
Supreme Gamer

A young man defeated a god in a video game and the god grew angry and decided to take revenge on him for his arrogance. "If you like video games so much, then go live your life as a game in a deadly world! I will make sure your life becomes hell..." And thus the young man is sent to the MCU a few months before the infinity war with a variant of the gamer ability. "Every time you die, you will be sent to another universe while losing everything! You have to start from scratch every time... A Neverending nightmare... You shall know no afterlife or peace, only an eternal life of struggles and loss..." Will the young man be able to overcome the god as the Gamer in fictional worlds or will he lose and fall to a life of endless torment? Welcome to the story of the Supreme Gamer. A Life and Death battle between a man and a god. Their video game taking a turn and becoming a reality. The Question, Who will win? ------- [Hiatus] Worlds or some of the potential worlds; MCU (Current) -- Star Wars, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Fate, Magi, Naruto, DBZ, DBS, ATG, ISSTH, etc.

EternalMonarch · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Preparing for Zombies

Hans sat on a bench in the central park of new york city and fell in deep thought, 'Thankfully the bank accepted my excuse of forgetting my passwords for the account and let me reset everything after confirming it was me... well, body-wise...'

He began planning, 'I have 34,000 dollars total at the moment with 340$ cash with no debt, the apartment is mine so I have no worry about a living place... This will work! Now, what do I know about Zombies... Hard to kill, aim for the head, don't get bitten so close combat is not good, need a mask to filter the probable rotten smell since it will affect my focus, if there is a boss then I need explosives, Armor for safety, Silencer for the guns in case they are attracted to loud sound; I need a good positioning and leave an escape path to not get surrounded especially if they are not slow; That should be it.'

He used the phone and searched for stores to buy guns as he continued thinking, 'I need fingerless gloves with steel plates to punch if necessary, full gloves will make my hands sweaty and can affect my focus. I need a bulletproof vest since it also protects against bites with a leather jacket and leather pants that can also help with that; As far as I know, they won't be able to bite through that and it won't slow me down. That takes care of Armor.'

He entered a cab and ordered the driver to take him to a good gun store he found on the net, 'I need a 9mm pistol with a high capacity, I need accuracy... Walther PPQ 5" Barrel was a good one back on Earth so it should be good here too; It has 15 rounds so I need to buy a lot of bullets and prepare to instantly change in the midst of battle, thankfully I have inventory. I also need one Uzi to rapid-fire at the Zombies and deal high damage to the boss, it needs a suppressor as well. Lastly, I need a dozen grenades just in case... Where to get those?'

He reached his destination and paid for the cab and left to see the store in front of him, he entered it and bought what he needed except for the grenade since that one was illegal. They checked his ID, he signed a document and a few minutes later, he left the store with a lot of ammo, two guns, and a bulletproof vest.

He felt a little giddy and funny inside, just last day he had never held a gun in his hand but now he had bought two. He shook his head and called another cab and went back to the apartment. From 30k he was down to 26k dollars.

'I need to train shooting a little and then I will go buy the clothes; I need some supplies to last me for a few weeks just in case it takes longer and I get stuck. Where to get grenades? Let me check the contacts of this guy, if he was a bad boy he should know some criminals right?'

He went through the contacts and found a very interesting one, 'Jack the Trash Cocaine? Probably a drug dealer... He should know a guy... is it wise to call him? But if I don't get grenades I won't be able to kill the boss easily... Fuck it, I will call him.'

He put the guns and ammo in the inventory, they vanished mid-air... he put on the vest and then called the dealer and a few seconds later he picked up, "Well, well, if it isn't Hans fuckin' Blake! Did you forget the last night? You insulted my cocaine saying it was trash... I won't sell ya' shit!"

Hans couldn't help but sweatdrop, 'There is history between them... I need to act like a bad boy in case he notices something... Based on the living standards of this guy, he was probably a hedonistic playboy...'

"Jack, listen, I didn't call to buy cocaine... I need to buy grenades... Do you know a guy? I can pay you 50 bucks to introduce me." Hans said offhandedly.

The other party seemed interested, "Sure, Why though? You got into a fight and wanna blow up a guy? That's overkill man! But it does sound badass now that I think about it..."

Hans ignored him and continued, "When can you introduce me?"

Jack answered, "I will come to pick you up in an hour. Bring cash and don't forget my 50, you hear?!" Hans hung up.

'They must have been friends, this jack guy talked as if he was a person who has known Hans for a long time... Well, I will act calm and see where it leads if he asks why the change, I will tell him I am going through something...'

Hans put his hoody back on and got himself 3000$ cash from the bank and waited for a while in the apartment.

His phone began ringing, he checked who it was and froze, 'GF number 4?! What a Playboy this guy must have been! Why sleep with a hooker when he has at least 4 girls? Maybe he got into a fight with all of them? Whatever...' Hans did not answer.

A while later the door rang and he opened to see a skinny guy with sunglasses in a punkish outfit; He seemed to be in his late twenties with a little beard and a bunch of chains hanging to his clothes. The other party shook his hand, "Good to see ya', let's go. By the way, are you interested in some good old cocaine?"

Hans was ready so he left the house, all the items were in the inventory, and if he wanted he could pretend to take them out from under his hoody. "No, Let's go. I am short on time."

Jack laughed, "Sure, Sure. How many girls are you datin' this time? 10? 20? Man! I am so jealous of your fuckin' looks. Be my wingman maybe?"

Hans shook his head, 'Well, this body is a solid 9/10 as far as looks go, so I understand his feelings... In any case, I must act naturally...' and he said, "I have something to deal with first. Later maybe..."

Jack nodded indignantly, "Well, I saw how serious you look so I figured. How was the hooker I set you up with last night? Wait! Don't tell me you want to blow her up!"

Hans couldn't help but laugh a little, "What a stupid conclusion, Why would I blow up a hooker?!"

Jack shrugged his shoulders, "You do you, how should I know? Get in the car and let's buy some fuckin' grenades! Yeah, baby!"

A 1989 Buick grand national with old school flame paints was parked in front of the building.

They left the building and entered the car. Hans couldn't help but appreciate it a little. Jack brought him downtown and in a bar, he introduced him to a seller. Hans handed him the cash and got 6 Grenades that he put in his inventory. He managed to control his nervousness and acted calmly all the way.

He quickly separated from Jack, who wanted to party, and went back to the apartment after he gave him his 50 bucks. His first impression of Jack was good. 'Jack can become a good friend but since I am in a crisis, I can't split my focus on anything else but survival and leveling up.'

Hans attached the silencer to his handgun and fired at a can nearby. The sound was actually quite noticeable but to manageable levels. He realized he had screwed up but no one had noticed thankfully. 'Never fire indoors! Lesson learned. Okay, This will do.'

He searched for a shooting range nearby and went there and trained with the same type of gun for the rest of the day. He returned to the apartment at 10 p.m and sat down. The experience was unique and he was unsure at first but he got used to it.

'I can hit 6/10 to the target. I am pretty good... Let's rest tonight, buy the other stuff tomorrow, and then clear the dungeon.'

He slept the night and ignored the 27 missed calls from the 8 GFs that called his phone. He also ignored their messages. The next day morning, he went and bought the armor he had thought about and supplies to survive for a month and put them in his inventory. He also bought a machete for close combat.

He ate lunch, put on his mask and vest with the leather outfit and the fingerless gloves with iron plates. In one hand was the handgun and in the other the machete, he was ready.

He felt afraid and very nervous but when he thought about Thanos and the god that put him in such a situation, his anger and desire for survival overcame those. He gained confidence when he thought about his preparations.

He took a deep breath to calm down and said, "Dungeon Create, Zombies."

'Now I will either live and clear the dungeon or I will die there...'