
Chapter 10

I must have throwed up at least three times at the clinic because I couldn't take my eyes off the blood and more because my hand hurted very much and then the bleeding didn't want to stop.

Anyway, when I came back home I was tired and I felt sick and my parents didn't talk to me so I got to bed.

It was nearly 10:30 p.m. when I went to bed.

I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. I felt uncomfortable for some reason . Maybe because I didn't want my parents to be worried about me or angry at me.

I went to my parents' room because . I wanted to say that I was sorry even though any of it wasn't my fault. That's what I do. Saving people but then I stopped walking towards dad's room because I started feeling dizzy.

I closed my door and switched off the lights and tried sleeping but I couldn't . I moved in the bed many times trying to find a position in which I could sleep peacefully and I must have fell asleep without knowing it.

In my dreams, I saw the man I had a fight with. He was in a room full with blood and dear bodies and his hand was full with bloodied knife , the same knife I saw him use before . His body was filled with blood. I felt very uncomfortable in my dreams. I hated seeing this type of dreams. I woke up and rushed to the bathroom and started puking my guts out.

Mom must have been sleeping. She woke up and tried calming me down. It happened sometimes when I was angry or sad or especially when I saw blood.

Anyway, I couldn't sleep the whole night. Mom wanted to stay with me in my room because I started to get pretty sick.

But I told her to get some sleep because she had to attend a meeting with Dad on that day for which she had to wake you up early by 6:30 a.m. and it was nearly 3:30 a.m.

And finally , I fell asleep again but my dreams changed .

When I woke up , my parents had already left for the meeting. It was about 11 a.m. I said to myself, "You are a genius Zach to sleep till 11 in the morning and bunk school."

Actually not bunk. My mom must not have awoken me because I slept late that night .

Since, I had nothing to do I started playing games on my phone just to kill time.

I liked playing Pokemon Go and clash of clans when I was free which was rare since almost all the time I was at school or with my friends or saving the people

But mostly, I played Pokemon Sword and Shield . I hope you know what that game is about. It's about gym battles.

I played till my phone's battery was dead and then I went to bath .

And then I started feeling sleepy so I slept . At about 3 p.m. my mom called me to say that they would return late and also added ,"Be a good child and no saving the earth today.".

Though I wasn't sure about saving the earth part , yet I said that I won't go around saving the earth.

Just when I was going to switch on the TV, someone pressed the doorbell . It was my friends

"Hi", I said.

"You didn't come to school today .... ", Adrian said.

"Yeah, I was worried. First the dream and then whatever....", Melis said.

"What happened yesterday that you are so happy?", she asked.

"Um, I went out with my parents" I said

"After which you were sad."Adrian said.

"Um , yeah you know.... arguments with dad", I said.

"Oh", Melis said

"Where is Alex?", I noticed he wasn't with them .

"Alex wanted to come but her mom fell sick ", Adrian said.

We all knew Alex's mom was suffering from cancer and she was often sick.

"Oh", I said.

"So, you're going to come tomorrow, right?", Adrian asked changing the topic.

"Yeah . I was sick yesterday and only if I get better", I said.

"Okay",Melis said.

"Are you sick till now?", she asked.

"Yeah, I guess", I replied.

"Well , my parents aren't at home, so you guys can stay till they return", I added.

I was bored the whole day not seeing my friends.

"Okay", Melis said.

"Okay for me too but you have anything to eat or drink.? It's really hot today" , Adrian said.

Yeah, he liked to eat very much.

I looked at the sky . It was 5 p.m. yet it was sunny.

"Do you want thunderstorms or rain?", I asked Adrian

"Never heard of that flavour. Anyway, I think thunderstorm would taste better", Adrian said

It took me a minute realise what he was talking about.

"He was talking about the weather, idiot . Not any juice or food", Melis said.

"Oh, sorry . Thunderstorms" Adrian said

And immediately, the wind started blowing with force

"Wow, I wish I had your power", Adrian said.

While I was going to open the bottle of pineapple juice , Melis noticed my hand.

"What's wrong with your hand?", she asked.

I didn't want to talk about it because thinking about it would remind me of blood and I didn't want to puke in front of my friends.

Anyway due to the empathy link , she got to know about it.

"So you got into a fight with a Nutellion and he stuck a knife on your hand? You could have called for help. Do you think we can't help?", she scolded.

I liked the expression in her face when she was angry at me . She looked cute.

"You look cute when you are angry", I said.

She didn't reply. I guess she hated it when I tried to change the topic.

"You could have called me , I would have healed it for you", Adrian said.

"You want to?", I asked.

"Yeah, sure", he replied.

Then I remembered that he had a test the next day in the hospital.

That is , he had to heal people with mental or physical problems and that needed a lot of energy and he once said that the test meant a lot to him.

"I don't want you to waste your energy on me especially when you have a test tomorrow", I said.

"Oh, no that's no wasting energy.", he said

and took my hand and concentrated on it.

"Do I need to open the bandage?", I asked

He shook his head.

I looked at Melis . I heard her voice in my head, "That's why I hate you . Why do you have to get in danger without letting us knowing it? If Alex gets to hear it , he would be mad at you"

I believed she could hear me in her head.

I said," I think you are more mad at me than Alex would be"

"Shut up", she said.

She was blushing.

I smiled.

"What happened to me?", I heard Adrian whisper.

"Why?", I asked.

"I can't do it", he said.

"What?", I asked.

"What am I going to do in my test tomorrow?", he said

I could say that he was depressed because his power wasn't working.

"Hey , it's okay . That happens sometimes", I said with my left (uninjured hand) on his shoulder and comforted him.

"I think you should go home and practice your powers", Melis advised

She always had ideas in her head and she advised well.

"Yeah, you're right", Adrian said.

Then he looked at me and said ,"I am sorry, Zach . It's not working. Maybe it will tomorrow but I am going to heal your wound "

"Hey, it's no big deal", I said .

He took his school bag and went home.

Then it was Melis and me alone.


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