
Super Red Dragon

“He said… I wasn't the real hero… He was wrong. I just forgot for a little while… We all forgot…don't let them forgot again…”. The last words of Conner. But, what if he has a new chance? New life? Even in another universe? Let's watch how Conner (ex-Super Boy) will live and fight as Kazuki Hyoudou (Sekiryuutei).

Julian_Clyne · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


Kazuki and the club leaders went to the Journalism Club, upon arriving at the scene, some members were already present. A tense climate was present in the room.

{Otoya}: And as I was saying, some students have already left our school being hospitalized for treatment. Most of the families of these students did not report to the police and only warned the school to start the removal procedures of the students. There are already cases of students' disappearances and these were reported to the police, some students were found in streets with concentration of nightclubs. My opinion is that we should elaborate a special article about the situation. We will not report the names of the students, only the cases, and warn students to protect themselves and be careful avoiding accepting local gang invitations and offers. The representatives of the clubs involved in martial arts are here today, so we can put their opinion in the article, how are you guys?

{Shougo}: No problem. We will help with whatever possible.

{Otoya}: Thank you guys, the team that will hear your report is in the next room, to accelerate our work will start now, one of our members will accompany you, Aoi-san, you can accompany them to the next room ?

{Aoi}: Yes, come on, guys.

Aoi, other members of the Journalism Club and the martial arts club leaders go to the room to prepare the story. Otoya, Fujimaru and Kazuki remain in the same place.

{Otoya}: Kazuki, just as you told us, gangs began to intensify the sale of "Truth." And the involvement of criminal groups from outside Tokyo is evident, I don't like to involve my family in my affairs, however, criminals' actions began to affect so far at school, I reported the situation to my grandfather.

{Kazuki}: To Senator Kujoh? You acted faster than I thought, Otoya. But I believe it was a good movement, if those involved were only street gang leaders, local police would be enough, but with the great suspicion of foreign groups involved, the situation grew to a much higher level. Fujimaru, Master Takagi said something about it? The agency he works would let nothing go unnoticed.

{Fujimaru}: You know that Dad doesn't talk much about work when he's at home. He doesn't want to make Haruka worried, but he told me something, the agency has been busy lately with a group of foreigners who entered Japan to work. Most of them are working on different companies, however, the group's movements have been very well synchronized, financial transactions, real estate rental, position promotions for leadership positions. Everything they do seems very clean, if everything was not happening very fast.

{Kazuki}: This group of foreigners may be involved in the entry of "truth" in Tokyo, or may not have any participation in the case. We will leave the investigation into the outside groups to the Master Takagi agency and the government agencies that Senator Kujoh will inform. I will begin to further investigate local gang activities, especially their bases of operations. The information that is useful to help students and families I will pass you, Otoya. Fujimaru, I brought a software for you to test his efficiency in invading and hacking smartphones near another smartphone.

{Otoya}: Ok, I will give the information to the competent groups. But you want Fujimaru…

{Fujimaru}: Kazu, you want me to test the effectiveness, don't you? I could investigate the groups myself, but if I do it I will draw the attention of the agency where daddy works and…

{Kazuki}: Otoya, I don't want "Falcon" to take action, don't worry, and Fujimaru, I want you just testing a laptop simulation and nearby smartphones. If we make a mess like last time, the agency won't let us escape free just for being boys.

{Otoya}: Exactly… (facepalm) Just the headache last time…

{Fujimaru}: It was fun, but… Kazu! You are who invaded the Pentagon system !! I just broke into the Russian agency system and after, Japan's agency… and Otoya, you wanted to observe the secret agency's data too, you are not innocent !! Well, in the end, everything ended with a happy ending…

{Kazuki}:… You… (Happy Final!?! Third-1 agents invaded the school's empty room where we were… After that, I spent practically all night listening to Master Takagi's sermon, who also told Father [Hikaru] and Tou-san [Jinkai], which tripled the sermon. Lucky they didn't tell Mom [Misa] and Kaa-san [Hibiki] or…)

{Otoya}:… Fujimaru… (idiot, I had to spend almost a month seeing my grandfather's angry face because of that day. Listening to a sermon every day of how I could be arrested, destroy my future…)

{Fujimaru}: What was it? Why are you looking at me this way?

{Kazuki}: I'm wondering whether I will beat you or not, idiot!

{Otoya}: Please Kazuki, beat this idiot, then I will practice my aim with bow and arrow in it…

{Fujimaru}: Kazu !! There is no need to do this !! And Otoya, you are scaring me !!!

{Kazuki}: (sighs) Ok, we will test the program, I want to be able to use it from a smartphone.

{Otoya}: (sighs) Let's go.

{Fujimaru}: (sweating) Yes, we will test. Using it from the phone is an interesting idea.

After some tests and improvements, the program is ready for use. Kazuki leaves the school and awaits nightfall to start the investigation, after analyzing the data he already had, and the place of investigation, the plan was prepared.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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