
Supreme Battle-Technology System In A Desolate Magic World

Disclaimer: Please be advised that this book contains explicit depictions of Blood and Gore, starting from Chapter XX. It also has visual portrayals of amorous scenes at later chapters—Chapter XXX. Reader discretion is fully advised! [Audience Rating: 18+] *** "What would you do if, as a remarkably-skilled soldier, you were inexplicably transported as an ordinary, talentless human to a world where everyone—including kids as young as four, possess spectacular magical abilities?" How would you react to such a disheartening situation filled with severe melancholic predicaments? This, is the story of Maxmillan, a seasoned veteran soldier from Earth who transmigrated to another world where literally everyone could perceive and utilize an energy called Astra Mystralis, a boundless mystical energy that when mastered, can cause countless manifestations of phenomenal and fantastical magical effects! Oppressed, inhumanely abused, and treated cruelly, Maxmillan surrenders to his tragic fate as an ordinary, completely useless person in a world where Astra Mystralis serves as the fundamental cornerstone of their reality. But, Maxmillan's fate would change when he becomes the host of the Supreme Battle-Technology System; a powerful, sentient futuristic interface that would limitlessly bestow him with destructively potent and immensely functional, basic to supreme, transcendent, and sterling super-ranked weapons, as well as countless tons of incredible and stupendously advanced, superior-grade equipments, instruments, tools, machineries, apparatuses, and gears from tens of thousands of centuries in the future! So, equipped with potent futuristic items like Multiple-Barrel Neutron Burst Emission Gun, Strength-Amplifying Exo-Mechanical Arms, Wide-Area Plasmic and Electric Arc Grenades, Outer-Space Fast-Flight Suit, Lightning Annihilator Armor, Turbo-Thruster Propelled Speedcycle, and many more—which are some of the massive numbers of items he obtained after completing really arduous and immensely taxing, time-limited missions, quests, and tasks, Maxmillan gradually gains the means to defend himself against overpowering hordes and assemblies of vicious, greedy, and malevolent Astra Mystralis users who relentlessly pursued him because of his astounding otherworldly ability—to mysteriously and endlessly materialize different types of absolutely rare weapons, devices, and equipment, as well as summon astounding ground and air-transportation means, making him a strange and incomprehensible anomaly in their world. Coupled with numerous bionic upgrades, gene-constitution alterations, biological augmentations, advanced cybernetical fortifications, serum-based transformations, chemical super-boosts, and a massive plethora of neural enhancements that will bestow him with myriad superhuman abilities—such as energy-beam vision, gale-force breath, extreme-hypersonic to near-light-speed flight, matter manipulation, annihilation-beam discharge, tiny to vast-scale lightning explosion creation, and hundreds more, watch how Maxmillan—now a super-powered, metahuman Cyborg warrior, will bravely and fearlessly fight his way through teeming large numbers of moderately powered to astronomically powerful and savage, phenomenal god-like users of Astra Mystralis to ascend to a position of supreme fame, unmatched honor, and dazzling, incomparable glory! *** Note: This narrative unfolds as a distinctive tale seamlessly combining elements of intense climactic actions, epic magical summoning skills, pets collection and training, magical beasts exomechanical amplification, futuristic marvels, a unique Level-Up System, thrilling dangerous adventures and heartwarming family moments. And yes, it has Harem. But it's not your usual women-chasing (story-ruining) MC. This is totally different, as he's a goal-focused, plot-driven one. Same as the FMCs who are super-strong, indomitable, and impressively ambitious. Read to see for yourself. Thanks!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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259 Chs

Chapter 22 - Chased by the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars

Chapter 22 - Chased by the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars

However, before the sphere could fully enclose Maxmillan's time-stilled figure, the Ultra-High Velocity Traversal Speed Boots which had appeared on Maxmillan's legs and ignored the domain that the Seven Stars Crimson Lord casted, rapidly charged from Minimal-Powered Speed Acceleration to Low-Powered Speed Acceleration, before being activated by Maxmillan.


Immediately taking off with the ultra-speed propeller boots at a greatly astonishing speed of 10,000 km/sec, Maxmillan was able to break out of the massive time-stilling domain that the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars had abruptly casted to show off his enormous magic-casting power, which of course strongly attracted the attention of users of Astra Mystralis, then Astra Spellcraft Commanders and Astra Spellcraft Lords within the city, since the phenomenas that surfaced as a result of his vast magical power, were too sky-transforming to ignore.


Now moving at a great speed that strongly amused the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars, Maxmillan who didn't want to draw the attention of other Astra Spellcraft Lords that would be in the city to himself, immediately chose to enter a valley that he came across as he tried to run away from the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars who leisurely flew behind him and showed great interest in the knee-high, robotic limb-like boots that he was wearing.


[System Alert!]


[Ultra-High Velocity Traversal Speed Boots, code-named: Boot A1, has charged to Full Power]

[Activate Full-Powered Speed Acceleration]?




"Time to leave this asshole in the dust!" Maxmillan said with frustration and anger blazing brightly in his eyes, as he couldn't leave a really significant gap between himself and the Seven Stars Crimson Lord who followed behind him with a curious smile in his face, despite his shocking movement speed of 10,000 km/sec. But this of course renewed Maxmillan's knowledge about the high-speed flight abilities of powerful magical users such as Astra Spellcraft Lords.


[Warning Notice!]


Host entered a wrong command!

[Activate Full-Powered Speed Acceleration]?


[Yes] / [No]


"Yes." Maxmillan said immediately.

Then all of a sudden, Maxmillan's extremely high movement speed instantly doubled that he simply disappeared from the magically amplified vision of the leisurely flying Constellation Lord of Seven Stars.

Maxmillan moved so fast that the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars' full flight speed wouldn't be able to compare in any way to Maxmillan's new movement speed.

Absolutely shocked to the extreme, as he had his eyes fully widened and his jaw widely opened, the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars couldn't help but look around him with great anger beginning to seethe within his heart and exude from his body in the form of rippling crimson waves of power that caused the air for thousands of meter within the valley to turn extremely turbulent; cyclonically turbulent that they could strip off the entire earth of the valley which spanned for thousands of kilometers.

"But how is that possible? What sort of devilishly fast speed is that? Did he actually achieve such a tremendously high movement speed with those strange-looking boots worn on his legs? Hmm." The Constellation Lord of Seven Stars asked with his mind reeling in great shock as he still looked around him and into the far distance with the feeling that Maxmillan had possibly teleported. But he wouldn't ever believe that to be true, as Maxmillan was a common caster of Astra Mystralis. So he thought.

"Well, you have fortunately escaped from me for now. However, I promise that I will definitely catch you some other time. And I firmly believe that the time you will walk into my trap in the future isn't too far off." The Constellation Lord of Seven Stars said calmly and instantly vanished from the spot that he floated at in the sky.

While Maxmillan who decisively shot into a faraway cave in the massive valley to evade the furious chase of the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars, returned to the city at night with the mask on his face returned to the Inventory.

"Inventory." He said.




[Digital Compass, Binocular, First-Aid Kit, Sub-Machine Gun, Long-Range Flamethrower, .45 Magnum Pistol, Pump-Action Shotgun, Ultra-High Velocity Traversal Speed Boots, (Hidden Item: Bio-Energy Channeler {Vitalizer} + Healing-Ray Cell Regenerator)


"Use Healing-Ray Cell Regenerator." Maxmillan said.

Then a device that looked like a gun and had an energy-ray projector muzzle, immediately appeared in Maxmillan's hand which he aimed at the numerous wounds that he had sustained on his body in his intense annihilatory battle with the Astra Mystralis-powered thugs before pressing the trigger of the regenerator gun.

Immediately he did so, a bright green ray of bio-regenerating, tissue-reforming energy, instantly shot out of the projector muzzle of the regenerator gun in a focused continuous stream and illuminated the wounds, thereby causing them to heal rapidly through its special-frequency, soft-intensity healing light.

After he was done, he put the regenerator gun away and rested his back against the fenced wall of a certain building that he was in, with a sad morose look immediately appearing in his face.

"Mom, wherever you are, please be safe. For my sake and the rest of us." Maxmillan said and exhaled heavily.

It was like he was begging the skies and the heavens to keep his mom safe till he would come fortunately across her.

Then suddenly, he recalled the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars and shook his head in both marvel and amazement.

"He mentioned that he was an Astra Spellcraft Lord. So, Astra Spellcraft Lords are this powerful? Ugh! He surely felt like he was a thousand times stronger than an Astra Spellcraft Commander. Damn!"

"I absolutely still have a really long way to go. There is no beating such a person with the current low-firepower weapons and less-advanced devices on me." Maxmillan said with a deep ponderous gaze in his eyes.

"Assuming I didn't have those speed boots on me, I certainly would have been done for, because I strongly believe he will annihilate me in an instant for disrespectfully ticking him off."

"I guess I would have to be more careful from now on, since each of them will definitely have their own spellcasting prowess. With some more unique, exceptional, fierce and formidable than the others." Maxmillan said as he made up his mind, after realizing the unbounded, sky-quaking powers possessed by an Astra Spellcraft Lord.

Then he said further with eyes that glowed resolutely, "I definitely need more strength. If I had the strength to effortlessly lift above a hundred ton with one arm, I should be able to beat him. The powerful layers of invulnerable magical shields that he will put up to guard himself from my eliminatory physical attacks, won't be able to withstand the destructive power of my devastating hundred ton-heavy punches."

"They will collapse to a thousand smithereens of solidified energy, and him, launched out of his ruined defensive shell like a floating kite that had broken away from its string."

As he sat there against the wall, looking up at the starry night sky to observe the stars, he suddenly recalled that he obtained 509 points for successfully completing 1/5 of the 'Thug Extermination; The Grim Reaper' mission.

"Time to check out what I can buy with these amounts of points. I just hope I will be able to purchase good items this time with them." Maxmillan said with an hopeful gaze in his eyes.

So, from the 'System Menu', he arrived at the 'Item Market/Purchase Store' directory and began to skim through the items that were listed on each page of the 'Useful Miscellaneous Item' directory.


[Miscellaneous Item]


[Page 1 of 100]

[Showing 5 Entries!]



[Hooded Cloak]

[Hooded Robe]

[Stab-Proof Inner Vest]

[Waterproof Boots]

[Sun Hat]


'Let me see what this hooded cloak is about.' Maxmillan suddenly asked within himself.

He then neurally clicked on it.


[Hooded Cloak]


[Page 1 of 30]

[Showing 5 Entries!]


[Hooded Silk Cloak]

[Flaming Aura Effect Cloak + Flame-Shooting ability]

[Poisonous Mist Emission Cloak + Single-Direction/Bidirectional/Unidirectional Concentrated-Stream Expulsion]

[Super-Corrosive Fluid Discharge Cloak]

Alloy-Reinforced Sextuple-Weaved Kevlar Cloak]


[Return to Menu] / [Return to Directory Menu]


"Huuuuu" Maxmillan exhaled deeply.

"These items... they look damn expensive. Could probably start from a thousand points to purchase any of them. Ugh!" He said further.

Then to see if he was right, he went for the one that he felt should be less expensive, or precisely, narrowly affordable and would possess a certain ability or feature.

So, he neurally clicked on [Alloy-Reinforced Sextuple-Weaved Kevlar Cloak]


[Alloy-Reinforced Sextuple-Weaved Kevlar Cloak]


[Purchase Cost: 505 Points]

[Available Point: 509 Points]

[Purchase Item: [Yes] / [No]


[Return to Menu] / [Return to Directory Menu]


"I just knew it." Maxmillan said and shook his head.

Then he said further, "No meaning in wasting purchase points to buy an alloy-reinforced sextuple-weaved kevlar cloak that could be entirely useless against magic, since a highly powered, double-attributed or triple-attributed blast of Astra Mystralis could eat away at the kevlar and penetrate through to severely injure me. I want something more powerful and would possess more useful characteristics or features."

"And maybe I should do it in the same fashion as..." Maxmillan was speaking when he suddenly got an idea.

"Hmm. That could work. That should work." Maxmillan said and burst into a cheering laughter.

"I guess I would have to carry out the mission this night, since the Constellation Lord of Seven Stars won't be expecting me to strike twice in one day, and that at night while everyone is preparing to sleep. Except for those bastard thugs that will be busy gambling and drinking away their avaricious sinister lives. Can't wait to exterminate all of you and get more amazing items from the mission rewarding system!"

Then with eyes that sparkled with extreme ferociousness, he immediately set out to another place he knew would be one of the thugs' pleasure bases.