
Chapter 54: Experiments

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Chapter 54: Experiments

"Unfortunately, the subsequent data has been severely damaged and cannot be repaired."

In front of the console, Howard's body leaned slightly forward, giving a command.

"Search for Phineas Horton."

As Howard's voice fell, a large amount of data appeared on the screen in front of him.

"Data related to Phineas Horton has been found. Some of the information is classified and under the control of the military as confidential files."

"Initiate decryption."


Inside the secret base, the program for decrypting the codes started running, accompanied by an energetic song with a lively prelude.

"Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh,

O'er the fields we go, laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtails ring, making spirits bright,

Oh what fun it is to ride and sing,

A sleighing song tonight, oh jingle bells, jingle bells..."

The lively music echoed in the Avengers' dark underground base, giving a sense of absurdity.

"Tony, turn off the music."

Amidst the play of the saxophone, Howard spoke up, interrupting.

The cheerful song abruptly stopped.

Tony responded in a frivolous tone, saying, "I thought you would enjoy this song. Maybe next time I can consider playing some songs that better suit your era."

He taunted Howard, and the program for decrypting the codes on the console screen reached its end.

"Decryption successful."

A series of classified file information was decrypted and presented before Howard's eyes.

From the information contained in these classified military files, it was evident that after the experiment on the bioengineered individuals, Dr. Phineas Horton had secretly served the military. During this process, Dr. Phineas Horton and his research partner at the time discovered an unknown subatomic particle and conducted in-depth research on it.

Dr. Phineas Horton and his team dedicated great efforts to the study of this subatomic particle.

However, it seemed that the military at the time did not support their research. They halted Dr. Phineas Horton's subatomic particle experiment project and compelled them to develop more powerful weapons for the military.

As a result, Dr. Phineas Horton had to disband his research team, and his research partner left him after a fierce argument.

Afterward, Dr. Phineas Horton focused on the military's bioengineering development, including transplanting the abilities of Human Torch to soldiers under the "The Reborn Project" project led by many experts .

However, before Dr. Phineas Horton could accomplish this experimental goal, news of defeat reached the frontlines. The allied soldiers, led by Captain America, failed in their mission, and even he himself perished on the battlefield.

The casualties of the Invaders, along with the death of British Prime Minister Churchill, had a tremendous impact on the morale of the allied forces, including the suspension of several experiments, including those led by Dr. Phineas Horton.

Standing in front of the console, Howard finished reading all the decrypted confidential files.

The mechanical eye in Howard's eye socket began to flicker with a blue light. "Open the 'The Reborn Project' file."

"Access denied."

However, Tony's response was somewhat unexpected.

Hearing Tony's denial, the mechanical eye in Howard's eye socket twitched slightly. "What's going on? Wasn't everything already decrypted?"

"The files related to 'The Reborn Project' are classified as sealed-level confidential documents. According to the internal intelligence displayed by the military, they were sealed and transferred out several years ago."

"On whose order?"

"General John Schmidt, the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Army at that time."


Phineas Horton, the Human Torch?

In his temporary residence, Colin deactivated his Super Hearing ability and pondered with a thoughtful expression.

With the assistance of his Super Brain, he was able to process the information collected by his Super Hearing normally, without being affected by its side effects.

However, Colin found himself deep in thought about the information he had heard.

If he remembered correctly, the mainstream world's "Daily World" had once published a superhero comic called "The Human Torch," which seemed to bear astonishing similarities to the Human Torch mentioned by Howard and Tony.

So, was it all just a coincidence?

The relationship between the mainstream world and the alternate world had always been a focus of Colin's attention, and now the appearance of the Human Torch seemed to provide him with a clue.

Perhaps by gathering information about the Human Torch, he could find a connection between the two worlds.

But clearly, it wouldn't be an easy task.

Unless he could find a suitable reason to participate in the actions of the Dark Avengers members without arousing suspicion from Howard and others.


Opportunities always arise unexpectedly.

In the afternoon, inside the base's training ground, Colin agilely evaded Frank's bullets.

In less than an hour, he had incorporated the combat techniques taught by Frank into practical combat.

"That's enough."

Stopping his attacking movements and retracting the dagger aimed at his eyes, Frank looked at Colin with a silent face, but his inner thoughts were in turmoil.

It was hard to imagine that just a few days ago, this guy knew nothing and was a complete novice.

In just a few days, Frank had witnessed Colin's transformation from a clueless outsider to a skilled combatant.

"You have more talent than I expected. Originally, I had prepared several assassination attempts to increase your vigilance against danger, but now it seems unnecessary."

Colin's progress in combat disrupted Frank's plans.

"Assassination attempts? Are you sure you were teaching me combat skills?"

Hearing Frank casually mention assassination plans, Colin's expression became speechless.

At the same time, he lowered his head slightly and glanced at the back of his hand, where the unseen Black Iron Mark was located.

[Ability - Super Brain (Black Iron)]

[Ability Description: The Super Brain grants the user incredible intelligence and astonishing learning capabilities, enabling them to easily grasp difficult languages and skills, and handle complex tasks.]

Although the Black Iron-level Super Brain couldn't help Colin become an all-knowing superhuman who instantly mastered an alien language, it was sufficient to assist him in adapting to the combat techniques taught by the Punisher during their sparring sessions. In a short period of time, he could learn these techniques and incorporate them into his own.

NOTE-> Reborn be somewhere written as resurrection


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