

Keeping calm Lucifer goes to put away his weapons.

"Too late now they know we are here we are going to have to try and drive them off as we run." Luke said. He unscathed his knife and motioned for Lucifer to follow him. Luke moved to the door and cautiously opened it. Seeing the corridor empty he opened the door and went out.

"A reason I chose this place is because it has a couple of exits. If we go this way there should be fewer harpies because they are not the most intelligent being." Luke started walking to the stairs and went down, Lucifer warily following all the while.

Reaching the ground floor Luke went to corridor different to the way the two came into the building. Motioning for Lucifer to take point with his shield Luke cautiously opened the door. As soon as it opened a feathered blur crashed into the shield. Luke reacted quickly and stabbed the harpie with his knife. The harpie blew into a cloud of dust as Lucifer lead the way outside. As another blur came their way Lucifer brought the axe head to bear, forming a crushing blow that slices into the harpie without resistance. That harpie blew to dust as Lhke scanned the surroundings.

"Lucifer." Luke said urgently. "We have to go now!" Looking where Luke was his eyes widened at the sheer amount of harpies surrounding the building. Desummoning the scissors he held the shield on case of attack and took off running after Luke. Easily catching him they ran side by side as the harpies around the building caught sight of them and gave chase.

Letting Luke take the lead Lucifer was lead a complicated path through the streets losing a couple of harpies every so often until there were only three left chasing them desperately.

Luke lead them into a small alley and nodded a Lucifer. Using the katar Lucifer imagined it shooting out to hit one of the harpies. The knife blade shot out with sniper like precision squarely piercing through the lead harpie. As this happened the other two harpies shot at the demigods Luke engaged one with his knife, dodging claw strikes and lashing out with his blade. Lucifer held the other at bay as the katar retracted and he summoned the scissors to deliver a blow to the harpies midsection. As both harpies fell into dusty piles the demigods fell into a heap panting from exhaustion.

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