
Chapter 12 Ms. Grant

Metropolitan International Airport.

Today's metropolis is cloudless, and the clear sky is sprinkled with boundless golden light, dazzling the airport runway. The passenger plane came and went with a roar and launched its wings to fly high into the blue sky like a rock.

Jay followed Dad to the airport, nibbling on a sandwich from the airport convenience store for lunch. He asked: "So, we came from the Daily Planet in such a hurry. Are we going to greet some big people?"

small book booth

Mr Reynolds said: "Ms Kate Grant, formerly of the Daily Planet, worked as Perry's assistant for a while, but...well...let's put it that way, they It wasn't a good time to get along."

Jay nodded. Thinking of the situation when Perry's voice was so loud that passers-by on the street downstairs could hear it, he felt it seemed understandable.

"She quit after that," Mr Reynolds said. "She left the Metropolis, moved to Nassino, started her own business, and started the Kateco International Media Company. She's a pretty amazing woman."

"So why do you all mention her as a reaction you can't avoid?"

"You heard everything?"

Jay spread his hands: "I didn't intend to eavesdrop, but the soundproofing of the editor's office is not very good. I think everyone heard it in Perry's voice."

"Well, that's no secret." Mr Reynolds sighed helplessly and said, "When we mention Ms Grant, we must admire her talent and courage. She has reached a level that most of us can't match in our lifetime. Her height, but...forget it, when you see her, you'll soon understand."

That didn't make Jay wait too long. About ten minutes later, a small private airliner swooped down from the azure sky. It was as light as a homing swallow, and the sun shone on its white shell.

"That's her plane?" Jay asked.

"Her plane," Mr Reynolds said. "We should go."

As expected by Mr Reynolds, they soon met the "legendary Lady Grant". She wore hand-made white high heels, and her smooth, lustrous blonde hair belonged to a celebrity. She is wearing black sunglasses dashingly, and her body is covered with famous brands. Her steps are elegant and confident, and her whole body is full of the breath of high society.

Her assistant followed closely behind her. It was a girl who looked no more than twenty years old but was almost entirely overshadowed by the brilliance of her boss. She also had blonde hair, and in one hand s, he was carrying a brown handbag that was supposed to be her own since it was not an expensive brand, and in the other was a suitcase with Ms Grant's nameplate on it. She might have been pretty, too - if it weren't for the goofy wide glasses on the bridge of her nose that ruined the overall look she gave.

"Ms Grant," Mr Reynolds put on a warm smile that didn't come from his heart and stretched out his hand, "Long time no see."

"Charles Reynolds." Kate Grant gave him a contemptuous glance with her glasses almost over her head, shook his hand symbolically, and said, "I guess, under Perry's hands. Still no progress for many years?"

Mr Reynolds felt a little embarrassed that she was telling the truth. He snorted and said, "Not everyone can compare to you. After all, I don't have that talent. Maybe I'll be a little reporter in my life."

Ms GMst grunted unceremoniously and said, "You don't have that talent, Reynolds, I told you when I left the Daily Planet. I used to admire you very much, a man who dared to challenge the dark, Truth-struggling journalist; I thought you had a bright future back then. But look at yourself now, look in the mirror, and tell me what you saw in those eyes? Nothing but a soul as numb as everyone else. "

The smile on Mr Reynolds' face froze a little, and he kept his expression between embarrassment and annoyance, but he didn't argue.

Ms Grant's eyes moved to Jay, and then another smile appeared.

"This young fellow is..."

"This is my son, who just graduated from high school. I asked him to intern at the newspaper and learn about society," Mr Reynolds said. "His name is Jay. Jay, say hello to Ms Grant."

"Hello, Ms Grant."

Ms Grant smiled and nodded and said, "Jay? Very good, I saw in your eyes the things your father had when he was young, and I hope you won't leave them behind when you know enough about society."

"Thank you," Jay said lightly. "Maybe you don't think he's a qualified reporter, but as far as I know, he's the best father."

Both Ms Grant and Mr Reynolds cast unexpected glances at him, and the former's smile turned brighter. She smiled, "I'm starting to like you more now."

"Thanks." Jay asked, looking at the girl behind her with the suitcase, "This is..."

"Oh, almost forgot," Ms Grant introduced, turning to the side. "This is my new personal assistant. Say hello to everyone, Kara."

Hearing that the topic shifted to herself, the girl temporarily put down the suitcase, pushed the glasses' frame on the bridge of her nose, made her look silly, and said, "Hey, my name is Kara, Kara Kent."

She reached out to Jay kindly, but Jay didn't hold it but froze in place.

"Wait," he said, "you said your name was Kara?"

The girl was a little confused: "Yes... yes, is there anything special about this name?"

From Nassino, Kara Kent... Jay's mouth twitched. He resisted the urge to use X-sight to see if the other party was wearing a tight uniform with an "S" under his coat because it might be embarrassing if she noticed.

But it shouldn't be wrong. This girl is most likely a superhero, a super girl from Casino City. Before, he thought it was ridiculous that a pair of glasses could affect most people's perception of a face, but now he suddenly felt that it was not so incredible.

"Are you okay?" Carla awkwardly pushed the frame on the bridge of her nonsense. You've been staring at my face."

"Ah, sorry." Jay snapped back, hurriedly looking away when he realised it was rude. He shook Ka's stretched hand and explained, "You just reminded me of an acquaintance."

Carla then shook hands with Mr Reynolds. He laughed and joked: "Thank you for your hard work, Carla; it must be very tiring to be Ms Grant's assistant."

Cara showed her sunny, infectious, magical smile and said, "You can't imagine it at all."

"Kara?" Ms Grant's tone seemed to rise instantly, "What opinion do you have? You can put it up in person."

Kara hurriedly withdrew her smile, lowered her head honestly, dragged her suitcase again, and stopped talking. But Jay noticed that she was quietly sticking out her tongue at Ms Grant when she wasn't paying attention.

Back to the Daily Planet, Mr Perry's welcome to Ms Grant was not warm. On the surface, they were very polite to each other, but they began to be cynical from the first sentence of the meeting. Gaining even the slightest edge can earn you a ton of extra income. Jay sat silently back at his desk to watch the two big men quarrel from a distance, and he noticed that Carla was scrambling to take notes behind Ms Grant, looking funny and cute.

After listening for about five minutes, he finally got a general idea-Ms. Grant came to the Metropolis to be invited to a grand banquet three days later, and it seemed that Perry was also invited. When Ms Grant casually asked Carla if she had found a good dance partner, Carla was taken aback.

"Me?" She pointed at herself with the end of the pen in disbelief. "Do I want to dance too?"

Ms Grant looked at her in disbelief. "Of course, Carla! Otherwise, what do you think I brought you from Nishino? A public tour?"

"But I...I can't dance."

"There's always a first time," Ms Grant said commandingly.

"But I didn't even prepare an evening dress..."

"As expected, I rented one for you." Ms Grant showed a smug look, but she emphasised it deliberately, "But you have to remember that when you give it back to me, you can't have even a single wrinkle."

Carla took a deep breath, knowing she couldn't change the boss's decision. She had never attended such a grand banquet and felt that dancing tango on such an occasion might suffocate.

By the way, she wouldn't suffocate even in a vacuum.

"Well, speaking of the dance..." Jimmy Olsen appeared out of nowhere at this moment and said with a sullen face, "I think I'm afraid I won't be able to go; I'm sorry, boss."

Perry raised his eyebrows: "So what?"

"I've made some old mistakes, and I have to go to the hospital the day after tomorrow...for a minor operation."

"Then what about my photographer?"

Jay tapped his knuckles on the door frame at this point, reminding everyone of his arrival, saying, "Well, boss, I was thinking... maybe I could go and be your photographer— -if you do not mind."

Why did he suddenly say that? He didn't know it, but he just said it as if his head suddenly became hot. He told himself it wasn't because he wanted a chance to get close to the "legendary" Supergirl... well, maybe there was a part of that.

But deep down, maybe he didn't realise the part, he was trying to get close to his kind, and this was the first time in six years that he had met someone like him.

Perry raised his eyebrows: "You can still take pictures?"

"Understand, I used to join the school's photography club."

This is not a lie; he has joined most clubs in the school.

"I'll find a replacement class." Perry shook his head. "This kind of activity is too early for an internship experience."

"But you have to be brave enough to take the first step, don't you think, boss?"

When Ms Grant heard this, she squinted at Jay and smiled, "It makes sense; people should try while young; I like it. That's good; I'll get you a ticket, little Reno. Sir, maybe you can be Kara's dance partner."

"Thanks, Ms Grant," Jay said, thinking that the woman wasn't as bad as everyone said. He smiled at Carla, who returned him a polite smile.

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