
Supreme Celestial System

In a fantasy world where species like dragon, human, elf, phoenix, beast, mermaid, fairy, werewolf etc. live together. And it was into this world that our Mc(Eren) was transferred. Arin finds herself in someone else's body. [Then Ding!] [Ding! Supreme celestial System has been activated.] Author note: Hey first its true that the beginning of the story and some parts resemble some novels but none of the characters are related to others from the novel, also the stroy flow will become completely different later!!

kapoorrr · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

The beginning

Eren leaned back against the soft cushions of his dorm room couch, his phone pressed to his ear as he spoke to his family. The warmth of their voices filled him with a sense of comfort and belonging, even as he navigated the challenges of college life.

"Yeah, Mom, she's great," Eren said, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he talked about his girlfriend. "We've been together for a few months now, and things are going really well."

His mom's voice came through the line, tinged with excitement. "That's wonderful to hear, Eren! I'm so glad you found someone special."

Eren heart swelled with gratitude for his family's support. "Thanks, Mom. I'm really lucky to have her."

As he ended the call, Eren's thoughts turned to the day ahead. He grabbed his backpack and headed out the door, eager to meet up with his friends and tackle another day of classes and adventures.

The college campus bustled with activity as Eren made his way across the quad, the crisp autumn air invigorating his senses. He spotted his friends, Chiku and Maya, waiting for him near the fountain, their faces bright with anticipation.

"Hey, Eren!" Chiku called out, waving enthusiastically as Eren approached. "Ready for another day of excitement?"

Eren grinned, feeling a surge of energy at the sight of his friends. "You bet, Chiku! Let's make it a good one."

As they walked to their first class together, laughter and chatter filled the air. Eren felt a sense of camaraderie and belonging with his friends, grateful for their companionship in this new chapter of his life.

But as they reached the busy intersection at the edge of campus, disaster struck.

A screech of tires. A blur of motion. And then, a sickening thud.

Eren's world spun as he was thrown to the ground, pain shooting through his body like a lightning bolt. His vision blurred, and he fought to stay conscious as the world faded to black.

Then I felt a very severe pain in my brain.

"Arhhhhh….damn it, it hurts….."

where am i?


[Host Detected]

[Connecting the Supreme celestial System to host's Soul]

[Initializing Supreme celestial System]