
Chapter 5

That was it. I liked to skip Atmokinesis class since I hated the students there. There were five more students who were mean to me .

I can't give any reason for their rude behavior and I couldn't even complain to the teacher since she gave them more importance than me.

Maybe Because they could control the power more than I could.

Obviously, I didn't use that power much except for emergencies.

And my friends didn't even know them.

Believe me , I never saw them in the whole school other than the Atmokinesis class .

Isn't that strange?

Yeah that is.

Anyway it didn't matter if I skipped that class because the teacher hardly even minded.

Instead I went Adrian's home with my friends.

He said he had something to show us and he was pretty excited to show us

"Are you sure Mrs . K won't mind you missing the class?"Alex asked.

" No . I do that all the time. It doesn't matter", I replied.

"Okay then . We are here and this is the thing I wanted to show you", Adrian said handing me a sketch book.

" We were thinking something wonderful like you might have got a new power" Alex joked.

He ignored it and took the book from me and turned it to a page which was scratched and then started fumbling through the pages and chuckled

"This is not it", he said

"How many sketch books do you have?", I asked.

"About 20", he replied.

His hobby was sketching.

He used to sketch almost everything he saw in his dreams and he was pretty good at it.

"Wait a sec", he said and started finding his notebook in his school bag.

"You sketch in school too?", Melis asked.

"Sometimes", he replied without looking at her

He then turned to a page and handling the sketch book to me asked,"Do you know him, Zach?"

I looked at it carefully . It didn't take a sec to realize who he was . With a mask covering his mouth and a blood sttained knife in his hand , he looked pretty evil but still I was unsure.

I said, "I would have said that he is Nutella but I don't think I am sure"

My friends took the boo from me and observed it closely.

"It looks like Nuttela but....", Melis was interrupted by Alex who said, "But it is not possible that you saw this in your dream because you know"

"I saw him the day before yesterday in my dream but if you turn to the next page that's when you will be surprised"Adrian said

Well , my friends weren't ready to believe that Adrian saw Nutella in his dreams because:

One: I guess I have told you before that Nutella was invincible and his Invincibility made him disappear .

I mean he got so powerful that he couldn't live among humans or superhumans. There were just two days he reappeared . That is on full and new moon . On those days , he gets more powerful or rather so powerful that he could destroy the whole world .

Two:He can reappear even when his slaves or followers summones him using the two of the most powerful lockets that is the locket of Invincibility and locket of Telepathy. According to some studies by the most knowledged scientist in the field of powers Invisibility and telepathy is not genetic.

So , these powers can be gained only by the two lockets that is , the locket of Telepathy and the locket of invisibility.

I Know this is too much information to take and believe it took me three months to memorize this whole information since it was in our syllabus and it did come in our exams and you Know how my brains are...

But the sketch we saw the next page was really surprising....

A man with a masked face ( the same person from the last page) was standing with a locket in his hand with the same blood stained knife in his other hand and was looking at Nutella's statue . Yes , Nutella had a statue and it was said that on days of full and new moon , his statue became active and he used this statue to talk to his followers , the Nutellions . Well , no one had ever seen him face to face but our ancestors believed that he always wore a mask and he was cruel and had no sense of humanity.

So , apparently people started believing the story when a man wearing a mask who kind of looked like Nutella started killing people.

People started fearing him but once he let the cops catch him . I don't know why anyone would do that . Anyway, his powers were tested and it was found that he didn't even have a power. He was just a serious criminal on loose and the police were trying to find him for years .

But people still believed in that story .

You must have been thinking that" Nutella would have been old by now", right?

But no. His Invincibility stopped him from ageing. That meant he wouldn't die of old age.

He could be killed if the two lockets were destroyed and no one knew where these lockets were but how long would it take Nuttelions to find them and from what we saw in the next page , it seemed that the Nuttelions had already found the locket of Invincibility.

It was like a dial of a clock in the center of the locket except it looked a lot different than a watch.

We looked at each other and then at Adrian.

He looked at us and said,"Well ....."

Melis said , "We should probably tell MrFaren tomorrow first thing , right?", she looked at us for clarification.

I was deep in thoughts and didn't talk for some time.

"What's wrong?", Alex asked

"Is everything okay", Adrian asked me

If you haven't noticed, my friends get easily worried about me . Maybe, it was the influence of my dad because he actually made everyone promise that they would look after me

"Nothing's wrong. I was wondering where he found that locket and where the other locket might be." I said

"Oh . That's why I couldn't sleep last night because I was worried about the other locket"

Adrian said.

"You Know where it is?", Alex asked , surprised.

"Obviously, no". Adrian said.

"Did anyone else get to know anything new?", Adrian asked.

I wanted to talk about my dream but I knew that I would get them more worried.

"No", I said and the others shook their heads.

"Ok , then I have to study for my healing test tomorrow and I'll see you guys tomorrow at school"Adrian said

"Ok, bye", I said and went to my home.

I hope you like my story till now.

keep reading!!

Samuel_Jenkiniscreators' thoughts
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