

Two Childhood sweethearts Stella & Sebastian were in love with each other from their childhood but due to some misunderstanding no one confessed to each other and their family forced them to marriage and still they were living as strangers after her graduation Stella started working for his company and they slowly started to understand each other... But destiny decided some thing else for them and they get separated by an accident Read my novel to read further and how they united in the end If you like it after reading just comment in the comment section and yeah throw some stones too THANK YOU...

ARU · Urban
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390 Chs



"I'm so sorry Bin Bin… I know you must be angry with me right now… but always remember, I never want to hurt you and never will… You always come first to me and I will always keep loving you…" 

She said and left leaving all the employees in shock as well as Robin…

No one dared to talk to him like that and let alone calling him 'Bin Bin' what was even more shocking was the smile which threatened to come out at his face… 

Most of the people started cringing when a silly smile appeared on his face… 

But they tried not to show it on their faces…

"Oh… See… I'm not in the mood to work anymore… So go and tell them that the Lee's and Smith's have won… As for how we won and whatever they wanted to know… I will think of a way and organise a press conference for them…"

He said in a hurry and followed Stella…

"Hi … Hi ...Hi… Let's go together…"