
“I can help you”

Jonathan had experienced lucid dreaming before, where he was fully conscious in the dream, with the same thinking ability as in the real world. He knew clearly that he was dreaming but couldn't escape the dream and had to follow it through.

This was quite unusual. Most people don't realize they're dreaming; most dreams are chaotic and lack logic. Maintaining self-awareness in a dream is hard, and lucid dreams are rare.

Now, Jonathan was having a lucid dream, and the protagonist of the dream was himself.

At this moment, he was in a therapy room, facing a psychiatrist, a man he recognized as James, the director of the mental health office at the investigation department.

Jonathan felt incredibly strange. He looked around at the room's decor without showing any emotion, a bit puzzled as to why he was having such a dream.

Could it be that the recent pressure was too great, and he needed to go to the therapy room for counseling, so he had this dream?

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