there must be a reason behind her sudden gain of confidence, it's definitely Lord Haile'.She thought as she looked at her brother Riser with worry, things could go very badly for them, maybe they should all go.

."Mmm master Riser how about Isabela and I go take a look."His queen Yubelluna beside him said as she stood up with a glare in her eyes.

Riser nodded in embarrassment, he glanced upward, he knows that alot of beings are watching, he had the overwhelming number advantage and still lost four members, even if he won now it would not mean anything.

."Alright master we will clean up the mess of the others, sorry about that, I should teacher them better."She said as she then glanced at Isabela who nod and followed after her leaving together with her.

Riser put his hands on his face with anger in his eyes."How dare they, HOW DARE THEY HUMILIATE ME LIKE THIS GAAA."Riser roared as he stood up flipping the furniture in an angry fury, his body caught fire and burned with his Phoenix flames.

Ravel watched her brother sadly as she sighed, if he got rid of that baseless arrogance and trained properly he would be way different, like big brother ruval.


*Occult research replica*

."Wow, Akeno sure is having some fun out there I could even feel the waves of magic from here, four pawns already eliminated nice one."Rias smile, her peerage is now possibly the most powerful one even more so than a Satan, with just three people not even a full peerage.

Koneko was laying on the couch lazy as she was bored not having anything to do."When can we go, Oh two more are making a move, it's a big one so it's probably his queen and someone else with high power as well."She said up as she said that, she also wants to have a fight to flex her new power, so that when she meets her sister she can be confident.

."Mmm so Yubelluna is finally making a move, well matters not, we'll wait till Akeno gets rid of the other seven then we'll go out and have some fun with the bigger fish."Rias said as she has her feet on the table, she feels like a big boss, like a anime last boss, she could flick her fingers and the bad guys will just disappear.

Koneko nodded her head and layed back down making herself comfortable.


*With Akeno*

."Ara ara are you all ready to give up now, I will give you one more chance on account of Mihae's kindness."Akeno said as she shivered in excitement, that first one was only a warning, next she will shock them.

The 7 remaining girls were as pale as paper as they witnessed 4 of there own get eliminated in an instant without the ability to resist.

Mihae had cold sweats as she imagined her master is going to do to them all for causing him humiliation, she clenched her fist.

."We have to rectify this now, Riser-Sama will probably send Lady Yubelluna, before she comes we have to get rid of them all unless we will be punished."Mihae said with a trembling voice, she glared at Akeno who was looking at her calmly with no worry on her face.

Mihae took a deep breath and calm herself down."All 6 of you attack her all once Phoenix formation, I will hit her with everything I have."She said as she closed her eye then open them back glowed brightly with magic energy poring out of her.

."Oh, wow, I didn't know you were hiding so much power, you are usually off to the side anytime people see you."Akeno said in surprise, it seems like her magic power was great, it was almost at her level mid low class.

*Shhh*!!! *shing*!!! *fhhhhh*!!! ."YAAA!!!." ."GAAA!!! ."KYAA!!!

The six girls flashed at Akeno not taking the time to talk to her, she was dangerous they can't waste anymore time.

."Now this is a wrong choice by you now SUFFER."Akeno shouted as her aura flared to the maximum as lightning flashed around her, she didn't even need to use the ring to deal with this bunch of low class devils, she raised her hand to the sky and a yellow magic circle appeared above then and herself.

."LIGHTNING!!!." *Ziii* *Ssshhwoo*!!! *BOOM!!!

A large bolt of Yellow lightning rained down from the circle like a beam of pure light the six girls could see nothing as it swallowed them not even releasing a sound, there body instantly turn to light an disappeared to stop them from taking to much damage.

."~AaaMam haa that was haa so beautiful so painful, *breaths in deeply* to bad I couldn't see your faces, Ahh what a pity haa."Akeno said between breaths as her face was red but this time not just from pleasure but exhaustion as she used up all her power on that one attack.

.""Siris Knight of Lord Riser Eliminated"".

.""Karlamine knight of Lord Riser Eliminated"".

.""Mira Pawn of Lord Riser Eliminated"".

.""Marion pawn of Lord Riser eliminated"".

.""Burent pawn of Lord Riser eliminated"".

.""Shuriya pawn of Lord Riser eliminated"".




Mihae was on her knees bleeding as she was hit by that attack abit, her head was bleeding, one of her eyes was blurry mostly from the blood flowing, but using her one eye she looked at Akeno in disbelief.

."How, how can this be, No WAIT, you used all of your power, you can no longer fight!!!."Mihae's eyes glowed brown as she struggled to stand up, she still have power so she can defeat Akeno, she dragged her injured body to Akeno who looked exhausted.

Akeno almost pitied the poor girl but unfortunately this is a fight for freedom."You know in another life I would have liked to be friends with you, but unfortunately I can't be friends with anyone who doesn't belong to my man as your survival isn't guaranteed in the future."She said as she shook her head but then she smiled slightly, it doesn't matter much.

."Now sleep and wait for your master while we kick his ass whhhoo haaaa "Supreme Wing"."Akeno said as she whispered Supreme Wing under her breath activating the golden ring on her finger as glowed slightly.

She instantly felt an unimaginable amount of power flowing into her body filling her with warmth it was vaguely reminiscent of hugging Haile in her arms.

."~Yes that's it, this is beyond anything I could have ever imagined, so this is what the devil kings feel everyday~."Akeno sighed with satisfaction, she feels invincible somewhat, but she knows better so she won't let it consume her.

She looked over at the shocked Mihae and smile, she looked at her index finger and on it a tiny spark of dark yellow lightning appeared the size of a fly and shaped itself into a ball.

Akeno put it between her thumb and index finger, she grin then gently flicked it towards Mihae.

Mihae helplessly looked on as the Yellow ball got bigger as it reflected in her eyes, only one feeling remained, dread.



When the fly size ball of lightning hit Mihae it exploded into a gigantic explosion of lightning as it flood 20 meters in all directions like a tidal wave, Mihae screamed as she disappeared in a flash of light.

Seconds after the dust and everything settled in the area and the effects of that attack were displayed, a full 15 meter crater, two meters deep, that was the result of extreme holding back as well.

."~Ara ara Haile, he must really trust me to give me something like this knowing my personality."Akeno said calmly as she touched her cheek thinking of Haile, she turned around and strolled back to the occult research club.


*Secondary room replica*

Sirzechs who was watching the scene sat up right in shock."Am I seeing things, don't tell me, was that Satan class power, that was way to casual to be anything else, is it?."He said in shock as he turned his head to Haile who was watching casually as he rest his head on his palm.

."Yeah, just low Satan Class power."Haile said as he looked at Akeno releasing her lightning, he was proud of her, her flexing is in a way him flexing.

Sirzechs eyes widened at the conformation."And you give that sort of power to immature girls, isn't that a bit reckless on your part what if they cause chaos amongst the younger generation."He said with a frown, he could already imagine it, his sister talking back to him and stuff thinking that she is stronger than him.


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