
Athena's child

The three demigods escaped the building of billowing green fire. They staggered off exhausted to the nearest 24 hour restaurant. After sitting and ordering some food they finally started talking.

"He did not deserve that." Thalia said quietly stirring the ketchup with a frie moodily.

"The gods are cruel." said Lucifer in response. "They ruin lives without a care." Thalia looked like she wanted to protest before halting and resumed eating.

"Halcyon helped someone and he was punished for it." Luke stared down and the lights cast a sinister look on his face. "If they..." He stopped speaking and just sat unmoving.

Luke's face changed as he stared out the window and looked at the nearby alley. Lucifer looked that way too. Lucifer stood up and summoned his weapons gesturing at Luke and Thalia to follow.

Luke passed him and focused. He walked along the wall of the warehouse with Lucifer walking close behind, Thalia followed him with her weapons out.

"Somethings down here." Luke said. "I can sense it." There was a clang from beneath the dock and a tin sheet quivered. Luke slowly lifted the tin sheet and a blur of flannel and blonde hair hurtled at Luke. A hammer smashing towards his head. With lightning reflexes Luke dodged as Lucifer pushed out his shield to block the blow. Luke grabbed the little girls wrist and Thalia grabbed the hammer from her.

The little girl struggled and kicked Luke hard in the legs. His whelp of pain was covered by the girls screaming.

"No more monsters." She exclaimed kicking Luke again. "Leave me alone."

"Thalia, Lucifer put your weapons and shields away you are scaring her." Luke said quickly dodging another strike from the little girls frantic kicks.

"Hey little girl." She said gently. "We aren't going to hurt you. I am Thalia. This is Luke and the scary looking one is Lucifer."

"Monsters." The girls cried again, looking more questioning this time as her struggles ceased.

"No." Luke said simply. "But we know of them we fight them too."

"Like me?" She asked suspiciously.

"Yeah." Luke smiled. "Its hard to explain but we are monster fighters like you. Wheres your family?" The girls fearsome expression wobbled as her chin trembled.

"My family hate me. They never wanted me so I ran away." Luke expression was worse than Thalia's shield. He looked at Thalia and Lucifer and they made a silent agreement.

"What's your name kiddo?" Thalia asked.


"Nice name." Luke said with a smile. "I'll tell you what Annabeth you are pretty fearsome. We could use a fighter like you. At that her face lit up.

"You could?"

"Yeah." Luke said earnestly. Halycons words flashed before his eyes. 'It will protect its owner.'

Pulling off his backpack he retrieved the dagger Halycon gave him and offered it to Annabeth.

"A real monster slaying weapon." He said as he offered it. "Celestial bronze. What do say Annabeth do you want to join us?"

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