
Supreme Caos System

Tianwu continent         Dong Empire , Lin family   Young teenager with dirty face inside a wood house all messy decadent on a wood bed. The teen opened his eyes and look around "What fuck!!!!!! What am i doing here?was i kidnapped?" Lin cheng thought I try to get up but I suddenly felt pain all over my body. "Ouch!" I look down at my clothes is then that i realize that i was dressing like ancient chinese costume i was hoping  that the one who kidnapped me doesnt have a weird fetish. Knock! Knock! "Lin cheng get out here waste!" I hear a annoying male voice scream my name. Suddenly a burst of pain again exploded but this time in my head. I grab my head in pain and bunch of images And information ran though my mind "shit!!!!!" Apparently this was the legendary crosssing!!

DaoistS4DVbU · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
160 Chs

Chapter 140 Lin cheng Alchemy Saint Ceremony

Feng Family Residence, Feng Fei palace.

3 mesmerizing figures were seeing a huge mirror while eating desserts on the table.

"Sister my nephew is taking so long right?"

Pouted boring Feng Yin while looking at the mirror showing the scene of the Alchemy guild.

"Stop being so anxious Yin'ier." Reprimanded Feng Xin.

"Cheng'er should come out any moment, he is been leaving lately too early for this. Humph even my breakfast has he not eaten this 15 days." Said Feng Fei with helpless look.

Demon Fox Clan.

A charming capable of toppling down all being was running with her exquisite body making her sensual body tremble.

She had silver and white long hair. While behind her 9 beautiful white fluffy tails could bee seen. Her skin was white as the snow and her blossom was huge. She had a perfect nose and purple eyes that could charm any one. With beautiful pink lips and white teeth.

At the end Baishi broke to a door that two charming figure were talking.

"Hey shui wuhen, hi sister shuiyi do you know where is Qu jianying?" Ask Baishi.

"We have no idea." Shook her head Yan shuiyi.

"Yezz that woman is hiding from me?" Ask anxiously Baishi.

Seeing Baishi expression Shui Wuhen and Yan Shuiyi were surprised. During this time they saw they normal view collapsed. More Shui Wuhen after seeing how every night Qu Jianying would come to her and complained of unruly actions and behavior of Baishi kept her with not knowing what to do.

Making Shui Wuhen gloat Qu Jianying misfortune. But she also found funny a troublesome person talking about another troublesome person.

Seeing that defeated look Qu jianying always ha Don her face made Shui Wuhen satisfied. In fact is not that Baishi was bad on the contrary she was a very nice person. And Yan shuiyi and Shui Wuhen got along well with this Mysterious Fox that appeared out of nowhere.

The thing is that Qu Jianying toughts of doing the same goings she did to Baishi but the Qu jianying ended up lift a rock and letting it fall on her foot.

During this it coud be said that she worse than what she have done all the years to Shui Wuhen.

"Ara..ara..ara is Baishi so anxious to see her lover?"

A charming and mature female voice sounded.

Qu Jianying walk inside the room with a playfully look at Baishi. But Lin cheng answer not only left her stunned even Yang Shuiyi and Shui Wuhen stunned.

"Of course it's been so long simce have seen my baby husband." Answer without having a red face Baishi.

Seeing how baishi said it so straight forward even Yang Shuiyi that's has been living for many years blush.

"You girl..." Sigh Qu Jianyin while shaking her head she is still was not able to tease Baishi.

Seeing Qu Jianying expression Shui Wuhen felt refresh.

"Yezz your are cold even that stinky Ju Wun is throwing flowers, but you have no eyes for any of them? I wonder what those that lover of yours has better." Ask Curiously Qu Jianying.

Making even Shui Wuhen an old fox pick her ears.

"Heart." A simple word but it contain infinite affection from Baishi.

Seeing those Heart eyes on Baishi Qu Jianying, Shui Wuhen and Yan Shuiyi shook they head.

They knew Baishi was really in love, a female fox could have millions affairs but once she fall in love with a person. They would give themselves completely from soul to body to only that person forever. And would only have eyes for that person.

Even Qu Jianying who use to have a dear lover many years ago have never reach that state of Baishi. She have seeing many of the married couples in the Demon Fox clan reach that level. But she has never experienced it and also is pessimistic that she will.

"Okay here, let's see if that lover of your has 3 head and 6 arms." Spoke Qu Jianying taking out a huge mirror showing the Alchemy stadium with millions of people.

Baishi who used to be very lively sat down calmly with sparkling eyes.

Making Yan Shuyi and Shui Wuhen stop what they were doing and also look at the Mirror.

Holy Academy, core area for houses.

  In one of the Residence 5 females could be seeing, two of them were Tang Sun and Wu rud.

"Yezz senior sister who are you looking for? Is it the alchemy saint?" Tease a junior sister.

"I hear the for the first time an alchemy saint would appeared. I wonder how he is is fat, is it old?" Added another pretty female.

Mean while Tang Sun look quietly the mirror, but deep in those it contain certain happines. As if waiting for something calmly.

Alchemy Guild Central Stadium.

"The Ancestor is here!" A huge voice resounded all over stadium.

After hearing the announcement millions of people stood up of the seat even the Core elders stood up.

A majestic figure walk but each step he take it was like he have taken 10 instead of one.

"We see the Alchemy Ancestor!" Millions of people salute very loudly while they face were red from excitement.

The finally able to see the idol after a thousands years of absence.

That salute reverberated in the whole stadium that even the watchers from the mirrors felt it.

Demon Fox clan

"Hmm it seem that old man have age a lot what he have encounter?" Spoke her Toughts Qu Jianying.

"Even though he look like he age he became stronger could you see his fluctuations."

Spoke Shui Wuhen after analyzing the scene that's was beeing play live.

Holy Academy, Core Area house.

"Wow! That's the famous Alchrmy Ancestor he look power and imposing." Oke of the female said.

"Hmm." Another nodded in agreement.

Feng Family Residence, Feng Fei palace.

"Hmm is that the famous Alchemy ancestor?" Ask Feng Yin with curiousity.

After all she has never seen him before, because of her age. Not only her ven Feng Fei look curiously.

"Yeah your mom once saw him in person many thousands years ago, when he paid a visit to our Residence." Said Feng Xin.

Deep in the Feng Family residence.

A person that look like an old beggar was eating popcorn while watching the mirror.

"Hmm this old man seem to have age, but at the same time he also seem to become stronger." Commented the old beggar.

Alchemy Guild Central Stadium.

After Xu Yi walk to his seat he did not seat but stay up.

Making everyone in the audience perplex bit the also dare not to seat. That's how big the momentum of the Alchemy ancestor is.

"The Alchemy Saint is here!" A huge majestic voice sounded expressing towards every corner of the stadium.

Making every one raise they head to finally se the who was the Alchemy saint!

After seeing the silhouette every had different reaction. He was calm with handsome face with nice male body. Each step he took was like he was talking a walk. In those glowing brown you could feel a deepness that make you think your looking at the galaxy.

He had brunete skin soft as the baby skin. With sword eyebrows his figure was straight that and had perfect muscles no too big nor to small muscles.

Seeing this figure they were some people who a drastic change on the expression.

The Core elder look very interesting at Lin cheng. But they expression for the next scene that left him bewildered.

After walking straight to Xu Yi, the ly shook hands hand very friendly and with a respectful expression Xu Yi made a gesture for Lin cheng to sit in his right, where the seat that have beeing empty for millions years would now found someone to sit on it.

At the end Lin cheng and Xu Yi sat down at the same time making everyone stunned seeing the idol being so respectful as if he facing a equal peer left them completed stunned but after seeing Xu Yi gesture for them to sit. All of them reacted and sat happily. Even though they were many who were feeling uncomfortable by they idol of treating the Saint Alchemy courteous.

Feng Family Residence, Feng Fei palace.

"Look at that brat taking the spotlight." Said

Feng Yin.

"My cheng'er look so handsome and lovely."

Said in a motherly tone full of affection Feng Fei while looking at her son.

"I can't believe my grandson look so adorable in that uniform. When he comes back i'll make him some good desserts."

Said Dotingly Feng Xin.

"Of course don't you see who Family genes he have." Said in a Narcissistic tone the beautiful Feng Yin.

Deep in the Feng Family residence the old beggar was laughing happily whole spilling popcorn.

"Hahaha who would have tought my Feng family would have apart from a good fighter also a genius Alchemist. Ha even the old man treat him so respectfully, I'm thinking of teaching that grandfather of his a lesson after all if he hadn't acted so ignorantly. I would have beeing able to establish a good relationship with that kid." Spoke out loud the old beggar.

Feng Fei Residence elders meetings hall.

All of ther elders were quietly watching the mirror. While the patriarch look at the figure who sat next to the Alchemy ancestor with complicated eyes.

Demon Fox Clan.

"Ara..ara..ara so that's our Baishi prince charming. I must he had good looks, very good looks he even looks yummy to take a bite." Said in teasing while scanning Lin cheng but in fact she was surprise.

Not only her Shui Wuhen and Yan Shuyi were also stunned. Seeing his calmness they could feel he was a Tianjiao.

But Baishi next words almost fell from the chairs.

"Well I can let you try a bite but the question is would you be able to hold a bite from my baby husband." Said Baish charming with a serious face towards Qu Jianying.

"Bad girl! What are you saying." Qu Jianying face got red. She was just teasing Baishi but seeing how she got tease back she couldn't help but want to crawl inside hole.

"Yezz what's the bad attitude after all i was kindly giving a chance tss." Defended herself baishi with innocent eyes.

But Qu Jianying could feel Baishi was not lying but at the same time she tought she was teasing her.

Holy Academy, Core area houses.

"Om my mama Mia, that Saint alchemist is handsome."

"Yeah he definitely don't look bad at all."

The junior sister talk while Tang Sun on her beautiful face had a smile.

"Look our junior sister has an smile." A junior girl said.

Making the 3 of them loon at Tang sun.

While Wu Rud was not suprise by Tang sun reaction.

"Uhh it seem our fierce Junior sister fell in love with a charming prince ."

The teasing of several females toward Tang Sun could be hear.