
Chapter one : Deanna.

(Stanford University , October 2005.)

Samantha, would you come on already? We were supposed to be there like fourteen minutes ago! Jesse said as he put his belt on. He was a nurse for Halloween this year, bright red (laughably inaccurate) blood splattered across blue scrubs. He walked into the living room, leaving his girlfriend sitting on the bed.

Jesse was taller than Samantha even though she was pretty tall herself. He had short blonde hair that seemed almost white when it is wet. His blue eyes were deep but bright at the same time, something Samantha would never be able to achieve herself. Her eyes were too dark. Her eyes had too much brown, too much green.

When she came out of her bathroom, Jesse noticed that Samantha still wasn't wearing a custome. She was dressed simply, like usual, a plain tank - top and jeans. Her dark brown hair cut in a bob with bangs that brushed her thin and expressive eyebrows.

Samantha sighed dramatically when asked her why. Do I have to? she whined.

Come on, babe. I'll be fun, Jesse argued with a smile on his lips. So where's your custom, little missy? he asked again.

Samantha scoffed at the question and shook her head, stubborn as always. You know how I feel about Halloween.

Anna already in her full zombified custom, came around a telephone and started down the sidewalk. She suddenly turned left, throwing out her arms in an attempt to startle her friends Jesse and Samantha.

Boo! she screamed. Samantha shook her head and smiled, Jesse grinning at the attempt.

What do you think, huh? asked Anna. gesturing the outfit she wore.

Seems a bit inaccurate, to be honest, Samantha said bluntly, prompting Jesse to full body chuckle.

Whatever, Anna grumbled, heading down the sidewalk. Jesse and Samantha followed, Samantha took Jesse's hand.

At least I wore a custome , Anna said. If your sorry ass went trick or treating at my house, there would be no popcorn ball for you.

Samantha glanced over her shoulder at her short friend, (or maybe she was just average height. ) You gave out popcorn balls? she asked Anna, rolling her eyes.

They started across the street as Anna replied, You could at least have gone aa a slutty version of something. Slutty Dorothy, slutty Alice, slutty nurse .

Jesse looked back at Anna. Hey that's my girlfriend your talking about. No slut- shaming.

I didn't mean anything by it. Anna lied, smirking.

What can I say? Samantha asked, shrugging. I've never been a fan of the whole thing.

Never been a fan, what- what are you a Communist? Who doesn't like Halloween?

Samantha no longer laughing, looked away as they passed a Halloween decoration hanging from a fence: a skeleton in a black hooded cloak.

(Time skip. )

It was the middle of the night, both Jesse and Samantha were asleep by then, in their apartment together, under warm gray sheets. Samantha was awakened by a little crash from the other room. Jesse didn't even stutter.

Samantha sat up slowly and quietly, standing up and disentangling from the sheets with little effort, walking silently through the dark. She saw the open window in the living room. There was a creak- in the floor boards and a shadow crossed the room. Samantha hurried silently to the next room, getting there before the other person. She should've known who it was.

Samantha attempted to take down the intruder but in a dance of fists and kicks, she and her opponent migrated into the room they had originally been in. Samantha was taking down, falling to the wooden floor with a thump. The person could finally be seen in the dim moon light that shown through the window.

Easy there, chica, the intruder said with a confident smirk on her glossed lips. She had light green eyes and red hair in the daylight but in the midnight darkness, you could see nothing more than slight color. Her lightly freckled, tan skin was smooth looking, the scar just under her right eye invisible to those who didn't know the other woman's face like the back of their hand. But Samantha did. She knew more about this girl than the woman did herself.

Deanna? Samantha asked even though it was more a recognition. Her sister laughed. You scared the crap out of me.

Cause you're out of practice, Samantha.

Samantha replied by twisting her sister's arms and rolling them to where Samantha was in the advantage position, sitting atop her older sister.

Or not, Deanna said, laughing again. Now get off me, cowgirl.

Deanna, what the hell are you doing here? Samantha asked, getting up. She helped Deanna up, too.

I was looking for a drink, Deanna joked slapping Samantha on the shoulder.

Samantha? A voice asked as the light cut on above them. A short boy with no shirt on came in. He was tall with blue eyes. He looked exhausted and squinted at the two since he didn't have his contacts in.

Jess hey, Samantha said greeting him. Deanna was already checking him out. She really didn't have any shame in it either. Deanna, this is my boyfriend Jesse.

Wait, your sister Deanna? Jesse asked, suddenly a little more awake.

Love the Smurfs, Deanna said eyeing the rim Jesse's pajama bottoms. They dropped just low enough that you could see the line of his boxers. And you know, I have to say I wouldn't think you to be my sister's type.

Okay feeling like a creeped on secretary now. I'm gonna go get something else on now, Jesse said, eyeing Deanna.

Oh, no, no. Don't bother. Deanna intercepted, biting her bottom lip. Anyway, she added, glancing at her sister than back at Jesse. I have to borrow your girlfriend for a minute to discuss some family stuff, but nice to meet you.

He smiled politely, ready to leave, but Samantha spoke up.

Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of him too.

Okay, Deanna replied as Samantha went to stand under Jesse's arm defiantly. Dad hasn't been home in a few days.

So he's working on a Miller time shift, Samantha replied, knowing Deanna knew what she was really saying. He'll stumble back sooner or later.

Deanna let out a cold laugh and nodded. She was careful about what to say next. Okay, let me reword this for you: Dad's on a hunting trip and hasn't been back in a few days.

Samantha frowned and Jesse looked at her confused, and a bit worried. Samantha didn't look up at her boyfriend as she spoke. She just stared at Deanna, Jesse will you please excuse us?