
Supernatural. Chuck's daughter.

Chuck's very first creation was his daughter Eden. She was treated as an equal to himself and Amara but Amara grew envious of Chuck's love for Eden. Chuck made creation as a gift for the lonesome Goddess. He first created the archangels in order to protect her from Amara's jealously. She loved all her brothers and sisters equally. Then Chuck created Earth for Eden to play with her brothers and sisters. All was perfect until Lucifer rebelled... then she met Dean Winchester.

Travis_Larowe_11 · TV
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(Raised from perdition. )

Chapter four.

I had heard stories of the Winchester's. It broke my heart to see humans in such pain as they went through. When I heard that the older brother was in Hell because he had sacrificed himself for his brother I realized that we are very similar. I am ashamed to say that I was relieved that Dean Winchester was dead. Not because I wished harm to the poor man but because without Dean this ridiculous apocalyptic fight between my brothers wouldn't happen. I could watch Dean succumb to temptation to leave behind the pain and torture. He took the deal that was given to his father and other righteous men. They walked him down to my cell. I felt the guilt in his eyes as he approached me with the scalpel.

I smiled sweetly at him, It's alright Dean they'll torture me anyway... this way you don't have to hurt. I whispered to him. As he began I held back every scream for his sake. He continually mumbled apology after apology under his breathe. Dean it's okay, I forgive you. It's gonna be okay. Eden spoke through gritted teeth.

It hurt but if he knew that he would have never forgiven himself. So I stayed silent except for the bit of encouragement I gave him every bit. This happened every day for years. Until one day a army of angels broke through the perimeter of Hell. I watched as Castiel flew to Dean Winchester. Castiel's wings were tattered and broken he looked like he was in a battle which apparently he had.

When Castiel finally reached Dean they weren't leaving. I didn't understand until I heard Dean scream, I'm not leaving without her! I was confused until I saw Castiel and Dean fly down to where I was. Castiel obviously didn't recognize me and I was too choked up to speak. He grabbed my arm and took off towards Earth with Dean in the hand. When we finally got there I passed out from exhaustion. The last thing I remember was being placed next to Dean's grave and then... nothing.

(Dean's Pov. )

I was freezing I flicked on my lighter and realized I was in a box. I panicked when I couldn't remember anything. Where in the hell am I? Then memories came flooding back. Hell... I was in Hell. Son of a bitch where's Sammy? I started clawing my way out until I was finally above ground. I looked around as I dusted myself off. Every tree around my grave was wrecked. Sammy what in the hell did you do? If he made a deal I'm gonna kick his ass!

Just as I thought this I looked to my right and I saw the chick I tortured. I raced over to her and checked for a pulse. She didn't have one but she was still breathing so I assumed she was okay. How the hell did she get out if Sammy made a deal? Maybe she broke out when I was being released?

This was the first time I really got a good look at her face. She was really hot, she had long blonde hair, and I remembered her blue eyes from Hell. Words couldn't do justice to know how angelic she looked. I tried to wake her up but no dice. I decided to just take her with me... it's the least I could do after what I did to her. So I picked her up bridal style and we begun our trek together. When we finally reached a gas station it was closed but I didn't care she was getting heavy and I would kill for some water. I broke in and went straight for the bottle of water.

I tried to wake the girl but she was still out. Out of nowhere the electronics started turning on. I grabbed salt and started setting it a high pitched noise rang out I covered my ears. It was so loud glass started to break. I grabbed the girl to protect her from the broken glass shards. Just as fast as it began it stopped and I was left really confused. I found a phone and tried calling Sam but the number was disconnected.

So I called Bobby and he hung up on me. When I tried to call him back he threatened to kill me so I figured that maybe a third time wasn't a good idea. I found a busted up car and hot- wired it. I put the girl in the back and took off for Bobby's.