
A Jewel Among Filth

A world where a minority of people have superpowers is not peaceful as one would think. People change from power or more accurately, they can act as they truly wish without any shackles holding them down. Give a person Unlimited power and complete freedom and you will truly see the type of person they are. Most people without power hide their true selves under a mask of friendliness and deception. 

People with strong twists aren't the people with real power, they are merely a mascot or tool for the higherups to use. Financial and political power rules over everything, the upper echelon try to keep heroes on a leash and shove propaganda down their throats. They keep the poor, poorer and the rich, richer.

For a young boy who was found some leftover food and was savoring every bite, nothing really mattered too much, except survival. A young boy with cute facial features, black wavy hair and blood red colored eyes, he had a frail body. He was an Orphan from birth and he was born in one of the poorest slum around. He survived thus far because the people who found him as a newborn baby saw that he stood out even as a infant and decided to raise him to sell when he got older.

The child, Arthur went out of the slums to to the lower-class area to find some decent leftovers. He found a restaurants with outdoor dining and waited for the costumers to leave and then scavenge what was left. Today was the first day he sneaked out of the slums and came here, he wanted to finally taste some food that humans were meant to eat. Food in the slums were always dirty and was not necessarily fully fit for human consumption. He fully enjoyed his meal as he was smiling brightly and savored every bite licking the crumbs and juices of the plate.

'It's time to go back, I hear a few people nearby.' The boy left while speed he took over 45 mins to come here because it was his first time and he was wandering around aimlessly without a map. Since he remembered the way back he rushed off and would reach back in 20 minutes, while he was speed walking toward the way to the slums he took a turn into a dark alleyway. 

Three men who were tailing the boy saw this and quickly followed hoping not to lose him and a few seconds after they entered the boy walked out of the entrance with an expressionless face and continue going back from where he came from. Behind him covered by the darkness of the alley was 3 corpses with their heads and limbs severed, blood was still pouring out their bodies.

'I heard them making a plan to catch me while I was eating and I couldn't be bothered to actually try and run away, good thing they were incautious enough to walk into a dark alley. But I can't blame them too much, who would assume that a kid from the slums would have a Twist.'

Most people would immediately try to contact the nearest branch of the superhero recruiting agency, especially people in the slums; they could finally leave this dirty place behind and get some special privilege depending on their twist and live a much better live.

'Only reason I haven't is because I don't know what's waiting for me outside my world and into the world of superheroes. I would want to be fully prepared before revealing that I have a twist, probably just before the age requirement for Hero Academy. I also need to find more supers, so I can figure out how exactly my powers work.'

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