
Chapter 4

I woke up late. I couldn't sleep well that night.

I saw a horrible dream . I don't remember much of it but at first I thought that it was Melis' dream because we could see each other's dream too and Melis seeing dreams mean t she was either seeing the past or the future but then I was clarified that it was not her dream because Melis wasn't in it and usually when I saw her dream , she was in it .

But someone else was there.

It was sister , the big one.

Of course Diana was two years elder than me but my other sister Felix or Felixus was the eldest among us .

She was 6 years elder than me and 2 years elder than Diana.

You must be wondering how old I was .

I was 14 .

Anyway , she was talking to someone, probably a boy and then suddenly she slashed his neck.

I couldn't remember what they were talking about but Felixus was clearly angry at him .

I woke up screaming. Well , I had a sickness that is I couldn't tolerate blood . Seeing blood made me feel like throwing up . I don't know. I had this sickness from my childhood and there was lots and lots of blood and the dream seemed completely real . Of course, it was teal since we superhumans couldn't dream anything which wasn't real

What we dreamt used to be the present and that's why I was more worried that Nutella was actually eating both of my sister's heads.

Well then ,when it was about 4 a.m, I automatically dozed off to sleep and mom had to shake me awake to wake me up before the school bus arrived.

Yeah , we superhumans have a separate school to train our powers .

So usually, we didn't study what the normal children studied .

Our subjects were totally about power and how to survive in a battlefield which was being taught to us because the whole world was expecting a fight with Nutellions soon. I mean not soon as 2 to 3 years but soon as maybe within 10 years.

And there are exams too . Don't think it's too easy .

Well you have to learn 2 books each about the Union Powers , the three powerful powers which included Invincibility, Invisibility and Telepathy.

I don't know why Telepathy was involved in the Union Powers. It was not even that powerful. Most powerful was Invincibility, Nutella's power.

The two books of these 3 powers plus a guide book to your own power were the books I had to read.

Anyway, I met Adrian on my way to my first class.

"Hi , Zach", he said.

Adrian was my partner in Invincibility class .

"Hey ", I said and smiled.

Well I liked to be Zacharius in school but it didn't matter since all my friends and teachers knew that Zacharius and Abigail are the same person.

Adrian's power was to heal people. A great power though. I liked every power except Atmokinesis , my own power.

Sometimes I was jealous of Melis , Alex or Adrian because they had powers which were far better than mine.

I mean who wouldn't want to look into the future see your own fate and telekinesis was a powerful power . I could easily lift anything using my mind . And I would be satisfied with my life if had Adrian's power . I could heal myself if I got hurt and I wouldn't have to be dependent on anyone else to cure me . Isn't that awesome? but obviously I would get scared if I saw blood . But still it's better than Atmokinesis.

I hate Atmokinesis more because, the seniors used to call me weather man just because o could control weather.

Plus I had to study one book more than my friends.

Invincibility class was perfectly fine other than the fact that I had forgotten to do the homework and I had to stand outside class in front of the Juniors which was quite shameful.

Next was Invisibility class . It was completely boring so I dozed off too sleep.

Next was Telepathy class and my head was starting to blast because I couldn't understand what the teacher was saying because she was saying it too fast . Or maybe that was what I was thinking.

I asked Nathan , the boy sitting beside me , "Isn't she speaking too fast?"

And he said," No"

And I said,"Right . It's because my head is going to blast now"

He looked at me for a moment with his crooked eyebrows and finally said," Let me listen to what she is saying"

"Ok", I said and looked at Melis . She was writing something in her copy. Well , she was good in studies and had a brain where she could store many things which I couldn't.

In simple words, I had doubts.

Did I even have a brain?

Next class was my gender fluid training class.

I was the only student in the class.

Gender fluid was a rare power . About two out of one percent had this power.

Well , I was maybe the only person in the world who was gender fluid as my trainer said.

And I loved my trainer , Mr.Faren.

He was kind and helpful and since I was the only student in the whole school who was gender fluid , he helped me to pass my exam.

He actually told me what to prepare for the exam.

And that's the only subject that I could score an A.

So , he was the one who started training me since I joined the school.

And we had made quite great progress.I could almost change my gender even without a little bit concentration.

Obviously for changing my gender I wouldn't take 40 mins , so the first twenty minutes we studied and I practised changing my gender and the next twenties he used to tell me about Nutellions . Well , teachers usually don't talk about Nutellions but a very few students who are qualified to work as a secret agent under Mr Faren .

They gather information on the Nutellions and I am one of the students .

It's because my sisters are Nutellions and somehow through my dreams or anything I gradually get to know what they are up to.

It's not important that only if you have any relation with Nutellions, you can work as a secret agent. You needed to know a lot about the Nuttela including his powers and his family because dangerous powers usually come from parents and we had to know the most dangerous Nuttelions too.

And believe me , I knew a lot about it since I was always interested what my sisters were doing.

Adrian, Diana ,Alex and me worked as a team.

There were some others senior secret agents too.

But my parents didn't Know about it because if they knew they wouldn't have allowed me to join school otherwise.

Since both my sisters were Nutellions , my parents were afraid that I would turn out to be a Nutellion to and they would do anything just to keep me safe from Nutella and his slaves.

Well that day there wasn't any news about Nutellions except the murder which I didn't want to talk about.

And the next and last class was Atmokinesis which I skipped.

I don't think that I can give much time to my story because my exams are knocking at the door and all I have been doing is writing the story but I will try my best to find some time and make the story more interesting since this story is my life.

So , kindly forgive me if there are any silly typing mistakes as in case of the tense.

If I can give time to my story, I am sure you guys can also vote or like my story.

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And continue reading.

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