
The Wine Dude

Lucifer was dreaming. His mind was full of blood and gore. Of battles lost and won. War. His body shook as he slept, his mind was away fighting the bloodiest of battles.

The scene changed and he was strapped to a steel bed, he screamed long and loud as numerous needles pierced flesh and bone marrow. Fluid rushed around his body as his soul almost seemed to shatter from pain. Along with the restraints also screamed as he slowly tore himself free. Dimly he realised all the white gowned figures fled the room at the first groan from the steel however his mind was consumed.

The scene changed again and he was falling down a mountainside. Luke was below him in freefall but older and with a scar on his face.

And again the scene changed as he stood at the foot of a giant red pyramid. The scenes kept flickering but two stood out to Lucifer. One was him standing at the base if the empire state building and another was himself once again stood but on a giant pulsing mass of veins staring and black and silver doors.

Then Lucifer woke up and realised he was lead down on a bed. No one could be seen in the room with him he was alone. Trying to recall he realised what happened the scenario playing out in his head. The mortally wounded Thalia slowly shifting into a pine tree. Himself furious and attacking the monsters whilst surrounded by a crimson haze. There was also a sulfur like taste in his mouth.

He stood from the bed and wandered down the corridor to a bright light. He walked out onto the house porch and came across a well kept man sat in a wheelchair along with a a man a chubby face and bloodshot eyes. He wore a Hawaiian shirt so bright it caused Lucifer to rub his eyes at the sight. Upon noticing Lucifer the chubby man signed.

"Well I suppose I have to say it. Hello welcome to Camp Half Blood I hope you dont die to quickly." The blantent way of speaking left Lucifer without words as he stared at the man. The guy in the wheelchair coughed and spoke.

"Hello Lucifer dont mind Mr D he is just unhappy. My name is Chiron and welcome to camp Half Blood."

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