

A companion what is that? touching the system panel he looked at the new information broadcasted in front of him. Oh, so it's a reward for finishing yet another secret achievement, sounds interesting. Wanting to know more about this new ability he asked Ella about it. "Host has now unlocked the ability to create a companion. compared to the host's usual creations, companions are of higher intelligence and will grow stronger as the host levels up. They are also strongly linked with the host making communication through thought possible. Also, the host is lonely by himself so a little friend wouldn't hurt."

Listening to Ella's cold voice and remark at the end made him realize something that he had never thought about before. Even though he had Ella to talk to he was mostly alone in this new life of his so she wasn't wrong saying a new friend would be appreciated.

Now with this new information, he started contemplating what type of companion would fit him. A dog? no that's way too cliche maybe a cat? no, I have problems dealing with their claws. While thinking of what the ideal pet for him would be, he started tapping his fingers against the hard armrests. Countless minutes went by and soon he came up with an idea, an epiphany. Why did he need to make his companion one of the usual pets that man had on earth why not just take his favorite animal and make that his companion. With a newfound spark for what was about to happen, he asked out to the system regarding how this companion creation was done.

Ella responded rather quickly with the information about companion creation. "Since a companion is entirely different from the usual creation a different method is needed."

In front of him, a new game panel appeared completely different from the ones he had seen before. This panel even had a name surprisingly enough called "Companion Creation." What this panel showed was some unique information regarding the companion creation, such as a text box where he would type in a name for the creation. More customization like body color and eye color as well as information regarding the creature. Such as a life expectancy and maturity time as well as the companion limit he had which was one. The thing that surprised Alexander wasn't all the customization he could do but the line of life expectancy and maturity because under life expectancy was just an infinite symbol. Whilst maturity time was merely an hour.

Asking Ella about it he soon got a rundown on what all this meant. "The companion is not like your usual creations and will not be mature instantly therefore has to grow up. Also since the companion is strongly linked to the host it shares the host's immortality."

After the short rundown, he understood why the companion creation was marketed as completely different from his usual creations. As Ella said not only could he name the pet but it was like a best friend that would always be here for him. Now with the explanation over he looked at the game panel and started the creation of his new companion. What Alexander had in mind was a red panda, his favorite animal back on earth since childhood. It had always had a special place in his heart because of its cuteness although he made his new companion a little different compared to the red panda on earth. His version had fire red eyes and more glossy fur as well as a little purple necklace. With the creation done on the panel, all that was left was the naming process. While contemplating on the name he soon came up with one while looking at the fur that reminded him of a beautiful flower back on earth a fire lily. That is the perfect name, Lily I'll go with that he thought, after typing in the name a prompt appeared on the panel while Ella's cold voice sounded in his head. "Does host wish to create Lily the fire panda? since the companion shares the host's immortality it will not cost any energy." After accepting a cloud of mist appeared over his lap and from that cloud a figure emerged, a small baby red panda with a purple necklace dropped down on his lap. Looking down at his lap and at that small creature with its eyes closed he couldn't help but aww in his heart, it was way too cute.

While the little baby was laying down on his lap he petted it on the back and realized something crucial, Lily needed a bed to sleep in. Since small creature creation was simple for him now, a single bed was nothing. He raised up his hand and before he could blink a small bed with a red blanket appeared next to his black throne. Taking his eyes back to Lily he could feel a sort of spiritual connection to her, intrigued he used his eyes on her and a panel appeared.

Supreme Evolution System(Ella)

Name: Lily

Master: Alexander

Creature: *Fire panda

Age: 10 minutes (50 minutes until maturity)

Energy level: Mystic Low Understanding


"So it even says that I'm her master on the panel and she also has an energy level so that's why I feel the connection."

Closing down the window he started petting and looking at his new little companion. While doing that Lily started growing at a speed visible to the naked eye and soon the hour was over. Now with a fully grown fire panda laying in his lap, he realized that Lily was slowly opening her eyes, and while those fire red eyes were looking deep into his eyes. A new voice sounded in his head this one different from Ella's usual cold voice sounding rather cute and soft.


Surprised by the sudden sentence he looked at her and responded to her question.

"Hello, Lily I guess you could call me your father are you feeling okay?"

When Lily heard his response a large smile erupted on her face as she nodded fast while snuggling in his embrace. While petting Lily and running his fingers through her glossy soft fur feeling total bliss a message was received from the system that interrupted the peaceful bliss he felt.

"Congratulations on host successfully creating his first companion"

"Ding! the Ability: Intelligent Creations, has been rewarded and merged with (small creation)"

"New Mission, Expansion added to hosts profile"

Oh, a new mission well now I'm not alone at least.

And that was how a companionship between a lonely god and an adorable fire panda started.

*Lily is a fire panda due to her eyes being fire red giving her control over the fire element meaning she is an evolved breed of the red panda.

Also hope you enjoyed the chapter stay tuned for more.

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