

Inside another room, a young girl was eating furiously, trying to overload her mouth with various presents before her. She choked a couple of times. Yet, she seems not to care.


The door opened and Al Casendra walked inside and he fixed his gaze on the girl. He squinted his brow but walked quietly and sat opposite the girl.

The girl stopped for a brief moment and raised her and looked at Al Casendra. She opened her mouth to talk but the food choked her, forcing her to cough.

Al Casendra shook his head and motioned her to continue eating. He didn't need to tell her two times. She dug into the food and kept eating.

'How could she be that hungry!?'

'Won't she die from choking!'

Al Casendra wondered in his mind. He shook his head and took out a book and began to write, forgetting about the existence of the young girl in front of her.

After what seemed like forever, the girl had finished all the various dishes placed in front of her. She drank a couple of glasses of wine and exhaled deeply. She relaxed and her gaze fell on Al Casendra.

She looked at him from head to toe. 'What sort of strange young man. Why can't I see his magic stage?' She furrowed.

She waited for a moment for a couple of minutes, but she discerned Al Casendra didn't have the intention of stopping any moment soon.

Hmm! Hmm!

She cleared her throat a couple of times, waking Al Casendra from his concentration. He raised his head and looked at the girl. He adjusted his seating position, soothing his long blue robe and throwing a parchment to the girl.

She caught the parchment with a frown on her face. Some strand of her dishevel hair stuck on her face and a dry blood at the corner of her mouth. She didn't seem to care about her look.

She read the parchment for a moment before she looked at Al Casendra with her mouth aghast.

'You just need to ask a few questions but why would you need to write it down.' She wondered. But kept her mouth shut.

"I'm Sienna, an orphan. Rank 7 novice earth mage." Sienna said casually while her gaze was fixed on Al Casendra face.

Al Casendra didn't blink. He motioned her with his hand to continue. Seeing this, Sienna was even more confused.

Taking a deep breath. "I found an ancient skill in a ruin, but I don't know how the Razor families got air of it. I was capture and tortured to disclose the location of the skill."

"But why would I do that? The moment I do that, then I have no value. So, I seduced one of the guards and promised to show him the location of the skill and the location of the ruin." She took a deep and took a jar of wine and drowned it in one swig.

"When the guards want to have their way with me. A mere rank 9 fire novice mage wanted to subdue me. I knocked him unconscious when he let his guard down and escaped from their clutch. But the Razor family caught air of my escape and placed more guards on the various exits of the city. I bet everything to escape today but… You know the rest."

After listening to the Sienna monologue, Al Casendra didn't have any expression on his face. He pointed to the small room at the back. A bathroom.

He was forcing himself to sit in the room. The stench coming from the girl was forcing breath out of his lungs. Understanding what he wanted.

Sienna gave a wryly smile and left the room.

'Ruin, ancient skill.' Al Casendra creased his brow. 'Let's find out what your true self is.'

One of Al Casendra's missions was to set up a trade center for Long-Fall Pass and direct some in-flow of people to the city. They can't develop if there weren't any people in the city.

Out of the three cities, Xina was the first stop.

'We need to establish a Long-Fall Pass trade fair and dominate the market in Xina if I want Long-Fall Pass to develop quickly.'

He had been planning for this journey for a couple of weeks. And he wouldn't let anything stand in his way.

'Those peoples that can't wait for my death will soon know of my existence.' An evil smile appeared on his face and the temperature of the room descended a couple of degrees.

Frost appeared in thin air while the food remnant began to freeze. It was only a couple of seconds, but it looks like the room was frozen all year round.


The bathroom door opened and Sienna came out. What! Her eyes widened and her jaw aghast. For that brief moment, her blood ran cold and frost appeared on her body. Subconsciously, she took a step back and shivered.

Al Casendra turned his head and looked at Sienna. His gaze was expressionless. He pointed to the seat.

'What type of monster lair did I fall into!?' She cried in his heart.

With a trembling leg, she walked toward her seat and sat. Suddenly, the frost in the atmosphere disappeared like they never existed.

Sienna raised her brow slightly and swallowed the lump in her throat. 'This young man isn't simple at all. Why was that every handsome man I met was deadly or evil.' She complained in his mind.

Al Casendra gave her another parchment. She took the parchment and read the content.

"I told you because I don't have anything to lose. Since the news is already out. Then, I can't have it for myself. I can only bet on you since you saved me."

Al Casendra raised his brow slightly and thought for a moment. Seeing the slight change in his expression. Sienna added.

"You probably don't trust me. That's normal. But I won't repay your favor for something tangible or plan to lose my life. Many people are looking for me. And if you decided to kill me after obtaining the skill and location of the ruin. I won't regret it."

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