

there's nothing out of the ordinary on my life, until a mysterious game started installing itself to my phone

"hmm... what's this, Regalem proelio? i didn't remember installing this game" i said "let just uninstall it for now"

i then tries to uninstall the game, but it keep re installing to my phone

"what the... i just uninstall it, oh you want to play that game? let see who surrender first" i said while tries to uninstall the game over and over

but it re installed again, i tries multiple time but it keep re installing every time until i gave up

"what's this thing is made of?" i said while complaining "whatever, let's just see what this app is"

[congratulation! you're one of the people that got selected to play this game, choose your nickname here]

"so let's see... nickname, hmmm... what should i choose? let's just use irra" i said while customizing my name "that's it? that's the only thing that i can customize?"

[name selected, changes would be done in.... 16 hours]

"16 hours? i didn't even customize anything except for my name" i said "well whatever, this probably a virus anyway"

i then closed my phone and leave it for the day. that night i have a nightmare, the nightmare reminded me about the accident when i was a kid. i drown myself in a pool which caused me to have a trauma to a deep pool. but i was saved by my alarm clock


i wake up from your nightmare to the sound of an alarm clock "what was that? why did it suddenly appear again" i rant about the nightmare nightmare that i had "the last time i got that thing is almost 4 years ago"

i headed to the bathroom to wash my face, so i can wash the feeling of that nightmare. then i remember about the game yesterday

"oh yea.... what about the game yesterday?" i rush to your phone to find out

[changes done, enjoy your game]

back then i don't know how much this game gonna changes my life

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