
The Beginning of a Normal School Day

I grabbed my coat of the rack" SamSam! Don't forget your inhaler! ", My mom puddled. I rolled my eyes in embarrassment. I started walking to school in the New York snow.

I get on the the bus to The Bronx and chew on my FrabGlab gum. I pick up my phone and messaged Tommy, my best friend.

Yo where yo ass at

I'm on the bus

As I pass by all the buildings, I notice a thick glowing light beaming out from the sky. But, who cares? I made it to school and quickly padded up Tommy.

" The Micro-cellular project is due today you know. ", Tommy scoffed. " What I thought it was due next week! ", I panted.

Doesn't matter. I just took the bullet and made it to my 1st period class.

" Which one of you can tell me what 2 equals to the formula of-"

This class is so boring…

Why can't something exciting happ-


All I heard now was screaming. The teacher thought this was an earthquake and told us to get under our desks. I saw that green light again, but coming out of a big giant grey creature.

I looked at Tommy and saw him checking the doomsday clock on his laptop. At this point I'm not scared, just confused.

The creature then ripped off the wall of the room. About to devour all of us.

I know what I got to do…

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