15 Strangeness going home

Once they collect their supplies everyone gets ready to head out. But first the four busses bring the survivors back to town. The hunters have already cleaned up and the sun turned the vampires to ash so the people shouldn't be to traumatized.

Sam, Dean, Bobby, and Ketch explain about the wards and shields still active on the island. They let Steve and the other survivors know that as long as the wards are up they won't have any more issues with supernatural creatures. This made the people very happy.

By nine a.m. the group headed out. All but one bus left hours ago but they needed a big enough vehicle to care all of the slayers as well as Steve and a few others that asked to go train back at the bunker.

When they got to the first big town Dean had everyone pull into a Wal-Mart parking lot. They decided how they were going to proceed from there.

"Okay people it is going to be a four day drive back to the bunker, I propose we do like we did one the way here. Only stop every six hours, Of course trade off if you get tired. And watch for anything strange on the road. Finally since we are here I propose we get snacks for the ride back. Hurry up I want to be back on the road in a half hour."

Everyone was in and out rather quickly, all except Sam and Bobby. Dean had the group get moving to the next town. He told Ketch that if he didn't hear from them they needed to keep moving. Dean was starting to get really upset when he saw everyone running out of the store. Then he saw Bobby and Sam run out of behind the store. As they get to Dean Sam says, "Dude your not going to believe this. There is a Jefferson Starship in the store. It's shopping like a regular person. We pulled the fire alarm and then we pulled it into the loading docks. Bobby was interrogating it when a couple of little girls came up behind us. At first we thought they were lost but then they attacked us. I killed the adult but then the two girls just kind of melted. once the shock passes we made a run for it. Now let's get out of here."

" Are you sure they were Jefferson Starships? I mean it's been so long since we last saw one? And why must they use children all the time?"

"Yes we are sure they were Jefferson Starships. They had the vampires teeth, but they had the djinn markings, as well as the werewolf claws, and the Sirens scream. Dude they were Jefferson Starships believe me." " Stop being an IDJIT you know they are Jefferson Starships. Now what the hell should we do about it?"

"First we need to catch up with the others then we need to talk to Ketch, Cass, and Jack to see if they know what's going on. Now let's go."

Everyone got in the car and they left the parking lot to catch up with the rest of the group. once they made it to the meet point in the next town Dean pulled Ketch to the side and told the rest of the hunters to get moving since everyone knew how to get back to the bunker it's all good.

"Okay man these guys had a strange encounter back at Wal-Mart and I think you might need this information."

So Sam and Bobby told Ketch about everything that happened. After being in shock for a few seconds he started asking questions.

"First of all I thought you guys killed all of the Jefferson Starships? Second, Why the hell are they showing up now? And third, I thought they were created by the Mother Of ALL, how is it that they are out but I haven't heard anything about her? I think we need to call your angels to see if they know what is going on."

" I think that's an awesome idea. Castiel we pray to you for answers we hope you have or might know something about. Please come down and talk to us."

"What do you need Dean we are busy. Cronos has sent many minions to heaven. We are under attack almost every day."

"Listen Cass we are sorry to hear that but we have a few questions for you. Today we met three Jefferson Starships, do you know is Eve back or did Cronos make them? Also if heaven is under attack what about all the souls?"

"I'm not sure about the Jefferson Starships but I will look into it. I'm just not sure when I can get back here to update you. As far as the souls, Jack had to close them up like before to keep them safe. Besides they don't want souls they want angels."

"Hey man I'm sorry, is everyone okay? I know there aren't many left of you. What can we do to help?"

"Figure out who Cronos is and how to destroy him. That would help."

"We are doing our best man, just hold on."

"Dean we are trying but it is getting hard to stop them. Now I have to go back, another wave of monsters have shown up."

"Awesome, good luck man."

After Cass left the guys got in their cars and headed out.

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