
"You seem a bit different today"

Jonathan stood by the roadside, taking a moment to gaze at the advertisements.

A myriad of promotions for diverse products and services surrounded the mechanical body ad. Ads for elderly care services, vocational training institutes, and luxury goods… and to his surprise, Jonathan spotted Diema on the advertisement projection screen.

The delicately made-up, sweet face shimmered on the advertisement screen, enveloped in a halo of colorful spotlights. She looked nothing like a child, yet in truth, she was still a flower in a greenhouse, untouched by the ravages of stormy weather.

Jonathan pulled his hoodie's zip up, lowered his head, and moved along.

Back in his school days in the First World, teachers frequently broadcasted the news during class. They dissected various policies and significant global events in detail. It was possible to predict future events and policy changes from media propaganda. This held for the Second World as well.

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