
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


"What the fuck?!?" Vincent shouted in outrage when they got through the portal. The group had lost two of their members in that nightmarish battle.

Liam was a little shaky standing back up after taking a couple of rocks to the back of the head. Between the adrenaline wearing off, the horrendous injury he suffered and the rocks slamming against the skull, his body was struggling to let him stand.

"What do you think our next course of action should be Vincent?" Liam said while trying to get his bearings straight.

"We have no choice. We have to inform the military. That thing is no demon. It's a goddamn monstrosity!"

Liam nodded his head in agreement.

"Thanks for getting us out of there Clementine. We wouldn't be alive right now if it wasn't for you." Vincent said with sadness in his voice.

The two hadn't even noticed that Clementine wasn't at their side.

Fear suddenly grasped their hearts at the thought of the demon grabbing her and Veronica. "Clem! Where are you?" They shouted in unison.


In an isolated part of the woods, Clementine was laying face down on a patch of grass. Everything around her was silent. Not a single soul could be found nearby, including animals.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, she finally began to regain consciousness.

Moving her body hurt, almost as if she had been thrown off a cliff. She forced herself to sit up slowly while massaging the back of her head with her right hand. Her vision was blurry from the hit to the head.

"What the hell happened to me?"

She began to look around while her eye sight was slowly coming back.

"Where am I? Why can't I remember anything?"

The rocks that were thrown by Jupiter had hit her with enough force to not only concuss her, but to damage her to the point of losing her memories.

She finally managed to stand up, and tried to figure out where she was, but it was dark out at this point.

"I need to get out of this spot and try to find somewhere a little safer." She thought as she began to walk in a direction at random.

"No matter how hard I try, I simply cannot remember anything. Damnit! I don't even know my own name, and to top it off, the harder I try, the more my head hurts!"

The only sounds she could hear was her own heart beat thumping in her head and the sounds of her stomach growling. She had only been knocked out for a few hours, but that forced her to miss dinner. That and coupled with the fact that her body had just gone through the ringer in a fight that she couldn't even remember.

Instead of freaking out though, she held onto her composure and kept pushing forward. After a couple of more hours had passed, she finally caught the whiff of something that smelled amazing. It smelled like fish being grilled, and the best part, was that she was beginning to see what looked like a campfire up ahead.

"Hopefully whoever is us here will be able to help me out and possibly even let me eat something." She thought.


Rokene and Jupiter had just finished catching and grilling the fish they had caught. They were both worn out from their battle with the hunters, and dragging Veronica back to their campsite and tied her up to a giant tree, but they were also both really excited at the same time.

Albeit for different reasons. Rokene had leveled up and obtained power ups for his skills, while Jupiter was pleased with her own performance during that fight.

They had decided to put strips of clothing into Veronica's mouth to gag her so that they wouldn't have to hear her scream profanities at them anymore while they decided what they wanted to do with her.

"Are you planning on killing her anytime soon? Because you know she will either try to attack us, or tell the military about what we have done." Jupiter said in between giant mouthfuls of fish.

"I'm not really sure yet. I mean, obviously she has to die, but maybe we can get some useful information out of her." He said while cupping his chin and pondering.

That's when he felt the presence of another person coming up on them. A devilish grin came upon his face. "We have a visitor, and I believe it's that troublesome girl we faced earlier." He whispered.

Jupiter jumped up and dusted off the crumbs while wiping her mouth of fish juice. She began trying to ready herself for round two with the hunters.

"Let me try to take her myself."

Rokene was surprised to hear her say that. He was also proud of her fighting spirit and guts, but he wasn't about to show her that.

He nodded his head to show that he would go along with her plan. "I'll just keep watch over the fire and fish. Don't take too long, or there might not be any food left for you when you get back."

Jupiter became irritated at those words, but decided to bite her tongue and use his words as motivation to finish that fight as quickly as possible and return to her dinner.

She immediately bolted off in a flash to get behind the hunter to take her out in an instant. As soon as she found the woman, she ran up behind her. When she appeared behind her, she managed to step on a few twigs and caused them snap, making a cracking sound.

Clementine turned around and gave off a high pitch scream when she saw Jupiter appear out of nowhere.

She was holding her chest, bent over while breathing loudly. She had no clue who this person was, but if she had her memories, she would recognize her as the little speedster from earlier.

"If you're here for round two, I'm afraid that this will be over quickly for you. I need to get back to my dinner before that bastard finishes it all."

Clementine was confused about what she meant when she said round two, but the mention of food was more than enough to catch her focus.

"I know this might sound rude coming from a stranger, but would you mind sharing some of your food with me? I have no clue where I am or how I got here, but the one thing I do know, is that I'm beyond hungry." Clementine said while holding her hands together and taking a hard bow to show respect.

Now it was Jupiter's turn to be confused. The person in front of her was clearly one of the people she fought earlier, but she didn't seem to have any hostility. "Are you really trying to fuck with me right now? I swear to god, if you are and that ass hole eats all my food, I'm going to kill something." Jupiter said with clear frustration in her voice.

It didn't appear as if the person in front of her was being deceitful, and that was something Jupiter had become quite proficient at noticing thanks to her time with her former time being a slave.

"Heavens no! I have no idea what you mean when you say round two, but I would never jeopardize a chance for food!" Clementine said while giving Jupiter her best puppy dog stare.

"This is beyond fucked up, but I couldn't just kill her if she really has no idea who I am. Maybe I should bring her back to Rokene and see what he wants to do with her." She thought.

"Alright, fine. Follow me and let's see what we can do." Jupiter said while motioning with her hand for Clementine to follow her.

When they arrived back to the campsite, Jupiter yelled out so Rokene wouldn't attack Clementine on sight. "Hey, we have company. And there better be some fish left for me you fucker!"

Hey guys, please don’t forget to leave a review whether good or bad. Also, if you enjoy the story thus far, feel free to add the book to your library and drop some power stones! I love and appreciate y’all and your support!

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