
Super Red Dragon

“He said… I wasn't the real hero… He was wrong. I just forgot for a little while… We all forgot…don't let them forgot again…”. The last words of Conner. But, what if he has a new chance? New life? Even in another universe? Let's watch how Conner (ex-Super Boy) will live and fight as Kazuki Hyoudou (Sekiryuutei).

Julian_Clyne · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


Lunchtime is approaching. The last class before noon is about to start, geography class, however what Kazuki heard during breaks from previous classes, the conversations his classmates had had not been such a pleasant subject. The current issue was the increase in students who started using banned substances, (some leaving school because of this) and local gangs started to recruit more members, mainly practitioners of some martial art category. It was as if they were preparing for a war.

{Kazuki}: (Class will start soon… Then I have to go to the journalism club… journalism… that word brings back happy and sad memories… Tana… our story didn't end with a happy ending, like Lois and Clark's story…)

A girl approaches Kazuki.

{Mai}: Kazuki… are you okay? Do you look sad? Something happened?

{Kazuki}: (This is no time for melancholy) Mai… I'm fine, just the situation of some of our colleagues seems serious. How is that friend of yours? Megumi, was that her name? She was trying to stop using drugs, wasn't she? But I haven't seen her at school lately.

{Mai}: Her family made her move to another city for treatment, I don't think I'll see her for a long time… she and her boyfriend started using it together. Her family took her for treatment, but he's on the streets in the alleys next to a nightclub called "J Club"… he's become someone else.

{Kazuki}: The situation is getting out of hand. If elementary school students are being affected by drug dealers, the authorities will start to act more concretely (or organized criminal groups, Yakuza, Triad, etc. will start to get involved as well).

{Mai}: My brother said the streets are getting more violent lately. He even asked me to avoid going out at night.

{Kazuki}: Masaki-san? He's right, now when I get back from my night job, I'm seeing the number of suspicious people in the neighborhood increase a lot.

{Mai}: Kazuki be careful at night too. Class will start, better go back to my seat, and about what happened about my friend, the journalism club heard my report, and they're going to write about it. Kujoh-san seemed quite interested in the story.

{Kazuki}: Yes. See you later, May. (My job as a vigilante will have to become more investigative, gather evidence about the drug lords and find out who is providing the ingredients for the production of "Truth" (Peculiar name for a drug.) Buy the ingredients for the production separately, It wasn't a crime, but the quantity is too large, someone is making a huge amount of money supplying the ingredients to the manufacturers. If Tim (Robin) were here, he would find out who was responsible in no time).

Geography class starts and by coincidence, the teacher asks the students to prepare a survey. Students can choose the nation or city and write about it.

{Teacher}: Hyoudou-kun, did you select which place to write about?

{Kazuki}: Yes, about San Francisco/USA.

{Teacher}: A city outside of Japan? Okay, but have you seen the place before?

{Kazuki}: Yes, I have a friend who lives there. (I was going to write about Kansas, but, there is no town called Smallville in this world. So I'll write about San Francisco, I lived in Titan's Tower that was there. It's not the same, but there is a San Francisco in this world).

Class ends and Kazuki starts walking to the journalism club, or so he intended, but some classmates called him to talk about something important on the way. They were, Shougo (Vice President of the Karate Club), Taka (President of the Kendo Club), Iwado (President of the Judo Club) and Yamazaki (Vice President of the Boxing Club). They went to the sports court, so they could talk more.

{Kazuki}: Okay gentlemen. What do you want to talk about? With a team like that together? Will you form a band? A new squad of Sentai Heroes (Power Rangers)? Do you want to invite me to be a part? I'm sorry, but I can't accept it.

{Shougo}: HAHAHAHA… Kazu, I didn't mean to laugh, but… HAHAHA…

{Taka}: Damn! Kazuki, our conversation should be serious… bufuu!! HAHA HA…

{Iwado}: HAHAHA… Kazuki, I don't sing well, and dressing like that, NO CHANCE!!!

{Yamazaki}: HAHA… Kazuki, no bands or groups. The situation is getting ugly, you already know what we want to talk about, don't you?

{Kazuki}: Sorry guys. I just wanted to relax, the serious air you guys showed me. The "recruiters" arrived at the school. Isn't?

{Shougo}: Yeah, they started using the students who work for them to get closer to club members at school.

{Taka}: These idiots are taking orders from their bosses and inviting students to their gangs, these bastards!

{Iwado}: Calm down, Taka. Before, there were a few invitations for members of martial arts clubs to join the gangs, but nothing that constant. Now every day there is someone visiting the clubs to "invite", even offering money and "perks" to the students.

{Yamazaki}: Kazuki, some "recruiters" are even offering "Truth" for free to boys… This is going too far.

{Kazuki}: People from sports clubs are also being approached, with less intensity, but they are also. Otoya came to you, didn't he?

{Shougo}: Kujoh-san asked us to tell him about the happenings in the clubs. The insistence of the "recruiters" and which students are accepting the proposals.

{Kazuki}: Let's go to the journalism club then, Otoya must have more information. And do you want my help with something? Just letting you know, at the moment I don't have time to visit your clubs for training together or demonstrations.

{Shougo}: And I was just about to invite you to a demonstration at the club, a fight with me to show the members the "real karate"…

{Taka}: Damn, Kazuki! You still haven't accepted my challenge! Club members want to see your Hayashizaki style in action, since you stopped competing last year.

{Iwado}: These guys don't change… Kazuki, please demonstrate Combat Sambo at our club.

{Yamazaki}: Kazuki, you're a celebrity in martial arts clubs. So we wanted you to visit clubs talking to members, advising them not to accept the "recruiters" invitation.

{Kazuki}: (The situation is worse than I thought) Alright guys, I can stop by the clubs to advise the students. Just counseling, no fighting at the moment. Let's go to the journalism club now.

{Shougo}: Okay, but I'll talk to Takagi-sensei and Aoi-san about the demo…

{Taka}: Let's go! Kazuki, if you don't accept soon, I'll have to challenge Hayashizaki Dojo!

{Iwado}: Come on. I made some requests to Fujimaru-kun, I take the opportunity to talk to him too.

{Yamazaki}: Okay, the more help we can get, the better. Don't forget to give some footwork advice to my club members, ok?

{Kazuki}: Guys… you… Let's go then.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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